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Posts posted by THOR

  1. I have a couple of models ready for paint:

    Is the island South Ataria Island or Macross Island?

    I hava a blimp model kit I was going to use and have it say:

    Macross Island Hit Radio


    South Ataria Island Hit Radio


  2. I want to know what happened to that giant Destroid in THOR's pics!?

    My 1/35 Spartan is in a box in storage for the last several years. My second to last company closed its doors to make stuff in Mexico. My last employer got slammed by the recession. Just started working again after being laid off for 8 months. Maybe I'll get the bug to finish it by this winter. I'll need help casting it if others want one.

  3. I guess I'm glad to get any model kit of macross genre.

    I too am not impressed with model kit manufacturers who think that the more pieces the better. Do they really have to cut every piece in half so it can be glued together? I understand injection molding and the need to balance the mold but sometimes I think they go too far. I started out in the 80's with nasty "revellgram" cars where the molds seemed like they were shifted 5 mm off center and they halfway closed the mold so the flash could be used as a kicthen knife and a square blob was the engine but today seems like the golden age of model kits. I can't remember a time in the past with more variety and complexity in the model industry.

    I love the hase valks and battroids. They look better than my Imai kits.

    I thank all the companies who think robots/sci-fi are a good modeling subject. Really, who needs another Tiger tank model kit to throw on the pile?

  4. Awesome pilots but those decals put them over the top! I love the battle pod "kill" stencils, too cool! More "kill" stencils would be awesome in 1/72. Not just Macross but also Starwars, Babylon 5, StarTrek, Gundam, whatever, good and bad guys. Keep up the good work!


  5. if only i could pick up the tab for a 1/35th monster...sigh....and make it walk... and turn the guns into potato cannons....and i'd ride it off into the sunset.


    hmm...my 1/72 with spud guns just to see the blaze of 4 cannons at once

  6. maybe a fiberglass hull, arms, and feet for a 1/60, heck 1/35 Monster. it'd be 1 off or a limited run of a few. they sold a few 1/72 nimitz class carrier fiberglass hulls back in the mid-late 80's... and a few guys bought them! check your old FSM's if you don't believe...


    see you there?

    steel city con (pittsburgh), g-fest (chicago), wonderfest (louisville)

  7. i tried building the fingers separately out of styrene sheet because i wanted to make them articulate and put knuckles inside. that was pure hell building teeny boxes even at 1/35th. they better lend themselves to mill-work machining a solid block. oh yeah, i don't have a mill. my sculpting sucks. maybe i could sand them down to shape with a belt sander!


  8. commanchero!

    got my kamjin! awesome!


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