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Everything posted by mikeszekely

  1. For any person at least half computer literate person and with any sense of ethics, the first choice. Well, I'm certainly more than half computer literate. And as far as ethics goes, it doesn't matter whether I dl or buy a boot, because Big West isn't getting anything for either. Now, considering how long my internet would have to be tied up (broadband isn't available here yet), and the electricity to run my computer long enough to download it, the price of a blank DVD, the cost of paper and ink to print a cover and a label for the disc itself, the fact that internet fansubs might have better subs but probably worse audio and video, then the time I'd spend creating a menu and chapter stops, plus the time to re-encode the video to MPEG-2 before I burn it, even if I figure that I can get the case for free from AOL or something, it's still a hell of a lot easier to just buy the bootleg.
  2. Good question, especially since there's so many. If I had to guess, though, I'd say maybe they're verniers.
  3. Hopefully, with Zeta Gundam and this "Revival of Gundam" stuff, we'll get a US release of the AEUG Vs. Titans PS2 game.
  4. VF-1 Valkyrie appeared in Macross TV/DYRL. VEFR-1 is a recon type VF-1 varient that appeared for a moment in Macross TV. You only see it for like a second or so. VE-1 Elint Seeker appeared in DYRL. It's a recon type. VT-1 Ostrich appeared in DYRL. It was the trainer that Hikaru stole to take Minmei out. VF-4 Lightning III appeared briefly in Flashback 2012, but only in fighter mode. Battroid and Gerwalk mode were first revealed in Macross VF-X. VF-11B Thunderbolt appeared in Macross Plus. It was the fighter Isamu piloted before testing the YF-19. YF-19 appeared in Macross Plus. It was Isamu's fighter. It became the production model VF-19A Excalibur. VF-21 appeared in Macross Plus. It was Guld's fighter. VF-11C Thunderbolt appeared in Macross 7 as the cannon fodder. VF-17 Nightmare appeared in Macross 7 as the VFs flown by the elite Diamond Force. VF-19F/S Excalibur appeared in Macross 7. They were the blue fighters given to Emerald Force in the second half of the series. VF-22 Sturmvogel II appeared in Macross 7. It was kind of a production version of the YF-19, but with conventional controls and some simplified technology. Max and Millia flew them. VF-19 Kai Fire Valkyrie was in Macross 7. It was Basara's. VF-11MAXL Kai was in Macross 7. It was Mylene's. VF-17T Kai was in Macross 7. It was Ray and Veffidas's. VF-11D appeared in Macross 7. It was the varient used by the Jamming Birds. VF-5000 Star Mirage appeared in Macross Dynamite 7. They were used by the Zolan police. VA-3C Invader appeared in Macross Dynamite 7. It's what the pirates used, and looks a bit different from the VA-3M that appeared in Macross VF-X2. VT-1C appeared in Macross Dynamite 7. It was the funny looking VF-1-ish thing that Basara took to sing at the whales the first time. VF-19P is another varient of the VF-19 that appeared at the end of Macross Dynamite 7. VF-14 appeared briefly in one of the Macross 7 Plus shorts called "Spiritia Dreaming." It was retroactively called VA-14 after Kawamori re-did the VF-14 for a Dreamcast game. Fz-109 Elgerzorne appeared in Macross 7. It was the main Varuata fighter for the first half of the show. Az-130 Pantserzorne appeared in Macross 7. It was the heavier fighter used by the Varauta in the second half of the show. FBz-99 Zaubergeran appeared in Macross 7. It was the flying wing fighter that Gabil flew, and Gamlin kept shooting down. PHEYOS appeared in the games Macross VF-X and Macross VF-X2 as the "Enemy Valkyrie." VF-3000 Crusader appeared in the Dreamcast game M3. It looked like a bigger, heavier VF-1. VF-9 Cutlass appeared in the Dreamcast game M3. In fighter mode, it was kind of like a little Fire Valkyrie, but had a much different Gerwalk mode. VF-14 Vampire appeared in the Dreamcast game M3. Supposedly, it was the basis for the Varauta fighters. VB-6 Konig Monster appeared in Macross VF-X2. It was like a shuttle that could turn into a Monster Destroid. VF-0 appeared in Macross Zero. It's the one that the UN uses, and looks like a VF-1. SV-51 appeared in Macross 7. It's the wing flapping fighter used by the Anti-UN forces. VF-2SS Valkyrie II was the main fighter in Macross II. VF-2JA Icarus was the fighter they used when the Marduk attacked Culture Park in Macross II. It was only for use in an atmosphere. VF-XX Zentraedi Valkyrie appeared briefly in Macross II, during the big final battle. VF-1MS Metal Siren appeared in Macross II. A sort of prototype was the one that Wendy Ryder was singing in during that Moon show. Nexx flies a combat ready Metal Siren during the big final battle. For pics, try Mahq.net.
  5. Hey, watch it buster!! I *loved* Jem when it was on the air. I had all the dolls and would listen to the cassettes that came with them over and over. I even remember owning a "Choose Your Own Adventure: Jem & the Holograms" book! Err...I mean.... Um...M.A.S.K...Yeah, I'd like to see that on DVD. Especially if it increased the chances of them re-releasing the toys! Also wouldn't mind seeing the Japanese Headmasters series subbed on a nice DVD set! Melissa Hi, I dont mean to sound rude but are you a lesbian because you seem to like alot of guy stuff. Actually, she sounds like my dream girl.
  6. I tried it the other day, expecting another scrolling shooter... but it seemed more like a dating sim. Anyone else played it?
  7. DYRL timeline is currently "non-canon", as it is a "movie" within the Macross universe. Therefore, Komilia was born in 2010, not 2019. You think $25 was fair for Magic Engine? So far it's ver 0.9.9 beta 5. Maybe I should wait until ver 1.0?! Yeah, but 2036 and Eternal Love Song are also non-canon. They're set in that alternate universe, in the space between DYRL and Macross II.
  8. Then definately, the one for you is Let's Fire!! It has the regular and TV versions of Seventh Moon, and the duet versions of Planet Dance and Totsugeki Love Heart.
  9. A shame, really. It was probably one of the better AU Gundam series, in my opinion. A more original story and better characters than Wing, and closer in feel to the older Gundam series. Not to mention that it had some nice mecha without being over the top like G Gundam or Gundam Wing.
  10. While any of those 80's cartoons would be fine (I'm all for SilverHawks, Captain N, or the Super Mario Bros. Super Show), when will the 90's cartoons get some love? I mean, I'd love to have the Tick, Eek the Cat, and Ren and Stimpy in my collection.
  11. Yes... forget about Gundam. Why? Because you will never find a person who will give you an unbiased opinion about it, specially since 90% of ppl here seem to dispise it. If you can rent.... rent as many as you can without listening to anyone. Ppl bash Wing, but you might miss out on something that you might enjoy if you listen to them. If you can't rent.... buy the first DVD of the series that are available and see if you like anything you see. If you don't.... its not really a big loss. But if you do like.... expect to be spending alot of money on it. Have an adventure spirit.... walk into this unknown region without a map. Best advice I heard all day. I mean, for every one person that says they liked a certain Gundam series, another will come up and say that they didn't. Ultimately, you just have to try it and see. I do find it ironic that people here tell you to watch the Gundam movies, but not the TV series, because they think that the TV series is too old and poorly animated. Yet they seem to universally be in favor of a TV show that's not much more recent, and for several (Animefriend) episodes, much more poorly animated. No, I'd definately go with the TV series over the movies... the movies are so crammed that they borderline on incoherent if you're not already familiar with the story. The pacing of the TV series works much better. I think it's more in the lines that the movies are subbed, whereas the TV series is dubbed only. I think it's safe to say that the majority of fans here (and anime fans in general) prefer subs over dubs. Thus the reconmendation of the movies. Heck, if I can find an R1 MSG subbed with good translations, I'll be first in line to pick that up. I prefer subs too... and bad as they were, I have the old Anime Cartoon bootlegs.
  12. Yes... forget about Gundam. Why? Because you will never find a person who will give you an unbiased opinion about it, specially since 90% of ppl here seem to dispise it. If you can rent.... rent as many as you can without listening to anyone. Ppl bash Wing, but you might miss out on something that you might enjoy if you listen to them. If you can't rent.... buy the first DVD of the series that are available and see if you like anything you see. If you don't.... its not really a big loss. But if you do like.... expect to be spending alot of money on it. Have an adventure spirit.... walk into this unknown region without a map. Best advice I heard all day. I mean, for every one person that says they liked a certain Gundam series, another will come up and say that they didn't. Ultimately, you just have to try it and see. I do find it ironic that people here tell you to watch the Gundam movies, but not the TV series, because they think that the TV series is too old and poorly animated. Yet they seem to universally be in favor of a TV show that's not much more recent, and for several (Animefriend) episodes, much more poorly animated. No, I'd definately go with the TV series over the movies... the movies are so crammed that they borderline on incoherent if you're not already familiar with the story. The pacing of the TV series works much better.
  13. Not violent, but definitely just as harmful as being a violent influence to minds that can't/don't know any better. Movies like 2F2F, 'Gone in 60, etc like to justify felonious, criminal behavior for a "higher" moral ground in the end of a story, allowing its main characters to ignore laws that the society (you, me, law enforcement) believes in and upholds. This basically amounts to an "ends justifying the means" mentality and that is NOT the way accomplish one's goals or desires... Not to mention that every since the original Fast and the Furious came out, every kid with a Honda Civic suddenly thinks he/she is a street racer by weaving in and out of lanes and doing 90+ on the highway during rush hour.
  14. As a coherent story, I think the original TV series is better than the movies. Problem is, if you want it subbed, you have to buy bootlegs with horrid subs. And for the full story, you really have to see the original series, Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, and Char's Counterattack. (Stick with ZZ... it starts off corny, but improves after awhile.) Again, unfortunately, excluding Char's CA, you'll have to buy boots. But believe me, it's worth it... especially Zeta. Aside from those... I thought the 0080 and 0083 OVAs were alright, but 0083 is just a confusing mess if you haven't seen the original series or movies. I didn't care for the 08th MS Team. Just my opinion. The F91 movie was alright... I think if they would have made it the planned TV series instead, it could have been pretty good. I'm watching V Gundam right now, but so far, I'm not impressed. Despite being set in the Universal Century, it's so far removed from the classic stuff that it plays out like an AU Gundam with some of the most boring or lame mobile suits in all of Gundam. As for the AU Gundams, Wing was okay... if you over look all the pretty boy heroes and the fact that it's a retelling of Gundam through Char's CA... and that watching Gundam through Char's CA is more entertaining. And I kinda liked Gundam X. That's all I've seen so far.
  15. Then don't. And yes, visually, Macross Plus and 7 look more like DYRL... but for story purposes, they go with the continuity of the TV series. No Protoculture city on earth, no translating alien love songs. Instead, pineapple salad and blowing up Ontario.
  16. I'm really interested in getting some subtitled Japanese horror films on DVD, but I want to avoid eBay (I've just had a few bad experienced there, and would rather deal directly with a store). Animeniacs.net of all people had the Ring series, Kourei, Kairo, Uzumaki, and Suicide Circle, which is great... but I can't find any of Hideo Nakata's other films (specfically Dark Water and Joyuu Rei). Does anybody know any webstores that have a nice collection of Japanese horror films?
  17. Hey, it shouldn't be hard for Kill Bill to be Tarantino's best work... considering that (in my opinion at least) his movies have ranged from garbage with no redeeming value whatsoever to artsy sort of style over substance kill fest.
  18. Why on God's green earth would I want to forget Need For Speed Underground? Just because Project Gotham 2 came out? Dude, have you actually played Need For Speed Underground? I don't mean to take away from PGR2... it's a very good game in it's own right... but NFSU is just mind blowing. And if I had to reccomend one over the other, NFSU wins hands down. Actually, I feel kind of sorry that PGR2 had to release so to NFSU... a lot of people are going to overlook it in favor of NFSU, and they'll be missing out on a great game. Well, there's always the Platinum Hits...
  19. Why, at the beginning of this thread, everyone's like "oh, he's talking about the Matrix!"? The Matrix trilogy had the same directors the whole way through. Yeah, I guess it's true that if a movie kicks ass, a studio will go for an easy money sequel, even if the original crew doesn't want to get involved. But for what it's worth, I kinda liked Reloaded and Revolutions. And I didn't care for any of the LotR movies yet. The first one was boring, and the second one had rotten pacing.
  20. Screw EB (where the associates are like used car salesmen, and don't know anything more about games than what they read from the company e-mails). We at Gamestop have the Zelda Bundle NOW.
  21. The act of being a prequel and a sequel at the same time is an interesting concept, but doesn't guarantee greatness. And having potential isn't the same as living up to the potential. Now if T4 has the same director as T3, I'm going to have to pass on account of how much I hated T3. If James Cameron gets back on board though, I'll probably see it in the theater. I'm not the kind of person who's going to sit here and compain about lack of original ideas. I'm not predicting that T4 will suck or that T4 will be great. All I am saying is that T3 was an abomination.
  22. Outside of Nintendo first party, I've found the GC to be lacking. Even though you don't care for fighting games, I'd still go with Super Smash Bros Melee, and definately grab a copy of Super Monkey Ball 2. Even if you find the main game kind of boring, the mini and party games are a blast. I think Monkey Billiards is actually the best console billiard game out there, including the stand alone billiard games. GC was lousy for RPGs. The only good one that I can think of is Skies of Arcadia.
  23. Yes... the Compendium is considered the source for Macross information, but no pics. And while I do have a lot of respect for Dave's old site, I'd say that www.mahq.net has a better blend of the canon info and pictures. Check these out: VF-11B VF-11C VF-11D Custom Jamming Bird VF-11MAXL Custom Sound Force Type VF-X-11
  24. Because it was. Not only was it an embarrassment to the Termintor name with the gay jokes and horrible visual gags, the story was weak, the acting was dire and the action was terrible, neutered to almost PG-13 levels. Yes! That's exactly what I've been trying to say! That was the only movie I went to the theater to see and wanted my money back. And I saw Sweet November at the theater! Don't worry, Agent, I'm not faulting Arnold. I am, however, faulting the director, the guy that wrote the lame script, and the actor that played John Connor.
  25. Thanks for the info, but it seems the old forums are down until an IP issue is resolved.
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