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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. The A-10C isn't all that much cheaper than other aircraft. Its about $18,000 per flying hour, with the F-16 at 22,000. However the F-16 can undertake more roles, and is far more survivable than the A-10 in a less permissive environment. The A-10's survivability in a theatre that has anything more than the SA-2, 3 or 7 is really in question. That's why its up on the chopping block.

    Other than having speed to its advantage, how is an F-16 more survivable than an A-10? The air defenses that threaten the A-10 can be just as dangerous if not more so to the F-16. I wouldn't expect any strike aircraft to be sent into an area where radar-guided SAMs like the SA-2,3 and 6 were still a big threat though.

    I'd like to see a slow draw down in the A-10 but only as the problems with F-35 are finally sorted out. The other interesting option would be an extended range F-16 for the US like the Block 60.

  2. I lived under the flight-line of a Reserve station for C-130s for 2/3 of my life. I'll never forget the sound of an Allison turboprop. They never bothered me either. Occasionally you'd have NG choppers come in and I couldn't stand the Chinooks since they'd actually make the windows rattle.

  3. If the target is to save money in defense, why not look at reducing the B-1 fleet over the A-10? It's been sort of a problem child since the beginning even with the B-1B. The B-52 is slated to remain in service for another 25 years and the B-2 probably longer.

    Is there a larger shot of that chart Dave?

    It reminds that I tried to join the AF Reserves at the wrong time. Was going for Navigator for C-130s and had the door shut on me with several bases due to fleet reduction and or bases moving to the C-130Js. :(

  4. Going to be seeing a dealer tomorrow and maybe drive away with an '09 VW GLI. Done my research on this car and haven't found many bad things about it. Checked the car out top to bottom and aside from a few dings to the hubcaps, it was clean. Still, is there anything I should know about GLI and GTI's from VW people here?

  5. Good luck Mr. Levine. :(


    Turn out the lights, the party's over

    Talk about a (Bio)shock to the system -- Irrational Games, the studio responsible for the BioShock series, is officially closing up shop after close to two decades of game development. Co-founder Ken Levine delivered the sad news to the gaming community in a blog post today, saying he's at a point where he needs to refocus his energy on a smaller team with a more direct relationship with gamers.

    Irrational Games' parent company 2K Games, which is a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive, is disbanding the team, save for around 15 people. The original team's last effort will be a DLC pack for BioShock Infinite that's about to be rolled out. Beyond that, the future of the BioShock series will be in the hands of 2K Games.

    "I am winding down Irrational Games as you know it. I’ll be starting a smaller, more entrepreneurial endeavor at Take-Two. That is going to mean parting ways with all but about fifteen members of the Irrational team," Levine said today. "There’s no great way to lay people off, and our first concern is to make sure that the people who are leaving have as much support as we can give them during this transition."

    Levine said he originally planned on going the "classical startup" route. However, Take-Two said it was willing to fund his venture and convinced him to stay within its walls.

    "If we're lucky, we'll build something half as memorable as BioShock," Levine said.

  6. I've given up on Final Fantasy. Police cars getting trashed by monsters while a skinny fellow attempts to swing a comically oversized sword... probably with a needlessly complicated battle system and totally incomprehensible plot. I'm just going to stick to Bravely default and pretend that Final Fantasy stopped after IX.

    To me, FF now looks like a weird adaption of Kingdom Hearts without the Disney fluff. It just looked like an action movie relegated to one cityscape. I keep hoping that this is a phase and someday when the management changes, we'll get people that will bring the franchise back more to its roots in terms of setting and storytelling which brought me into the series in the first place.

  7. I bought Lightning Returns last night. I'm finding it to easily be the hardest Final Fantasy game ever, not including the high-level content in XI or XIV.

    There's an easy setting, but I went right for normal and don't plan on quitting, despite the difficulty.

    So far in the history of me and Final Fantasy games, VIII is the only one that I hated and never completed.

    For me, it was XIII. And I say that after getting to the final boss and after repeated attempts, said "F$#% it!" and shipped the game back to GF.

    I've completed VII and VIII multiple times. IX about 3 times. I only beat FFX once and gave up on XII and XIII. I also beat FFVI once.

  8. Nah, go back and build more F-23s. :D

    Then you won't get as good of an air show demo with all the unnecessary thrust vectoring awesomeness. You'll have the Russians chirping about how their planes can fly backwards. :p

    In all seriousness, I'd love to see the F-23 revived as an interdiction fighter/bomber (Strike Eagle replacement). Probably the only realistic role it could fill now if ever brought back which will never happen.

  9. Surprised this wasn't posted already. The 2015 STi was revealed.



    It looks like a Scion Tc and an Evo X had a child but I'm still digging the look and it's the best looking version since the peanut-eyes GD in my opinion. I'm only disappointed that they haven't developed a new engine yet and still using the EJ25. I think a more powerful version of the 2.0L engine in the WRX would have been nice to try.

  10. It's bordering on retro this day and age. Syphon Filter 2 still stands out pretty strong in my mind from the Playstation days. One of the toughest parts was mission 2. Despite having an emphasis on action, the stealth missions in this game were often much harder than MGS.

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