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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Saw the trailer. Looks like it's going to be absolute garbage. Such a film simply no longer has any relevance, as one review puts it: "Not just because the forthcoming film portrays a North Korean invasion of America, but because the world and America's place in it have changed so dramatically since the original cult classic." Patrick Swayze's Ghost called; he said: get off his nutsack. Now the original was laden with over-the-top stoicism and melodrama, true enough. But it looks like it's going to be f'ing Shakespeaean in comparison. I always thought John Milius did a great job making the action/combat scenes very realistic (for the day). Well, except Robert's last stand against that Russkie gunship; chees-y!
  2. So yeah, it's pretty much: been there, done that...
  3. Must be some o' that super secret stuff derived from Area 51... What? Does anybody buy that "official" explanation? Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything (left my tinfoil hat at home), but... --"Weather balloon. That's what it was." --"But, there are several eyewitness accounts that conflict..." --"I said it was a weather balloon. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. No further comment." if you're gonna sell a bunch of sh*t--you could at least put it in a fancy mason jar, with a nice label on it.
  4. Hehe, reminds me of one that used to prowl the rural roads around where I live. Not sure if it's still roadworthy now; but every so often would see a late-70's era Mercedes 300? that had been given what can only be described as the Duke Boys' treatment. It had the full kit; "moonshiner's" stance, with rear lift and oversized mag wheels; and the unmistakable burble of an American V8, probably a small block Chev. Definitely southern-fried transportation.
  5. Red Devil is supercharged? I didn't know that. It's guys like Stielow who serve as inspiration (in part) for where I want to go with my build. His cars have all seemed to adhere to a form-follows-function philosophy. I like that. For me, the Red Devil wins hands down, from a coolness and style factor. I'd actually want mufflers to make it a little less harsh on the ears though; make it sound a little more like the new ZL-1. You've got to be able to endure and enjoy your seat time. A car that's too loud through the window and too harsh through the seat will just wear on you if you spend any significant time in it, make your damn head hurt when you get out of it. Driving a car should only get "physical" when appropriate--when you're wringing the most out of it, at 6 or 7/10ths or more. It shouldn't beat the sh*t out of you every time you drive it. BUT - from a cost effectiveness factor, the ZL-1 just can't be beat. You get all those horses and chest thumping machismo for a fraction of the price--and it comes with a factory warranty. IIRC, I read an article on the Red Devil that estimated it would cost about $200K to build a car to Stielow's specs.
  6. Rotor clearance will be a potential issue with the Sunrasia-style wheels. Think the largest you may be able to get away with would be 12"? Most all the aftermarket stuff I've seen for the Granada/disk spindles is aimed at the restomod crowd, requires up-sized wheels 16" or larger. I'd say the Falcons have more Torino DNA than Mustang. While '71-'73 Mustang stuff will work, I think Torino is slightly better suited, as they have about 1" more shock travel (rears are same though). I put some Mustang KYB shocks on the 'Roo, and noticed the inside tire tends to lift slightly more under hard cornering than the Oz Monroes that came on the car; I suspect due to the reduced rebound travel. Some aftermarket shock info here: http://www.totalcontrolproducts.com/applications.html#VariShockBoltIns with shock dimensions listed about 1/2 way down page.
  7. I caught a few mins of it--that was the one about the porn star killer, right? Kinda meh. Initial response was: oh wait a minute, let me guess. Di*k jokes. They're gonna do di*k jokes in this ep, aren't they? Never saw that coming. No pun intended.
  8. Best candidate will probably be 67-68 Continental? ed: the front brake calipers would also be good for cannibalizing too, if you can get 'em? Continentals used the 4-pot Kelsey Hayes calipers w/larger "D1" pads; same as used on the Boss T/A cars. Only problem is: you'd probably have to custom fab a mounting bracket, as nobody seems to make one to adapt those calipers to our front spindles (Granada/disk style). Pretty annoying that they only make them for the early drum spindles, as the ones on the Coupes are beefier, and said to be much stronger than the drum spindles... oh wait--these guys apparently offer a kit for disc spindles; and aluminum K-H style calipers: http://www.abspowerbrake.com/pages/FINAL122.htm there's something for the wish list... I've already parused some boards down under looking for someone that supplies set ups like those used on the Aussie Tourers. The prices they quoted me just for a pair of caliper brackets was laughable.
  9. You could always try your luck on evilBay, but prices for complete looms were getting pretty insane, IF you can find one. I did see a seller that appears to offer Painless-esque aftermarket wiring harnesses specifically for Oz models. http://bluewiremotor...e-harnesses-kit ed: oh, Wasabi-san have you got the Bosch starter too? Hah! Good f'ing luck finding parts or a shop that can repair that, if your solenoid goes bad. Been there, done that. Finally said chuck u farley, and converted to a Mustang starter. Meant more Frankensteining of the harness, but it was worth it in the long run. Parts guys were completely f'ing stumped by that starter; closest match they could come up with out of all their master catalogs was something off of a da*ned forklift...
  10. I know of at least one fellow Coupe owner who tried going the Painless route, only to give up in frustration and seek out a [then] avail repro harness. I must admit, I kinda admire the original style harness, for its simplicity. Plus, I can say I can appreciate Lucas/English sports car humour a little better...
  11. It's a miracle! She can walk again! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xvMoJKrGGs No, you can't go anywhere in your Hoveround... Dumbass.
  12. ed: I suppose this is slightly irrelevant. there will always be cars made with manual windows, somewhere. It's only in America that we're on the verge of becoming so lazy and stupid that this could become an unknown...
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNsOiFG351o Fancy driving? My A$$. Dumb luck, plain and simple. They were pulling off to the side at the end to change their shorts, to be sure... ed: the abrupt lane change maneuver, in combination with the high CoG and small contact patches on that econobox led to the spin. the rest was completely out of dumba$$'s hands--they were just along for the ride.
  14. And the most important thing to remember is: you should be happy doing what you do...
  15. Indeed. That last little gesture at the end was probably him trying to push his fluttering heart back through his driving suit...
  16. To his credit: Aaron McGruder is equally critical of just about everybody, not just "the man." Or as one New York Times article put it: he's "an equal opportunity offender." If anything, he seems to come down hardest of all on [the negative aspects] black culture. It takes some guts to make statements--through the voice of Huey--like: [bET founder] "Bob Johnson owes black America an apology." Or to insinuate that black folk today are so damn triflin', that if he were alive to see the state of things today, Martin Luther King Jr. would probably want to move to Canada. ed: I tend to concur with Huey's conviction of B. Johnson. My mother in law watches BET all the time; and I can't stand about 90% of the sh*t that's on that channel...
  17. a beater might not be a bad idea for the winter months? Something like a reliable, old FWD, 90's Carolla or something to putter around in the snow/ice in? That way, there's no heartache if a garbage truck slides into it...
  18. Car control is nothing short of amazing. A small part of me wants to protest: you're no Steve McQueen, bub! But hell--I think McQueen himself would even do a double take. Just. Amazing...
  19. Thank you! Originally a 500, with 302C. Been stroked to 351C, but block is not numbers matching. Good thing is: still has the 2V closed chamber heads. Eventually gonna get a full port and polish job. Had to order the 15"x10" rears; can't get 'em made in that size any more though, when last I checked. She's got a sordid past--been pranged pretty good, somewhere along the line. The bog was nearly 1/2" thick in places on the driver's sill; and the engine crossmember is actually bowed upward about 1/4" [the f**k were they doing in the thing? jumping buses? ]. But she tracks straight and true, body man took measurements and "couldn't find anything out of spec" at all the key points.
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