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Posts posted by THOR

  1. I plan to sell as a set of four pylons and 12 missiles.

    My goal is to have the missiles fit nicely onto the pylon.

    I'll have masters done in 2 weeks and then will start casting.



    If there are other misssiles, post pics and I'll see what I can do.

    I'd like to do the YF-19 missiles/bombs after this...

  2. Just completed drawings to have 1:48 pylons and missiles for my Hase Vf-1.

    I'll have masters in 2-3 weeks if not earlier.

    Would anyone else like them?


    i'l start detailing the flaps/slats/rudders

    interested so far...








    heavy melder


  3. badger's SOTAR 20/20: "This is the finest air brush ever made" it said so on the box. The 20/20 is the American airbrush version of a stealth fight . You can spray a hair line all day long it spray like a Rapidograph draws lines. It is easy to use one of the smoothest triggers in the air brush world. It has a crazy amount of control, and comfort, small, perfectly weighted, beautifully designed, nice needles, easy removal,a true joy to own, use and clean. It is the only airbrush where I can do fine lines all day and my hand not hurt it means a lot.

    Got mine for ~$100 from the badger lady a few wonderfest's ago in Louisville, KY. It kicks but.

    I never tried an IWATA with acrylics or enamels. The guys from IWATA sit next to us in the dealers room @ Wonderfest/G-fest and I only got to spray ink.

    cool comparison:


  4. ahiachris,

    I'd love to get a sample. Let me know what I need to do. I'd also like to scale it up to 1/48 for the larger Hase kit.

    WOW that guys work is awesome!


    I got my yf-21 conversion second hand and as a fair/poor recast if I remember right without having the parts in front of me.

    I assumed the original sculptor guy did a 1/72 19 because I saw a 1/72 19 battroid at last year wonderfest in Louisville if i remember right. I'm looking for that picture....


  5. I have a 1/72 battroid conversion for my yf-21. Did the same guy/company do one for the yf-19?

    If you have it, can I borrow?

    I'm also looking for the resin version of the 1/72 yf-19. I want to borrow the missiles and fold device.

    I'd need the pieces for about a month or less and would be returned in the exact condition I got them in.


    I have 1/48 scale ideas for my 1/48 HASE YF-19


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