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Posts posted by Jawjaw

  1. This alternator line is getting interesting. I don't like the RX8 but the transformation looks cool and I like the idea of using real cars for transformers. If they keep up this trend and cover a wide array of cars, that will be awesome. Now, all is needed is real jets for the bad guys and that series will be the best ever.

  2. That's just how it is. The yf-21 is my absolute least favorite Yamato for those reasons. I just leave it in fighter mode because it is too unstable in the other modes. I believe I use the term "pineapple standing with toothpicks" as an analogy in the past". Perhaps Yamato will revisit the yf-21 and do a better job in the future.

  3. Reading the "worst of" experiences on products is never the best way to form an opinion of them... if I had read anything negative and nothing positive about the car I own I probably never would have bought it. You can't judge something based soley on the negative press... unless the negative press is totally landslide overwhelming like for Lawn Darts or Ford Pintos.

    It's been my experience that faulty issues with Yamatos are on par with most QC issues for other toy companies... just because one or two people had a problem does not mean everyone did. The "silent majority" of satisfied customers should be the people to listen to first and foremost.

    But your decision on the matter is yours to make in the end.

    Once again, arc, well said. People here tend to focus on the negaitive with Yamato's instead of the positive. IMO that comes from past experience with shotty QC. Yamato was not experienced with transforming toys and were pretty small in the beginning. Since then, they have improved in many ways and the 1/48's were the first to be computer designed.

    Naturally, the 1/48 is going to be more fragile than a 1/55. You just cannot compare the two because the 1/48 is a thousand times more articulate and detailed.

    The backpack problem is hugely overrated because we had a misunderstanding when the first 1/48's came out. The backpack does not go as high as it should - in most people's opinion. When Graham reviewed production samples, he discovered that you can shove the backpack a little higher over time. Thus, people tried to do this when they came out and broke parts. We later discovered that you were not supposed to shove it past the stopper. Since then, I have not heard of anyone having a problem. A lot of the other so called QC problems are just design issues like the head seem or gaps.

    The only downside to the 1/48's IMO is the sticker price. With fastpacks, the price is close to $200. Ouch.

  4. My wife never tries to get me anything collectible related because it is too difficult. She doesn't have a clue what anything is, what I already have, or where to get stuff. I could tell her exactly what to get and where to get it but then it would be a lot easier if I just bought it myself.

  5. BINGO!!!! Score 2 smokescreens this morning!!! Houston, TX at the Westheimer/wilcrest Target store. They were only two of them, and my roomate that was with me, snatched one of them. I was going to buy the two of them, in case any of you MWers wanted one, oh well.

    You punk, I was just there like yesterday and didn't find any. I didn't even see a bare spot on a shelf where they were supposed to be. I live just down the street from that Target. Oh well, I will eventually find one after all the holiday shopping settles down.


    Nice looking, but I will probably not be getting the Q-Rau simply because every picture I have seen of it, it has been propped up with boxes. I don't want something that won't stand up on it's own....no matter how unbelievably cool looking it is.

    .....man I wish that was 1/48. I don't care how big it would be  :lol:

    I noticed that too. I do wonder how stable it will be, but maybe these pics are still just prototype shots (resin?), which would not have the die cast content in the legs that the actual release would have. With the metal content in the legs, it should help compensate for the backpack. Even if it does tend to lean back, I'll just do what I did with my 1/48 Strike 1S Roy and prop it against the wall.

    I never noticed that either. Looking at the side profile, there is a ton of weight behind the legs. I don't see how you are going to stand that up on its own without leaning way forward or using support. Diecast in the legs cannot help balance and gravity.

  6. Yikes sorry for the misconception....we just found out. Whether it is a boy or a girl it is up in the air. All it means is that I am now really poor. (But very very happy! :D )


    Congrats! I know the exact feeling. My wife is pregnant and so is her sister and our sister-in-law. All of them due within a few months of each other. Thus, everyone is tight and we did not exchange many gifts this year. Which was is actually very nice if you have a lot of family members like us. We are all excited about the Christmas' to come with the herd of kids on the way.

  7. I wouldn't buy them for several reasons. One, the cost is high and I think it is going to be hard to be satisfied after spending that much. Two, this is Toynami we are talking about. I am not sure if they have impressed anyone with actual products to date. I would think that the actual bookends will not have that hand painted look in this pics. Third, those bookends look a little fragile to me.

    If you still want to get them, I would just wait until they show up on ebay. By then you will know what the actual product looks like and might be able to get one cheaper. What Toynami product has ever gone up in value?

  8. Damn , is that really the yammie Q-Rau ? it looks wonderful :blink:

    I wonder why there´s isn´t another 6 pages on this thread already , things like this attract a lot of attention :huh:

    It looks okay to me but I would expect that because it is not all that complicated to design like a transforming valkyrie. It's also not as interesting as a valkyrie IMO. I still wouldn't mind having one but not for that price. That's almost as much as the tricked out 1/48! My excitement and cash is reserved for the new Mac+ and Mac0 valks.

  9. I am tending to agree that perhaps I shouldn't try so hard to catch them in the act. Whoever is doing this is obviously having as much of a blast doing it, as we are finding the stuff, and as you all are reading about it :lol: .

    If it was me, I would still want to know who is doing it. I would try to catch them in the act without them knowing it. That way, you can decide whether to let them continue doing it or not.

    Something else you can do - leave them a little gift on the front door.

  10. I suppose my wife and I have a pretty good relationship. We are both layed back and don't argue or bark orders. If there is something I want and we can afford it, she is all for it. She knows it something I enjoy and makes me happy. The same goes for her, too. However, if it gets really expensive like when I spend $500 in a short amount of time, she will point it out and give me a little grief. When things get tight, we both understand that we can't spend money on certain things.

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