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Posts posted by azrael

  1. Who the heck owns the DYRL license outside Japan? Wasn't there an official US release of DYRL? What happened to that?

    Last I heard Best Films had the license, but that was awhile ago and now everyone is unsure who put it out.

    One thing we're positive of, HG never got to lay a hand on it.

    For the UK, Kiseki Films released a version. Amazon also lists a version put out by Celebrity Home Entertainment (but they could be Best film & Video). For the sake of clairty, I'll e-mail Robert Woodhead of Animeigo and ask if he can list everybody who claims to have a license to it.

  2. She is a Marine, and it is unclear if she will be piloting any mecha...but we know that she kicks Shins butt in the second episode "wrestling" or whatever they were doing.

    She is suppose to be flying a VF-0 (don't know which type, probably an A version). Yes, they were "wrestling" or more generally, hand-to-hand combat, which Shin needed to know (or at least know what it felt like) considering he's been a fly-boy most of his career.

  3. No one has figured out how to add custom member titles, yet. They are there, as it is listed in the member profile page.

    I believe Shawn has to enable it (when he finishes reading the manual mind you). And since he hasn't finished configuring everything....wait.

  4. Definitely Armored Core-influenced. The head unit and the arms are quite similar to the style of the Tomahawk.

    (pic courtesy of MAHQ.net)


    The hands in the back are definitely the style of the VB-6. You know...I think we're looking at the predecessor of the Tomahawk, or the Mark I Tomahawk.


    The Mk I's original designation was the Destroid. After its systems became the basis for other models, this first model became to be called Mark One.) The MBR-04-Mk I's weaponry consisted of rocket launchers and two arms for use in close-quarters combat
  5. It's at the default right now. When you make a post, on the left side, click on "Check Message Length". It says the max allowed is 1,024,000 characters. So either your hit a forum bug or something is wrong with your post. Like I said, it might be easier to just post a link to the article and have the thread for replies.

  6. The max post length is 1,024,000 characters (or bytes). Either you hit it or it was a forum bug. It might be easier to post the article offsite and have people post replies in the thread you made. We have got to get people to start clicking on links than reading the stuff we post here (Something I find more than often in the newbie thread).

  7. Shawn said he would work on a skin over the weekend (if time permits). I think config and maintanence are much higher on the list of things to do than a new skin. Eventually Shawn, will get a new skin up. I too would be more worried that the board software works than how it looks.

  8. I've heard a few times here (old boards), that the voice actor for Hikaru has passed away. That's a shame. . . and obviously not just for reasons related to Macross.

    But, if it's not too ghoulish, I was wondering if there is any further information on how he died. Natural causes? Heart attack?

    IIRC, he died in an accident. Car or motorcycle related.

  9. This will probably be for the 56kers to decide. They can disable sigs and avatars. If they disable images, then they probably won't know what others are making noise about. But it will be up to them. People should consider reducing the size of their pics anyways. If people are posting 1280x1024 size pics...then they are being quite inconsiderate to the 56kers and should have their pics edited.

  10. *chugs many beers* beerchug.gifmug.gif

    What ever happend to Hikaru, Misa and Minmay? *chugs more beer*

    Won't it be cool if we could see more of those 3?

    *Downs blacker than black coffee* 303.gif

    KAWAMORI HAS STATED THAT THERE WILL BE NO MORE HIKARU/MISA/MINMAY STORIES!!! For all intents and purposes, the Megaroad went bye-bye. Transmission was lost. Kaput.

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