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Capt. Kraimer

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Everything posted by Capt. Kraimer

  1. after reading this cool poll i transformed my two chunkmonkeys and displayed them hugging cause it made me laugh my brains out. ha! I am still waiting for my first yammie to arrive, waiting sucks........ <_
  2. after reading all the different views on yammies, and MPC's, and Bandia chunkmoneys, i am just freaking glad that someone is making Valks. And i am sooo glad that some one is gona make a alpha/beta. I can wait until i have them both linked up in hot little hands.
  3. i have hope. first off Jim Cameron has cancer or at least "had" cancer. I like paul andorkson, i liked resident evil, (even though it kinda tried be it's own thing and then tried to tie into all the games...), and i loved soldier with kurt russel, i think that is paul's best movie. The major beef i have with paul is that he watches the "no" budget artsy fartsy movies and tries to incorporate them into his movies (the guy getting "cubed" in Resident evil). I don't think AVP is going to suck, i just think that it will be hard on all us fans. It will probably be a good movie in it's own right, but probably will not be the Alien Vs. predator knock fest we want. Who knows at this point? <_<
  4. i just bought my first valk, i had a jetfire when i was a kid, (still a kid i guess, and always will be), anyways i was driving to the store and my younger brother was checking it out, (cause i had just picked it up from the post office, btw it is a 1/55 bandia i got of ebay for $27.99!!! it rocks it is like the won hikaru flew. anyways he was checking it out as i was turning a corner and it slipped out of his and and made imediate contact with the ground, fortuatle it missed the pavement by a few inches and landed in the snow. It survied and rocks.
  5. Capt. Kraimer

    Custom 1/48 CF

    That Looks great, professional quality. what brand of paints did you use?
  6. How do you "drill hole" and put the fast packs on your Valk if it doesn't have hole??? BTW, i really wish that manufatures would be more specific. off topic, i know and I am sorry. Capt. Kraimer. Out.
  7. oh, well i making rules for a minitures game use 1/60 valks. I was wondering how much damage, how powerful it is.
  8. How much damage would they do? hypathitcally...
  9. i'm 25, i watch robotech/macross back in the early 80's. and when i was 14 i rented a vhs episode. it was teh episode where Exidore does the minmay dance and i was like "this is so familar, where have i seen this before?" and then i spent the next 5 years trying to figure out what the heck this show was. anyways, i forgot what my point was. 1 1/55 scale Max Valk toynami 1 1/60 Valk Capt. Kraimer out.
  10. Robotech...it started it all for me, but since i have watched the actual Macross series i think the characters were better. That's just me though. Capt. Kraimer out.
  11. http://wwwhalo.proboards26.com/index.cgi it's cool check it out!
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