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Posts posted by seti88

  1. 1 hour ago, treatment said:


    Even with the ok exchange-rate, I somehow don't feel like preordering at MSRP (or MSRP+TokyoTax) these Bandai HM-R toys anymore.

    Might as well just wait until release-date, if I'm still interested.  Maybe this 0D (and the Orguss) will get discounted nicely a bit at release-date like the HM-R 0S...

    How much is a 1/60 0D again? 😂 

    Just pulling your leg. Your 💲, your choice and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Plus the fact a1/60 OD is truly a beautiful model esp with the PF version, HMR isn't even in the same territory.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    Don't know, but got a pair at HLJ and AE, so I think I'm set.  Maybe I'll get a spare later, if they're easy to come by.

    yeah i got HLJ too. No discount at AE but at least its still up...https://anime-export.com/index.php?product=65681

    was waiting for CDJ but sold out at CDJ...


  3. 4 hours ago, wm cheng said:

    Wow over $30 in shipping just from Amazon (that's before any customs & duties!) - its getting crazy these days.  Any suggestions for any other online retailers or stores in Canada or is Amazon.jp still my best bet?

    You could try https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOBK-2823965 

    Should be abt the same price overall but hey who knows if its cheaper to your region.

    Am ordering via CDJ cos bundling it with the HJ mechanics DYRL mag. Didnt want to wait for HLJ to backorder the HJ mechanics DRYL.

  4. 1 hour ago, jvmacross said:

    After all those page flips...there's still around 100 pages of unseen material...so I guess there is still around 43% left to "surprise" us with...:rolleyes:

    Talk about giving the milk away for free! LOL

     *insert Jedi milking gif here* 😂 😂



  5. 2 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Doing a quick inventory of what has been released, I think we are quite strong on the TV series, with only 2 from the movie front.
    What is left on the TV side? Max & Milia VF-1J , VF-1A brown, VF-1A Kakizaki
    On the Movie side we have VE-1 and VT-1, VF-1A brown, Max VF-1A, Hikaru VF-1A, Max VF-1S, and the VF-1J GBP Yellow Tip Missiles
    Did I miss any?
    We did see the custom colored GBPs in Max and Focker styles at the toy show a couple years ago...maybe those will be in the list?
    And the Mechanic Special Clear Fast Packs

    I think they'll do a VF-1A Cannon Fodder with combo TV and Movie Heads now that we are all about exchangeable parts next.
    The 40th DYRL anniversary is coming next year(2024), so maybe they'll do something special for that one (VE/VT)


    Missing TV side:... VF-1D VR, alaska base (?) and what @Slave IV mentioned...cavaliers.

    Also is the TV VEFR-1 different enough to warrant a seperate VE-1 release?

    Missing DYRL side: seems as what you mentioned...

    On the custom GBP's i would put it down as a 50/50 odds of a release. More like to get fans salivating on the DX line....
    who knows...but i must say the odds seem to be better nowadays for bandai mold re-release/paint jobs compared to a decade ago...


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