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Posts posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Garzey's Wing is a horrible pile of monkey crap that deserves the revulsion it gets and should only exist on this earth to be mocked and derided.

    I enjoyed it. I will admit that after Victory Gundam Tomino lost hist touch, his stuff just wasn't as good as his previous stuff. I don't know, maybe he and Kunio Okawara were just an awesome pair.

    Like so many others, some so-called sequels should not even be acknowledged.

    There is only Terminator 1 & 2 - no others. Alien and Aliens only.

    I mean - is Jar Jar Binks really part of Star Wars? Not my Star Wars.

    And to those people I'd like to introduce some steel-toed boots. (hur, just joking)

    SO - With Dunbine, only the original series and the 3 part 'Sirbine' Neo Byston Well OVA are considered.

    Well you can sort of say that since Garzey's Wing and Wings of Rean are not canon.
  2. I just finished some three part shonen parody OVA called World War Blue that makes references to the old Nintendo vs. Sega war back in the 90s with a somewhat medieval setting. The action was not bad, but holy frick this had so many problems:

    -The scene in the beginning being a flash forward never brought up

    -It paces itself way too fast sometimes, especially with the ending (almost to Gundam Age levels, almost)

    -Mediocre cast (I swear opal reminds me of Bellows from Gargantia) especially the guy with the pole making waaaaaay too many innuendos

    -Too much fan service junk

    -Bad music

    -Lackluster villains

    -and the lack of closure

    So yeah, really dumb and tried to cram too much in a short span of time. With some more scenes and editing this would make a decent movie.

  3. Haha thanks man. That's a lot to sift through! I appreciate your specialized knowledge.

    No problem. Most of the stuff listed is for more entry level and along the lines of "pick a couple out of the bunch and see what you like". Lots of other movies I wanted to mention, but did not come to mind. I also left out the Universal Horror classics because I wanted some other movies a chance to shine.
  4. Alrighty! No idea what kind of monsters and eras you like so here are some shots in the dark:

    50s B-Movie cheese: The Deadly Mantis, The Beast From 20000 Fathoms, The Land Unknown, THEM!, The Black Scorpion, It Came From Beneath The Sea, The Monolith Monsters, 20 Million Miles To Earth, The Wasp Woman, Attack of The Crab Monsters, The Blob, Attack of The 50 Foot Woman, and Kronos.

    Space setting cheese: This Island Earth, The Mysterians, The X From Outer Space, Gorath, Cat Women of The Moon, Star Crystal, The Green Slime, and Doom.

    Rise of TV cheese (60s and 70s): 1 Million BC, The Lost World (1960), Grizzly (1976), The Car, Rana: The Legend of Shadow Lake, Cujo, Crocodile (1979), Snowbeast, The Devil's Messenger, Q: The Winged Serpent, Equinox, Prophecy (1979), and Blood Tide (technically 80s but eh). Also check out Hammer's remakes on Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Mummy.

    Modernesque cheese (80s and 90s): Humanoids From The Deep (preferably the 96 version, but both are good), Tremors (4 movies all good), Watchers, Deep Rising, Night of The Creeps, The Monster Squad, the Ghoulies sequels (the first was a joke), Leviathan, Deep Star Six, Children of The Corn 1-5 (technically 8 movies total), Parasite (1982), Nightbreed, Creature (both 1985 and the Peter Benchley version), Stephen King's It, The Langoliers, Carrie, Christine, and Silver Bullet.

    21st Century cheese: Sharktopus, 2-Headed Shark Attack, Eight Legged Freaks, Swamp Shark, Wolvesbayne, Iron Invader, Paranormal Entity (I don't care what Keith says this movie can be legitimately creepy), Unrest (scariest movie ever, well, to me at least), Grizzly Park, Grizzly Rage, Super Gator, Sand Sharks, Husk, Kaw, Splinter, Rubber, Pulse (have not seen the sequels), Mansquito, and the Feast trilogy.

    Kaiju cheese: Any Godzilla and Gamera, Rodan, Mothra, Atragon, the Daimajin trilogy, Frankenstein vs. Baragon, Varan The Unbelievable, Space Amoeba, The H-Man (technically not kaiju but it is Toho), Killer Mountain, Troll Hunter, Monster (2008), Gappa, Yonggary: Monster From The Deep, Death Kappa, Kraa! The Sea Monster, Gorgo, 2010: Moby Dick, and Reptilicus.

    Other Stuff: Doctor X, The Devil Bat, TerrorVision, Up From The Depths, King Cobra, Rest Stop, Legion of The Dead, See No Evil, White Zombie, Deadly Species, Event Horizon, The Gorgon, Curse of The Talisman, The Cave, Garuda, Ice Crawlers, Silent Predators, Shapeshifter (2005; Velku is also my favorite werewolf of all time), Marabunta, Mimic 1 and 2 (3 is a really boring Rear Window knockoff), Incubus (that goat head prop at the end was really creepy, kind of weird since this was William Shattner's first movie), Graveyard Shift, and Tiki (if you want comedy in your horror this does it better than even Gremlins; you have no idea how hard it was for me to say that).

    Utter trash but then again I'm DuelGundam2099 so you might like these: I Walked With a Zombie (194-something), Dogora, Deep Sea Monster Reigo, The Bone Snatcher, C.H.U.D., Kingdom of The Spiders, Parasite (2003), Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy, Gryphon, Shark Swarm, Creepshow (second movie was just okay), Alien vs. Hunter, Centipede, Razorteeth, Tintorera (WORST. 20TH. CENTURY. MOVIE. EVER!), Congo, Komodo vs. Cobra, Dinocroc vs. Supergator, The Eden Formula, Raptor, Species: The Awakening (they really needed to stop at 3), and Wes Craven's New Nightmare.

  5. Concerning the food situation or the use of Eren. You're not clear.

    The food.

    Hell, if that worked, why didn't they send vast armies out earlier to retake the land

    Because they apparently were not deperate enough.

    You're claiming that because humanity is faced by an existential threat, restraining oneself and not using the extremest of methods is completely unrealistic in their situation.

    Pretty sure I never addressed the "extremest of methods".

    First you claim that you never stated that people must conform to a single view when faced with an existential threat, then you just go and state that the people who thought of an alternate plan just died and were wrong.

    All I did is state what happened to them.

    Its still an alternate approach to using him as an uncontrollable weapon.

    Um.... Okay then?

    What Armin is stating isn't at all different from what I've seen or heard.

    No, you are actually trying and present your case (very well I might add).

  6. I have a feeling I should try and save SEED for last, since from what I've read, it's suppsoedly the absolute best in the whole franchise, and I usually like to save the best for last :)

    And the sequel series Destiny, which is my favorite entry. Probably not a smart idea since people tend to hate SEED and Destiny if they watched the Universal Century first. I myself saved UC for last (not counting Turn A). The biggest series to worry about is Age, even I had a hard time enjoying it. *shrivels*
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