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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. In the alternative, it's sad that innocent, synthetic feather-stuffed pillows need to suffer for the sake of our plastic birds.
  2. Maybe by this time one can get a GT-R at near sticker price. I've been hearing insane (hearsay) stories of obscene bids on these. Rumor has it that a local (to me) speed shop already has a customer delivering one to be modified.
  3. Congrats! Which "armor" did you get?
  4. Thanks for the compliment. What will be awesome is if the shoulders stay intact; my project is actually a first issue VF-0S.
  5. Everyone's model and toy projects are looking nice. Keep the pics coming.
  6. It looks like one of those machines one puts a coin in to activate the mechanical claw to grab a prize!
  7. That looks like a Saleen S281 ("Extreme") with a SRT-8 hood scoop. If I were wanting one of these SMS Mustangs, I'd hold out for the Ozma or Alto color scheme.
  8. I like this idea as long as it can be done with the gunpods still clearing the ground when the fighter is resting on the landing gear. edit: Just to be clear, since I've chimed in with input, you can count me in on at least one conversion kit.
  9. This one may go back to the yellow accents, or some other color.
  10. Also, for anyone that knows, where does the -22 store the gunpods in fighter mode?
  11. When you're drunk, the dual-wield giant moth doesn't look too bad. The gerwalk is still uglier than the -19's.
  12. I opened another of my moving boxes, found another 1/60 scale toy, then added it to the centerpiece.
  13. This is a spray can job. I do own an airbrush, but I'm a sucker for the no_cleanup option. As requested, here's a pic taken with only sunlight to illustrate how different the blue Yamato went with can look in different types of light -- a consideration when choosing an accent color.
  14. You better have your digital camera batteries charged; we're expecting lots of crowded cabinet poses! Don't disappoint us.
  15. Tamiya brand Gunship Gray is the exact color for those interested. Flat white looks good too -- I tried it, along with Light Blue (German Airforce). Oh, and Kyp, I took apart my brand new toy and used a combo of 6mm Tamiya masking tape and automotive "blue line" for the curves. I'm not sure what color this one will be next. I'll ruin some toys with my paints.
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