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Posts posted by Jawjaw

  1. Hmm, maybe that pic is legit. For those that did not see it, you are not missing much IMO. It is a blurry, thumbnail size pic of an all white yf-19 in battroid mode. You can't tell how big it is or how much detail it has. It does look better proportioned than the 1st yf-19 but that is a given.

  2. I know it's from the videogame, but I don't know where to get it, what console it on

    or ever seen a screenshot of it

    VF-X2 was a sequel to VF-X and can only be found in Japan for PS2. I never played either one and heard that neither were all that great. If you want to play it, you will have to get an all region PS2 or mod a PS2.

  3. IIRC, Tomy decided to cancel these bofore they were released. There's a bit of a history behind these figs, which unfortunately I can't reveal.


    Is there anything you don't know - and can't tell us about? You really are the sithlord. :p

  4. It was very nice to hear that once again all the darlings won their little statues and that hollywood had their time in the sun yet again.

    I'm sick of the oscars and hollywood... bunch of ingrates patting themselves on the back.

    Bill Murray was robbed.


    Yeah, and that was the 2nd time he was robbed. He was tremendous in Rushmore but no one took him seriously. Sophia Coppala was robbed but I have no idea why. It probably had something to do with her last name. But really I don't care about any of those stupid awards. As far as I can tell, the whole mainstream Hollywood is all hypocritical idiots who never spent a minute in the real world.

    LOTR is a good flik but it is a 3 part, 12 hour series. I don't think it should be on equal grounds of a typical 90 minute film.

  5. I never get tired of looking at the Koenig.  That is what Yamato should make.  I just don't think a super expensive, huge, regular Monster is going to sell.  If they made the Koenig as big as the 1/48 VF-1 and had the price $150 or less, then that would be a winner IMHO.  I think a lot of people are like me, suckers for bad ass transformers.

    Sorry but, where was the Koenig used in again?

    I would say though the koenig's a much more advanced design,

    it isn't as "famous" as the regular monster

    I would say you'd sell more 1/60 monsters than 1/144 koenigs

    *a big non-transforming monster fan - not everything needs 3 modes just to be cool

    As mentioned earlier in the thread, it was in the VFX2 video game. I don't know if the original Monster is all that famous, not like the valkyries that is, but I know that Koenig always gets a strong response everytime those pictures are posted.

    You are right in that not everything needs to transform to be cool, but it sure helps. A Subaru or a Viper toy car is cool, but a transforming version is way better. Plane models look good, too, but we all love the valkryies. I detect a pattern.

  6. I still like my 1/60's just like I still enjoy my 1/55's. The 1/60's look pretty good in all modes and make good display pieces. The 1/48's are much better, though, and what I reach for when I want something to play with.

  7. I never get tired of looking at the Koenig. That is what Yamato should make. I just don't think a super expensive, huge, regular Monster is going to sell. If they made the Koenig as big as the 1/48 VF-1 and had the price $150 or less, then that would be a winner IMHO. I think a lot of people are like me, suckers for bad ass transformers.

  8. Thanks for the review Graham. Unlike some others, I think you give very good fair reviews. I guess some people expect reviews to be nothing but bash fests. Regardless of price, it does look like a nice toy. It has more poseability than I thought it would have and appears well balanced. I am very suprised at the size. I was under the impression that it would be a good inch or two taller than the 1/48. Oh well, that size looks more reasonable. If they ever sell cheap on ebay, I might pick one up someday.

    I also agree about the green version.

  9. Both the VT-1 and VE-1 come in insanely huge boxes. It really looks stupid and I have no idea why Yamato designed it like that. Maybe someone goofed up and read the measurements wrong when they made the boxes.

  10. In fact, I believe in years past we've discovered for a fact that they DO look here every now and then.

    Examples? :huh:

    When the Hikaru 1/60 VF-1A came out, a lot of us here bitched that it was too white. Ever since then, every Valkyrie they've released has been a dull gray version of white. There was also the case of the dragging 1/60 gunpod, which Yamato remedied with a collapsing handle.

    Of course, it's possible that Japanese fans were bitching about the same things, and Yamato's responded to their cries instead of ours.

    We also pointed out the floppy backpacks of the first 1/60's. I remember Graham discussing this with Yamato and they didn't realize fans who be doing barrel rolls in fighter mode. The next 1/60 release, the backpack was fixed.


    I don't understand what some of you expect. So far it seems to be everything I expected - big, expensive, and not much else. It's not like it transforms or does anything special. Because of it's size and weight, I never expected it to be very poseable either. It's hard enough getting some of the smaller scale toys to stand up straight. I suppose it does suck that they didn't put more effort into the pilot.

    However, I will give Yamato some credit. Who else would make such a toy? Q-Rau fans should just suck it up and pay the price. The high price might be reflective of a low production and low-expectations.

  11. I don't understand why people keep asking these types of questions. There are numerous pics out there of the fastpacks. They are what they are and what they look like. They have a price and only you can decide if you can afford it. If you want my opinion, I say buy them and send them to me as a b-day present. :lol:

  12. I think it is pretty safe to say that Yamato is not going to release all those in 1/48 scale. That would take forever and I doubt many fans would buy that many valks. I am happy with what Yamato has done. It would be nice to see a few more 1/48's but I would like to see other designs, like Mac0 valks, sometime soon.

  13. It has been pointed out that Yamato does listen to the boards in the past but I am not sure if they still do. Graham is at least a voice for us when he talks to Yamato. I doubt we have much influence, though, since Japan is Yamato's only market. I also doubt Yamato has any idea of how many toys are exported nor does anyone.


    NICE. I am definitely getting one of these.

    Someone did a size comparison not too long ago with the Q Rau as compared to a 1/60 VF-1, and a 1/48 VF-1.

    Anyone have that pic??

    Also, it will be interesting to see how the Millia pilot fig compares to the 1/60th VF-1 when someone gets one in hand.

    If I am thinking of the same pic, it was just an estimate and some photoshop work. Hopefully Graham will have comparison pics in his review. It looks llike the Q-Rau is indeed released so it should be up in the next day or so.

  14. Does anybody have any info on how $$ will the VF-0 cost??

    Probably around $40

    The more I think about it, the more I am not liking Yamato's new direction with the VF-0S. Doesn't $40-$50 (w/ shipping) sound way too much for a small toy, without perfect transformation, without diecast, and without folding landing gear? I imagine Yamato will not paint on the decals either since they have not done it so far. I just hope Yamato knows what they are doing.

  15. Jeezzz people...

    No wonder Yamato is so iffy on releasing proto photos. ;)

    You guys have to take into account that this is a prototype. I mean, if anything, seeing what some of the model makers here can do (like master WM cheng) with pieces of plastic, we should at least criticize constructively.

    For a 1/100 figure I think it looks AWESOME. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Macross 0 series and I'd say it does it justice given the small size. And the landing gear aint THAT bad...

    Overall, I think it's great. I'm preordering one when it's available. I just hope they introduce more of these babies, like shin's 0.

    Again, Graham, you rock! The recent abundance of updates make me happy! :lol:

    True to some degree. However, I just found little to be excited about. Comparing it to model makers doesn't make any sense to me. A good model maker can't do that much with a bad looking model without modifications. Now the VF-0s does not look that bad but it's not looking all that great to me either.

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