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Posts posted by Jawjaw

  1. Just buy them both. I would start by looking on ebay for a sweet deal on an XBox bundle. You could also look for a non working PS2's for dirt cheap and fix it. There is a common problem where it does not read cd's and it's an easy fix.

    I own a PS2 and rarely play it. I mainly use it for a DVD player for my extra TV. These days, most good games come out for the PC and all consoles. It is rare to have a good game that is only available on one system. The only PS2 only game I like has been the Gran Turismo series. I played the GTA games on PS2 but next time I will wait for the PC version. PC games are always superior in graphics and you have a lot more options when it comes to the controls. It is also easier to play online and you have the option to download patches/extras. PC games are also cheaper because console titles have to pay huge royalties to the console makers. Consoles are sold at a lost so they have to make their money in the software.

  2. It's pointless to argue if Macross is Star Trek or Star Wars or Tek Wars:o or whatever. The bottom line is that Macross was popular when it was out 20 years ago but not now. If you think about it, there really hasn't been that much Macross series to win over new fans. Macross7 had a lot of episodes but was a love it or hate it kind of show. Macross Plus was cool but it was an OVA and not a series on TV. Macross0 is awesome but again, it's an OVA. Gundam, however, has countless series for over 20 years and is still going. When kids come over to me house and see my collection, the only robots they recognize are the few Gundams that are surrounded by valkyries. They have no idea where the valkyries are from. If Macross kept coming out with new series, I bet it would be very popular today.

    NewTypeShot - congrats on your find. Low-viz's are getting close to $300 on ebay so you did pretty good.

  3. LOL - I never thought about that but it is stupid to guilt trip people who are actually paying for the movie. For some reason, that doesn't bother me as much as the dam commercials. If the movie industry is still losing money after charging me $9 a seat, an arm and a leg for some snacks and a drink, and whatever they get from advertising, then there are bigger problems than people downloading.

  4. Sorry, I didn't mean everyone should buy what one brand. I think each toy has its positives and negatives. I like my Yamato's because they look good in each mode but I don't like their inconsistent qc. I like my Bandai reissues because of their solid feel and retro styling but wish they had more poseability. I don't own any Toynami's because I see much more negatives than positives. My biggest complaint is that they really didn't do anything innovative. If they put them out before Bandai or Yamato made their valks, I would be much less critical and would of bought the whole set. Since I already had reissues to play with and Yamato's that looked good, I saw no reason to spend a lot of money on toy that didn't offer anything new.

  5. $50 or $75 for a Yamato macross toy is a great price!

    personally I have only complained about the Q-Rau's high price. and it seems to me that the recent "too expensive" arguement has been over the q-rau, exclusively.

    The 1/48's have been labeled 'too expensive' and I agree. With fastpacks and shipping, they cost close to $200. There is a lot of detail but no metal and few painted on decals. However, they have a high coolness factor so price is not so much of an issue.

  6. If I bought a Q-Rau, I would be pissed off over this. The Q-Rau just came out and now they all of a sudden have a better figure? With the high cost of the Q-Rau, that figure should of been included.

  7. Not to be harsh, but this is why MW is a bit of a joke on some other sites. Every thread turns into a HG-bash-fest .. and don't say it was the HG supporters who started it, because it was this fella 'jwinges' who first brought em up.

    Who is being harsh? Not every thread turns into a HG bashfest. There is one pinned thread for that and the mods are pretty good about keeping them there.

    I'm glad you like the MPC VF-1's but you have to admit you are in a minority. Last time I checked, you could pick up many of the MPC's well under cost in stores and online. Their design is far from accurate and Toynami screwed over fans by increasing the 'limited' production number and reducing metal content from advertised. I think they are okay but Bandai and Yamato offer much better products.

    I see no reason to buy a Joon's or any bootleg valks unless you are a hardcore collector. I have not heard of anyone being impressed with bootlegs and a lot of stories of people feeling ripped off.

  8. Sorry, but this topic is stupid. Cost is important in all things in life. Obviously, no one would be happy paying $10 a gallon for gas but most people could afford it. They just would not be able to drive as much.

    I never like flushing money down the toilet even if I can afford it. Some things are just too expensive for what they are worth. In the case of collectibles, it is all a matter of opinion. The more 'cool' a tool is to me, the more I am willing to spend. However, there is always a limit.

  9. Oh man, I knew it! I'm cannon fodder for all guys whose girlfriends & wives bitch at their spending and all they have in their defense is to show my collection and tell 'em "I'm not as bad as this guy!" :lol:

    That never works for me. The numbers on the credit card statements can't be spun.

  10. Great work. If I was to say anything negative I would say it looks like it has too much contrast or the weathering is too dark. However I would be more than happy to have that in my collection.

    It would be cool if one of you 1/48 customizers would document, step by step, the process. If anything, just some pointers on anything tricky. If Yamato never does a VF-1A CF, I want to do a custom so it would be nice to learn a few things from the pro's.

  11. Arc - I'm sure you could get decent money for it on ebay if you really wanted to unload it. Personally, I'm no huge transformer fan myself but you don't see transformers like the 20th Ann. Prime everyday. Part of the new Prime's charm is that its a little like the old school transformers with the diecast and chunky appearance while it has detailed touches like the pistons, opening vents, moveable fingers,etc.

  12. Thanks for hooking up wm cheng, myersjesse. I have been looking forward to the next buildup for a long time. I am very excited to see how this one will turn out.

    I hope you build the SV-51 when it comes out, wm cheng. I would be more than happy to pitch in a few bucks if we were to take a collection.

  13. Smokescreen and Sideswipe are all over Washington state now.  I for one HATE sideswipe.  It's impossible to transform and looks like crap in robot mode <_<

    Can't wait for the Jeep though.

    On the plus side, I found an Energon tranny I actually like.  Divebomb.  He's awesome...  Better than my previous favorite, Airazor from Beast Wars.

    Vostok 7

    I actually found sideswipe easier to transform than Smokescreen. Just dont use the US Alternator Sideswipe arm transformation. That is a sure way to break it. Use the Japanese way that closly resembles his arms from his Gen1 form.

    I agree. I was able to transform Sideswipe without instructions while that was not the case with Smokescreen. I do agree that robot mode is not the best but it's not all that bad either. It looks better if you transform the doors over the shoulders or behind the back BTW.

  14. I anyone made a quality transforming robot, like the Orgroid, we would buy it. But there is no way Yamato is going to make an Orguss toy and sell it under the Macross name. That would be like Harmony Gold taking Macross designs and selling them under a different name. Oops, maybe that wasn't a good example. ;)

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