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Posts posted by EXO

  1. Right after I took that picture, that if you folded the hinge closer to the backpack first it makes the fast packs sit more vertically, instead of that tilting back look.

    I really love this toy.


  2. The heat shield is the one thing that does bother me but I really don't see how they can do it without sacrificing the integrity of the other parts. But that's the only part that I have to switch when I transform. Honestly, I don't take the rest of that stuff out. I have the larger toys for landing gears and missiles and I just use a stand when I want to display in fighter. I even keep the same hands on there indefinitely. But I do see why people complain... we have been spoiled. I'm sure my gripes about other valks are due to being spoiled. I don't even post in the VF-2SS thread anymore, don't get me started! :lol:

  3. yeah... why didn't they have one guy hide behind? "He said drop the guns, not the machete Eugene!" I should do a live snarking post like I used to do with 24... lol. 24 was another show that was never endingly facepalming but had that incredibly fun factor... I wonder how Jack would do in the apocalypse. I bet he can gerid of the walkers in 24 hours.

  4. So was the "Help!" Eugene when he picked up the walkie?

    Yeah, agree with 505th. Good episode for that parts. I was like "Wait... they could go to the place where the doctor chick that easily and they just left her there?"

    I do like the Carol vs. Morgan scene but they ended it in a lame way. It would have been more interesting if Carol succeeded or if Morgan would have somehow been forced to kill the guy. Maybe if the wolf dude killed the doctor or something.

  5. I do think that the show has jumped the shark many times before. But then again I do find that the Walking Dead and the whole zombie genre particularly cheesy... I guess that's why I can manage to forgive it week after week with the exceptions of really bad episodes. It'd be a secret guilty pleasure if so many people didn't like it so much. That very first episode was really good though. Maybe if they did kill off Glenn or Daryl, it'll probably be enough for me to stop watching. I wish they didn't kill off Maggie's sister because it makes her less dimensional in the show. I'm not sure if having a baby will either make her more interesting or if it'll just weigh her down some more. The show needs more Carol, that's for sure.

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