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Everything posted by arbit

  1. I can be convinced. But show me what you have in mind. Pick one or two of your favorite "SPACY" suits.
  2. People can get all kinds of flight deck crew from Fujimi and Hasegawa and other garage kits. I don't see any need to sculpt my own. And the Macross line art for Deck Crew is either really boring or incredibly difficult like in Macross Zero. But I plan to make SDF and DYRL pilots standing around and doing stuff. What could I possibly do as good as this? http://reedoak.com/?fbclid=IwAR1qZ0MgbpQmm4HghEROSZOB0KcyWSGqV3GLyVXP13JobJ5rLp0nDDLkw1I
  3. My plan for deck crew is to use the base SDF and DYRL pilot uniforms. They could be with and without helmets in deck poses. I have no plans to sculpt anything new. What do you think?
  4. Male and Female Rabbits! I gave Misa appropriate hair, but really didn't bother with Lynn. They will be so small anyway.
  5. Back from a break and ready to rumble. These are now up for free download, plus lots of variants for Patrons. https://www.patreon.com/arbitscalemodels
  6. @wm cheng Hi William. This is what I have for your sugested "arguing" pose. Both hands down may be easier to print, but I think I could do either well enough. Let me know before finalizing. -arbit
  7. I know, it is pretty awesome. Check out the guys other designs and give him some likes and nice comments.
  8. Great details! Thanks for keeping us updated.
  9. Wow! I will look forward to this for sure!
  10. You want the 2 smallest sizes for scale models. The larger sizes are way too strong. Unfortunately the small size, which is the most useful, also tends to have a short life span.
  11. yes, all made by hand. but IDK what software. you can ask him.
  12. You can ask him why he removed them. As for holes and thin shells, your slicer should show you they are solid, otherwise don't print until you get them repaired. If something is unrepairable, I would inform him. At the time, he did not know about repairing, but his newer models are print-ready. You can find images of his 3D prints by lots of guys on Macross Fan Central and Macross Builder (Facebook). This is my small scale megaroad.
  13. Hi Elliot, Senovis, a.k.a. Minivalks, is a good friend of mine and I have seen many successful prints of his models. I printed the Megaroad and it was great. Please give me an example of a file you believe is unprintable so I can evaluate. From what I know, all you need to do to print his models is to first put them in Microsoft 3D Builder and click "repair" (or another repair software). And you need to print them at the scale he built them. You do not need to solidify, unless you find a particularly thin piece you want to beef up.
  14. Congrats on finishing this beast. Now we need some close ups of your detail work please.
  15. Which reminds me I need to make a male version for the Rabbit pilots. Could you give me a photo of the cockpit and seat so I can pose correctly?
  16. Thanks, Keep us updated on your progress.
  17. Great shots! But honestly how can they stand straight up in the cockpit? 😁
  18. So I made my first helmet. It was very challenging. My brain needs a break. Hard surface modeling is much less forgiving than figures. It came out much better than I had hoped. Some errors here and there. Still lots to learn. But without helmets, I can't do a lot of what I have in mind. Now up for Patrons. https://www.patreon.com/arbitscalemodels
  19. Not a problem my friend. Happens all the time. This is the easiest fix of all! Looks like the print failed because your initial supports were not enough to hold him down, so they pulled off. This is how I error check a print: There is nothing wrong with your printer, because it looks like the rest of him printed well, your supports printed well, and your raft printed well too. All systems go! Your build plate is leveled well, unless you see any a deformation in the part that printed well. And your printer settings are fine, as long as nothing is sticking to your resin vat. Minor fails here and there are due to bad orientation or insufficient mini-supports. I have uploaded my pre-supported file for you. Let me know how that goes. https://www.patreon.com/posts/74404704
  20. But of course... Its been awe inspiring seeing you you work on this giant beast. One of my dreams was to learn how to build a wooden 18th century ship model, but never had the guts. I am sure you have learned a ton on this build.
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