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Posts posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Some people might you know...actually want to watch this later on. Or catch up?

    I did not say who it happened to specifically so I did not see it as a spoiler.

    It's a classic story from many a samurai tale.

    Well they certainly handled it poorly here. Plus I know nothing about samurai myths, I do know they acted as private armies of lords and abused the hell out of peasants like Medieval European knights (specifically the UK and France). Oh and rogue ones are called ronins.

  2. I am not a troll.

    DG2099 dislikes what is generally considered to be a popular series?

    No way...no way.... what are the odds?

    Hey now I like Build Fighters and when they were airing Majestic Prince, Gargantia, and The Devil is a Part Timer!

    Anyway, four episodes into Kill La Kill (what is with the title anyway?), still obnoxious, still under budget looking, still too in-your-face, and I can't wait until I'm done with it.

    Edit: Just finished the last of the aired episodes. Wow, lose a battle and you want your eyes sewn shut? What a sore loser.

  3. Oh hey, Valvrave this week got good again with conspiracy plot, yippy! This week I started watching Night Head Genesis, I am only three episodes in, but despite the mediocre music and slow pacing this is very well structured, it could become one of my favorite non-mecha anime series. Unfortunately, I can't end on happy note because hey, I'm the exile of MAHQ, happy is not for I! Out of peer pressure I watched the first episode of Kill La Kill. Lets see what we have here: Everyone being obnoxious in personality and voice? Check. Bad music? Check. Too much fan service junk? Check. Bad art and animation with what looks like is very low budget? Check. Lame bad guys? Check. Mixing Blazing Transfer Student plot with FLCL art, Diebuster fan service, and TTGL action and execute it horribly? Check. Well, I've always wanted to rank an anime series a 1/10, maybe I'll get my wish..

  4. New Kawamori mecha? FUDGE YES! I can't wait to discuss this with mecha ta- Oh yeah. :(

    In all seriousness, how could I not look forward to something made by one of the anime masters? That reminds me, I really should get around to seeing Planet Kissdum or whatever it is called and that pop idol junk you guys are talking about here.

  5. The first half of this series was kind of boring with Gavalete being the only good character most of the time. Once Anon Stack appeared though, dang did it improve! The OVAs would be recommended the same way people recommend the Gundam compilation movies.

  6. Valvrave ep 16 has officially cemented my inability to give this series a 9 or 10 out of 10. Yes, lets throw in a background decoration, make her so important with little build up, and make an emotional scene so forced it makes Gundam Age look subtle. In addition they're ripping off Tekkaman Blade's "oh man I'm going to die of memory loss!" bit with NO build up at all! I thought this was Zegapain: Vampires in the Cosmic Era, now it is basically Tekkaman Blade: Suckage Edition. I might punch a wall if this ends up being the last non-Gundam title Kunio Okawara works on, that guy made some of the best mecha in anime history and to go out on this sour of a note.... GAH! Toshiki Hirano nearly suffered this from CLAMP's trash of Rayearth (thank frick we had Great Dangaioh). Who knows, maybe Marie dying will improve the series like how it did for Linebarrels after Kunio died or TTGL when Kamina died (seriously, what an obnoxious guy).

  7. what would make tons of cash? especially from the 18-25 demographic? She Hulk... who you want to see... to express yourself in hands-on fashion... as She Hulk?

    Not me.

    Anyway, looking forward to this, I thought the first two FF movies were cool. That reminds me I should get around to seeing the unreleased one made by Roger Corman.

  8. So today I watched the Princess Resurrection OVA trilogy and.... Hmm. On the plus side it had better creatures (hooray Starship Trooper warrior bug knockoff and deformed vampires!) and Flanders actually did something awesome twice. One the other hand the music was bland and they cranked up the fan service which blew bloody chunks (and the TV version had enough of that junk as it was). Renegade Leader you might like this since you're the local ecchi addict. :p So.... Basically in the same ballpark as the TV series. Eh. They really did not need Sylvia or episode 3's hot spring scene.

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