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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. That looks like a modified UH-60 Blackhawk with retractable landing gear. Why would they use a Hind instead?

    I was referring to the gunship attacking Big Boss towards the end. It looks like they spliced an Mi-28 Havoc with a Hind. It's also showed up in Ground zeroes and other trailers. I'm fine with the modified Blackhawk.

    Also not surprisingly. We have a 2015 release date.

  2. PLAAF pilots have been watching way too much Top Gun. <_<

    US accuses China fighter of reckless mid-air intercept

    A Chinese fighter came perilously close to a US military patrol plane over international waters east of China's Hainan Island, the Pentagon has said.

    Spokesman John Kirby said that the US had protested to the Chinese military over the mid-air intercept, calling the fighter pilot's actions "unsafe and unprofessional".

    He said that the Chinese aircraft came within 10 metres of the US Navy plane.

    Correspondents say that it is the fourth such incident since March.

    So far there has been no comment about the reported near-miss from China.

    Rear Admiral Kirby said that the incident happened on Tuesday when an armed Chinese Su-27 fighter intercepted a US Navy P-8 Poseidon patrol aircraft that was on a routine mission.

    "We have registered our strong concerns to the Chinese about the unsafe and unprofessional intercept, which posed a risk to the safety and the well-being of the air crew, and was inconsistent with customary international law," he said.

    He said that the Chinese manoeuvre detracted from efforts to improve American relations with China's military.

    The warplane flew close to the surveillance aircraft three times, he said, flying above, underneath and alongside it. At one point it performed "a barrel roll" in an apparent display of its weapons.

    Rear Adm Kirby said that the Chinese manoeuvre was "very, very close, very dangerous".

    Near-misses between aircraft and naval vessels of the US and China are commonplace off the coast of China.

    In December China said one of its warships "encountered" a US guided missile cruiser, confirming US reports of a near-collision in the South China Sea.

    Shortly before this incident China set up an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, and said that aircraft flying through the zone must follow its rules, including filing flight plans.

    The US, Japan and South Korea have rejected China's zone, and flown undeclared military aircraft through it. The US has called the move a unilateral attempt to change the status quo in the region.

    The most serious incident in recent years however took place in 2001, when a Chinese fighter jet collided with a US Navy EP-3 spy plane, killing the Chinese pilot.


  3. Another interesting point with the YF-23 was its weight which was around 11,000 pounds less than the YF-22. I remember hearing how fast the 23 could accelerate and no doubt the weight and overall design features helped. To fanboy alittle, I would love to see a YF-23 fitted with production F119s have a climb rate test against an F-22, see who wins. :p

  4. Well thus far, MH17s black boxes remain unaccounted for and the jobs of investigators on the ground are being made harder by rebels around the site. Still a number of scenarios that could have played out. I still feel that this was a case of poorly trained and disciplines rebels getting their hands on an SA-11 launcher (whether it was captured or given to them) and putting their toy to use. (They still would have needed some degree of training and who provided that is unknown) Since the platform wasn't connected to a larger defense network, they wouldn't have identified the aircraft they picked up as a civilian airliner and probably thought it was a Ukrainian transport. It's still puzzles me why any international traffic would be allowed to fly over a warzone, especially where there are active air defenses unless they truly felt safe cruising at 30k+ feet.

    Unfortunately, alot of evidence has undoubtedly been tampered with by locals and rebels by this point.

  5. Wow. :(


    A Malaysian airliner with 295 people on board has crashed in Ukraine on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, amid allegations it was shot down.

    Dozens of bodies are scattered around what is believed to be the wreckage of the jet near the village of Grabovo, a Reuters correspondent reports.

    Flight MH17 had been due to enter Russian airspace when contact was lost.

    Both the Ukrainian government and rebels have denied shooting it down in the region close to the Russian border.

    Russian separatists are believed to have shot down two Ukrainian military planes over the region in recent days.

  6. Since I decided to stay on a budget for now, I went with the OEM air filter. Thanks for the input and it's the 2.3L NA engine. As for tires, I'll get to those eventually since this 3 came with a set of generic all-seasons. Was looking at Hankook Ventus for down the road when I have the funds.


  7. I said goodbye to my Cavalier, that had been good to me since college, the other day and picked this up as my new daily. After further inspection, I found it needs a new air filter. This was on my to-do list anyway but I was wondering if a K&N drop-in filter is worth that added cost over an OEM filter?


  8. I'd love to see a secret mission after PP is beaten to fight young snake in Outer Heaven.

    They will definitely have to go back and update the story and mechanical designs of MG 1 and 2 after PP is done and over. The new designs from PW and PP are just too advanced to fit with the classics IMO.

    I'd be amused if they threw you into the original 8-bit MG only you're playing from the perspective of Big Boss in the end. Granted to see it with PP graphics would be sweet.

    I didn't think about them probably using the lightest difficulty for the AI in the demo. I retract my previous comment as I'd imagine on higher levels, the AI gets eagle eyes.

  9. When I say the F-35 is one loud beast I mean it. My building at work is a good 1/2 mile from the nearest engine run up pad and the damn thing is shaking my builidng and setting off alarms while it does some kind of ground engine test. It is louder then a freaking B-1 with all four engine at afterburner.

    I read this and was like :lol: and then was like :huh: .

    I've heard B-1s before and that a single engine fitted to a small fighter is that loud is puzzling.

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