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Lupin The Third

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Posts posted by Lupin The Third

  1. Just for fun I'll break my no more posts here decision and basically say what I did in the other thread.

    Let's recap since many of you are unable to simply look a few pages back and see what transpired:

    -EVERYONE in the 171CF thread blew up at HLJ's handling of preorders and were furious that HLJ allowed up to 10.

    -I said I didn't believe anyone actually purchased 10, as everything on HLJ seems to default to 10, and emailed them to confirm that because I thought the forum was making an inaccurate claim about HLJ.

    -HLJ emailed me back and confirmed that they did allow a max of 10 units.

    -I posted their response and encouraged everyone to let them know that was crap and that they needed a better policy that gave more folks a chance to make a purchase (just like Amiami, CDJ, Hobby Search, etc)

    -The forum completely blows the frakk up at me and makes all kinds of attacks on my character for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that I was trying to be helpful.

    I started out trying to defend HLJ, shared what they told me with the forum and encouraged everyone to let them know they handled it poorly, and then got attacked for confirming what everyone was blowing up about to begin with! Stunning, like they say, truly no good deed goes unpunished. Now HLJ is responding to emails and basically admitting they screwed up initially and have corrected the problem now....gee isn't that all I was asking for from the start? Yeah I think it was. There it is...my dastardly plan to point out to a retailer that they did a sucky job handling a preorder and maybe could do better for the customers going forward. So that maybe all of us would have an easier time next go around. Oh how evil I am...oh the shame of inequity. Truly a bastard I am!

    So yeah, go ahead and attack me some more. I definitely deserve it for trying to be helpful! I hope those of you who attacked me pay $500 for every Valk you buy from now on and they fall apart as you pull them from the box.

  2. How were you trying to help out fellow collectors? I ask seriously because I don't see what your end-game was. More quantities weren't going to be made available as a result. Additionally, who are you to judge how much of any is too much? Many non-scalping collectors buy several copies of a given item. Take a look at the pictures of long time forum members.

    Your pro-scalping thread was accusatory and not based on fact, only your view or interpretation of how things unfolded. You're hot about HLJ about how many of a particular item a given customer is allowed to purchase, some like myself are hot at Bandai over quantities produced, but the end result is the same. Throwing tantrums about how you're never gonna do this, that or the other don't change anything and only add to the opinion of non-level headedness.

    Just relax.


    PS just read your edit about what people can do with themselves. You're a class act alright. Go "help" some other fandom.

    True that many of us do buy multiples, but with the way these are being scalped you're really going to go along with the claim that someone buying 10 of these isn't scalping? Ok...who lives in lalaland now?

    Also did you even look at my other thread? Because the title HAS QUESTION MARKS IN IT YOU TOOL! I was questioning how HLJ could engage in selling habits that would allow for easy scalping. This is a perfect example of the braindead, public-school education level of stupidity that I've been attacked by for the last few days. You people don't even read what is written and suddenly think you're an authority on the subject. My "objective" was merely to point out to HLJ that it was pretty craptastic to allow people to buy up to 10 of these instead of limiting them and allowing everyone a fair chance. That was it...my nefarious scheme revealed for all to see.

    As to my frak you comment. I stand by it. I've been completely attacked by most of the forum for the last several days for daring to suggest that we point out that a retailer's practices were to our disliking. Now HLJ is beginning to reply to emails about the subject and they are basically saying "hey, we hear you. we messed up and we'll try to do better." That is exactly all I hoped to accomplish from day one. But instead I got attacked by shitheads like you.

    Congrats Lupin. You brought down the mighty HLJ by uncovering a scalper/supplier operation that was going on under all of our noses. We all owe it to your "HLJ pro-scalper" topic. I'm sure at least 1-2 people actually bought your story and emailed strongly worded letters to HLJ resulting in a PR disaster for the company. I'm amazed how quickly they recovered and managed to stay in business despite the horrific backlash you brought upon them.

    clap, clap, clap.

    I'm sorry I doubted you.

    Wow...none of that is even remotely what I said, implied, or even remotely intimated. I never thought us voicing our dissatisfaction with their handling of the preorders was going to hurt HLJ in any way, shape, or form; nor did I want or have any reason to want hurt upon them. Maybe you should have read some of my comments before replying like an uninformed buffoon? Then you wouldn't sound like the complete imbecile that you do right now. Let's recap since idiots like you are unable to simply look a few pages back and see what transpired:

    -EVERYONE in this thread blew up at HLJ's handling of preorders and were furious that HLJ allowed up to 10.

    -I said I didn't believe anyone actually purchased 10, as everything on HLJ seems to default to 10, and emailed them to confirm that because I thought the forum was making an inaccurate claim about HLJ.

    -HLJ emailed me back and confirmed that they did allow a max of 10 units.

    -I posted their response and encouraged everyone to let them know that was crap and that they needed a better policy that gave more folks a chance to make a purchase (just like Amiami, CDJ, Hobby Search, etc)

    -The forum completely blows the frakk up at me and makes all kinds of attacks on my character for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that I was trying to be helpful.

    I started out trying to defend HLJ, shared what they told me with the forum and encouraged everyone to let them know they handled it poorly, and then got attacked for confirming what everyone was blowing up about to begin with! Stunning, like they say, truly no good deed goes unpunished. So yeah....go frakk yourselves! Especially those of you in the RVF thread who completely made crap up about me and tried to put false words in my mouth. I hope those of you who attacked me pay $500 for every Valk you buy from now on and they fall apart as you pull them from the box.

    So yeah, go ahead and attack me some more. I definitely deserve it for trying to be helpful.

  3. When I look at different vf-25 toys on internet.

    In my opinion:

    vf-25F looks the best is battroid mode with super parts

    vf-25S looks the best is battroid mode with armored parts

    vf-25G looks the best is battroid mode in sniper pose without any extra parts

    Rvf-25 looks the best is fighter mode with a plate thingy on the back follows by 2-3 ghost drone fighters

    How about u guys?

    Right now, I am too late to get a vf-25F, a vf-25S and a vf-25G. I am not willing to pay for 2-3 times of the retail price.

    Hopefully I will be able to buy a Rvf-25 for the retail price or less this year.

    Totally agree. It looks awesome in fighter mode.

  4. so i wrote HLJ yesterday and got a response

    and the response from Scott i got this morning:

    Hello [edited],

    Thank you for contacting me about this product. Allow me to start by saying that I hope you can believe me when I say that we are as infuriated and frustrated by the situation surrounding Bandai Chogokin Valkyries as our customers are.

    It appears at this point that Bandai is limiting production of these items to just a few thousand pieces. We are literally only able to acquire a few dozen. This is despite the fact that we could probably easily sell between 500 and thousand pieces. When I think about how much money I'm leaving on the tableā€¦

    As for the order situation, yes, these did sell out almost instantly (at least the quantity that we had decided to allow for preorder did). The order quantity limit had been left at the default of 10 for short period, but we noticed this, corrected it, and have since redistributed the piece allocations to other orders from the two people who did place an order for 10. [EDIT: In other words they DID make a correction because we complained]

    Your "simple request" about the piece quantity limits is eminently practical, and we are once again trying to revamp our systems for this to make sure that allocations are fair. Believe me, it is not as easy as it seems. Items like this can cause us to have several dozen open shopping carts at once all with the same limited item in them, and it's quite challenging for IT programmers to keep it all sorted out.

    Again, it is quite frustrating for us that we have to try to program around, and apologize for, shortcomings that are caused solely by Bandai's refusal to meet market demand for the product. Until they change their ways (don't hold your breath) this is going to continue to be a difficult situation for both us and our customers. I can only promise that will try to do our best.

    Thank you for your support over the years, [edited}.

    so i guess it boils down to the messaging, sticking to facts not speculation, and keeping a level head (and demeanor, if i might add).

    the silver lining here, is that it seems HLJ has set aside part of their allocation to only be available upon release.

    I would like to point out that if you read my initial email to HLJ I contacted them to confirm the quantities they allowed to be purchased. Their employees then informed me that they allowed up to 10 to be purchased. Because their story has now changed does not negate the fact that they said from the beginning that they allowed such large quantities to be purchased. Additionally I cannot help but think that the discussions here, along with those of us who did email them asking why they would do such a thing, DID in fact play a factor in the "correction" he is claiming they made. In fact it is obvious the backlash made an impact because if they had corrected the large orders at the start I would have been informed in that first email response that the 10 unit limit had already been corrected. So your implication here that some of us spazzed for nothing is a bit absurd. No one was speculating anything, HLJ employees outright said they allowed them to be purchased in quantities up to 10! How is it speculation to say that is bad customer service on an item this limited?

    For the record here is the 2nd email I sent directly to Scott after HLJ employees informed me they allowed up to 10 to be purchased:

    I am writing to you in reference to the Bandai Chogokin macross preorders that went up last night and information that I was provided when contacting HLJ. There was a debate on the Macrossworld forums regarding whether HLJ actually allowed up to 10 units of each to be purchase and most users are incredibly incised about their concerns that this was the case. Obviously these items are being very limited by Bandai to generate an almost false sense of scarcity but that is not my concern.

    Personally I attempted to purchase three of one of the items and my qty was corrected to 1 upon checkout. I presumed that there was a limit of 1 per customer just like Amiami, CDJapan, etc; and that the option to purchase 10 units was merely the page default as virtually everything on HLJ seems to default to a max of 10 units. My concern is that I then decided to email HLJ to inquire if your company had in fact allowed purchases of up to 10 of these items by a single customer. I was then informed that purchases of up to 10 units had been allowed.

    I am shocked and stunned that a reputable business such as yours would allow this. There is no one who needs 10 of a particular Chogokin Valkyrie; you and I know for a fact that anyone ordering more than a few has already listed theirs on Ebay and is selling them for more than twice retail right now. I do not understand the logic in denying actual customers in favor of supplying directly to the scumbag scalpers who have helped to make owning these products such an incredible hassle. It is incredibly frustrating for your ACTUAL customers, many of us being in the West and thus having to stay up late into the night to try to secure a preorder, to quite literally be disregarded as consumers while complete dirt bag ebay sellers are rewarded with buying large quantities of the product from your company, and at less than retail price to boot!

    I have traditionally had a very good impression of HLJ. My first import item ever directly from Japan was the massive MSIA Dendrobium Gundam, of which I purchased 2 from HLJ; one for myself and one for my brother as a Christmas gift. I have never hesitated recommending your company even while I have mostly been out of collecting for the last couple years. But the handling of these preorders however has completely soured my perception of your company; especially when your competitors take steps to assure that everyone at least has a fair chance at securing an order.

    I would highly recommend that HLJ considers reducing the qty per customer on these items and relist the stock so that CUSTOMERS rather than scalpers have an opportunity to buy. I would also highly recommend that a more modest limit ~2-3 per customer please be instituted for future Macross Chogokin releases in order to assure a more diverse distribution of the product.

    Bandai has done an amazing job of turning many collectors off of their product in the last year with their theatrics, and I understand that this has created difficulties for the vendors. However I cannot imagine that HLJ would want to be associated with preferring to supply scalpers than actually providing the high quality customer service that your reputation has built over the years

    Thank you for your time,

    I'm not sure how anything in that isn't level headed given that HLJ informed me that they sold them in scalper-friendly quantities. So I do not appreciate the less-than-veiled implications. But that's what I get for trying to help out fellow collectors, a mistake I will never make again.

    For the record this proves that HLJ did initially sell them in quantites of 10 and changed that due to the backlash. So all of you who attacked me here and in the other thread....GO frakk YOURSELVES BECAUSE YOU WERE COMPLETELY WRONG AND ALL YOUR ATTACKS ON ME WERE BASELESS. Bunch of frakking idiotic children.

    EDIT: Haha....forum autocorrection..hilarious. I'm sure you can figure out what I actually told you to go do with yourselves. :p

  5. Lupin, I was being sarcastic. I made that statement because I always feel like I get knots in my stomach when dealing with these damn Bandai valks. I've never come at you with the tinfoil hat discussion. If anything I said you have a right to express your opinion, but let's not crap on each other in these threads.

    Sorry if my post caused confusion. It actually wasn't directed at you. Somehow I've become the bad guy of the forum in regards to Bandai and whenever I say anything that isn't glowing with praise and adoration there are certain members who go after me. Heck in the RVF thread they even started putting words in my mouth and accusing me of bad mouthing Bandai when I didn't even say a single thing negative. I was merely pointing out a perfect example of how someone else can say the same things I do without incurring the same ire from these folks (xrentonx, IXTL, and a couple others). I actually have no problem with what you said. You're completely right. And I know what you mean about the knots in the stomach...though usually for me it's my heart skips a beat when preorders start and we all get into that insane 1-2 hours of refreshing and jumping from site to site to try to find a single damned unit! No worries Loop, we're good. I just felt this was a good example of how others say the same things I do and somehow escape the tinfoil hat accusations and attacks. I figured it was obvious, sorry for the misunderstanding...oh and the poop, there's still some on your shoe. Sorry about that.

    I have sent an email. Scott really doesn't give a crap. I talked to him about stamping the blasted logo all over the box tipping off customs agents and then me paying $100-$200 for a $300 dollar item. When I order from ebay with busted up boxes. NEVER. He didnt give a crap. My response. I buy products only under $80. Oh well he lost sales.

    Wow...that really sucks. It's a real shame that they don't give a damn about your situation. In the US we have it very easy but in other countries it's absurd what customs will do. I guess success has gotten the better of them, and they've forgotten how they got to where they are and their old days of selling model kits from his apartment. I haven't received a response from either email address but they're on break until tonight due to a Monday holiday in Japan so we'll see if they care or not.

    Actually what has surprised me more than HLJ' s actions are some of the forum members' responses, especially in the other thread I started. I've been collecting for two decades now. I have all kinds of unique items and things that are far more rare than a Valkyrie that Bandai manufactures in the thousands but I have NEVER had this kind of difficult obtaining something. A lot of folks here just want to pawn it off as "well that's collecting so get used to it". I assure you if you saw my anime, game, or my wife's Disney collection they would eat those idiotic words. It is beyond clear that Bandai is manipulating supply by intentionally shorting online exporters to generate a false sense of demand for the figures. Any intelligent person can discern this and make a choice as to whether they're willing to tolerate Bandai treating the consumer this way by paying more than retail or installing a data port in their head to have constant net access for the 45 second window of opportunity to order these. But what isn't acceptable is for a supposedly reputable retailer to directly place product in the hands of people they know are scalping when they could be taking care of their customers.

    The main reason I suggested emailing HLJ is that if we don't tell them we are dissatisfied they won't change anything. So when they VF-27 comes out again we'll be staying up all night to try to get ours only to have most sold off in large batches to the same a-holes who are going to sell them to us on ebay for $500. The RVF will be the same, the Vajra will be the same, and so on. It doesn't seem too absurd to me to simply ask a retailer to treat their customers a little better and give everyone a chance to order...just like Amiami did, just like CDJ, just like Hobby Search. Maybe they totally don't give a crap, but if we don't at least say "Hello? Over here! I'm a customer and I'm not happy with this." then absolutely nothing will ever change. Then those same people attacking me in the HLJ thread will be the same ones posting obscenities about how pissed they were they didn't get their RVF...

  6. sorry for my bad english...i'm italian, but i buy from japan...in italy not arrived this product at good price...:(/>

    You speak better English than many Americans actually. If Italy ever decides it has too many Valks us Americans will be glad to buy them from you! I would be happy to help you out by taking all those VF-25S Valks off your hands. :D

  7. Actually opened and displayed my first Bandai Chogokin Valk today. I've got a few but they've been kept stored away in the boxes. Opened the VF-171, kept thinking to myself that the white plastic looked yellowed already...then it occurred to me that the Amber lighting and wall paint color in the room were causing it. :lol:

    Really like that these include a stand, it's all of .50Ā¢ worth of material to include it but already I want something to elevate my Yamato Valks with.

  8. i buy on preorder vermilion...the price is normal in correct time...now the price is crazy...300% higthly of preorder...

    Good lord, no wonder no one can get these. The italians hijacked the shipments! Lol.

  9. I thought I was going to wait for the Yamato Frontier valks too but caved in. Bandai finally made a version that was worth owning in my opinion, but we still get shafted because of how they are handling the distribution of the renewals. They must have a deal with the pharma company's to sell more anti-anxiety meds lol.

    Ohhh....you must hate Bandai...you are a bad forum member with a bad attitude...why do you have to be so pissy? Haven't we had enough Bandai rage? Bandai in bed with BIG PHARMA? Oh silly tin foil hat people...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

    Funny how when I say the same kind of things I'm attacked, but everyone else...well they can say whatever they want and it's all good. How interesting...

    Otacute sold out instantly too. :blink:

    They actually sold out a couple days ago, same night as HLJ actually. Frustratingly they didn't put the word "Macross" in the descriptions so they didn't show up in searches if you included macross.

    So the only place left looks like Yes Asia but their price is ridiculous. Are they at least legit? I try and restrict myself to AmiAmi, HLJ and hobbySearch. so not too familiar with them.

    They are legit. But others did have problems with them previously and the prices are awful. They really kind of are a last resort, I merely posted them as an fyi. If you want a Jpop CD or a Korean Drama on DVD there fine, limited stuff they often seem to have a hard time obtaining.

  10. Man, I just gotta smile every time Lupin posts. I thought he was happy go lucky like in the movies but damn...so hostile :(

    People would be willing to listen if he didn't do all the unnecessary name-calling or saying things like "now that you've had your 5th grade reading comprehension review"...

    So in other words you can make false accusations against me but I am not allowed to clarify when you are wrong? Thanks for clearing that up! Apparently I'm also not allowed to respond with a bit of sarcasm over the fact that you CLEARLY STILL HAVE NOT READ MY POSTS. Honestly...how is this so difficult? I have not said a single negative thing about Bandai in this thread. How about you actually read my posts? Seriously is that too difficult for you? READ MY POSTS THERE IS NOTHING NEGATIVE! Pointing at a cat and saying "That's a dog" doesn't make it true because you want it to be...I am stunned that this is so confusing for you. Here, let me go ahead and save you some time by writing your next post for you using falsities as you continue to do....

    The sky is red! Yes it is! It is not blue, it is red because I have said so.

    ...there, xrentonx's "conversations" summarized in a fraction of the word count, now we can all move along with our lives.

  11. You know, no offense, but perhaps you can give the Bandai business practice/preorder bashing/ranting a rest? It's okay to voice out your complaints but I think almost everyone on this board already knows the situation and how you feel about it from the multiple posts you have already made. I feel that it's starting to get excessive to the point it's tiring.

    Regardless of how entitled you or any of us may feel about being able to obtain these products, I do recall that these Macross toys are really meant for sale within Japan only. Thus the reason why Bandai targets the Japanese market/demographic. We should just thank the fact that we have been able to purchase them outside of Japan thus far.

    In the end, if you really want it, then you either:

    1) Stalk the sites that offer discounted prices

    2) Purchase through other vendors (such as Nippon-Yasan) at retail or higher prices, but are relatively easier to secure

    3) Get through ebay

    4) Purchase from another forum member

    You can't demand or expect for things to go your way all the time (e.g cheap prices AND being easy to obtain). That's just being immature, especially when you understand that these products are not meant for distribution outside Japan.

    Yes. Please do dial it back a little bit. Your posts have been starting to become very predictable and you don't have that many here. I've read the same point way too many times already.

    Actually if you look at my posts on this page I wasn't attacking Bandai or even complaining about them. I was clarifying to IXTL about his somewhat snarky comment that "if you're keeping up, you'd know that it was coming". I think everyone here qualifies as "keeping up" just from being here and keeping abreast of the news. IXTL also made completely inaccurate statements about solicits to retailers. Bandai is NOT taking solicitations from retailers, they are simply informing retailers of their exact qty regardless of how many more the retailers want. If they were actually taking solicitations these items would be available for preorder for an extended time, just like the VF4 or any recent Yamato release. Obviously IXTL has never run a business and worked with vendors or he would have understood the difference. If you actually READ my posts you will see I was not attacking Bandai. I was merely pointing out that IXTL's comments were wrong and douchey to boot. Please reread them before making inaccurate statements about me. If you need help perhaps you should consult this source to help you improve your basic reading comprehension skills:


    So now that we have learned to read and comprehend what has been stated maybe you should go back over the last two pages and see that I wasn't attacking Bandai in any way. I guess the "worst" thing I said was..."And Bandai isn't sending out solicitations for these; the unfulfillable demand clearly indicates that Bandai is informing retailers exactly how many they are getting and the preorders sell out almost instantly. This is different from the VF-4G where Yamato did in fact take solicitations for preorders thus it was orderable for quite a while." OMG....I said there's unfulfillable demand for their products...oh the horror! As you can clearly see, now that you've had your 5th grade reading comprehension review, that I was comparing the differences between how Yamato is operating, wherein a web exclusive limited item can be preordered for several months, and the way Bandai operates, wherein items can only be preordered for ~1 minute or so per vendor. If you consider this attacking Bandai then you need to again review the reading comprehension exercises at the above link.

  12. Ahh ok, thanks! Shame that we can't get the amazon special offer... though what intrigues me is the box art- which one is the right- the amazon one or the one on cdjapan? I kinda like both... hope whatever it is we get the art seen on the other one as well! Same too for the YF-19 pic on the cdjapan one and the unknown one for amazon.

    What is the amazon special offer? I only see their generic preorder price guarantee.

    Also is this going to be any good? I haven't seen any hands on previews and from everything I seem to recall the last two PS3 endeavors were pretty bad...

  13. Has Yamato ever hinted at a reissue of the Double Nuts and/or Bird of Prey? I missed them when they released and picked up a BOP, but the Double Nuts is hands down the coolest of the YF-19s actually made into toys in my opinion. But no one ever has one for sale....or they want something insane for them (last one up on Amazon Japan wanted 120,000 yen).

  14. Wow thanx for that amazing review Lupin The Third!!!!!

    That was like a novel LOL!!!! I appreciate the time you put into it!!

    Sounds like the figure is as good as it looks, I was blindsided by this figure, only new it existed yesterday can't wait for you to display it, make sure to post pics.!!!!

    I hope some are still available in a few months when I have the funds (but knowing an exclusive Tesuka product Japan will eat it up)

    Good luck on your decision with the EVA figs.

    Black Jack's Rival Dr. Kirico just announced....


    Pricing is way better at BBTS than Amiami though I borrowed their pics.

  15. YAMATO WHERE MY PHALANX!!!!!!!, My CHEYENNE!!!!!!! and my Spartan!!!!

    Never Never Land? Just kidding. I would really like to see them go Destorid bonkers this year. I missed out on the previous ones since I wasn't collecting at the time and would love to see a reissue plus the missing units.

  16. So basically what I'm taking from this is that you guys think it's cool that HLJ allowed orders of up to 10 from folks who want to scalp even though most forum members missed out....I guess I have nothing else to say here. I've never heard anything so stunningly stupid from the same people who crap a brick when they can't preorder a frakking toy. You guys get what you deserve and I'm just going to lauch every time one of you bitches like a little girl becuase you didn't get your new toy. :lol:

    To those of you who didn't get one I'd let HLJ know your dissatisfaction at the email address above or the same will happen with the VF-27, RVF, Vajra, etc. For those of you who think this is some "conspiracy" I apologize for even wasting a second trying to help out fellow collectors. I have my 5 units on reserve (2 of which I will be trading here at release so an actual fan gets it rather than a scalper) so I guess that's all I should care about. Sorry that I tried to help you guys out.

  17. I don't believe I'm missing the point. I personally think this whole topic is silly. I read the email several times and it says "The limit on these items was 10 each, although we sometimes do set lower limits."

    Where does it say anything about scalpers or who bought how many of each? Is there a part of the email you didn't post that clears this up?

    You have zero evidence. Which means you are speculating because you're pissed off. But if you don't want to shop at HLJ based on a conspiracy theory, be my guest.

    Obviosuly they did not say, "why yes we sold 12 batches of 10 to scalpers and 10 additional units individually to actual customers". I have no idea what the distribution on these actually was and obviously HLJ isn't going to give out those specifics. My point is that, unlike in the past where product was limited to give everyone a chance to buy, they completely opened it up to scalpers taking most of the inventory by allowing such huge purchases.

    I only sent the email inquiring how they handled the orders since everyone in the 171 CF thread was going ballistic about what a bunch of BS it was that they allowed up to 10 units to be purchased, and virtually no one had gotten in a preorder. I actually thought they were wrong, and that HLJ did in fact limit qty as with previous releases. I was actually trying to clear HLJ's name becuase I thought there was no way a reputable company would allow such large purchases that would encourage scalpers to get most of the stock. Then they confirmed to me that they did in fact handle the preorders that way. It really is only common sense that many forum members here who couldn't get in a preorder last night were screwed by this absurd, pro-scalper handling of the preorders. HLJ could have filled many orders for customers here but instead ensured that these same customers will have to buy the units off ebay for twice retail. Wow....that's great customer service!

    I actually have my preorders in, so I'm not pissed as you claim. But it is insulting to me, and everyone else, as a customer that a company would go out of their way to take a product that they know is limited and being scalped at absurd prices and open up sales in a manner that benefits the same people who have halped make this such a difficult and frustrating process. There's no conspiracy in that, if anyone is wearing a tinfoil hat here it is you with your complete obliviousness to the scenario that HLJ created with their sloppy handling of the preorders.

    Hate to say it but I'm with Rabidweezil on this one. You can't blame HLJ for this. As previously stated they've put limits before and this could have been an isolated error incident. Take a deep breath and step away and think first. HLJ is not responsible who ever buys their products and sells them or resells them. Isn't that what wholesale section is for on HLJ's web page. and I'm sure those sellers can get them for a much larger discount from HLJ.

    Just my two cents. Its like black friday.. you sometimes get what you want and sometimes don't. It is what it is. Move on.

    and yes I will still buy from HLJ because I know they have great customer service.

    I do not blame HLJ for what happens after they sell a product...that would be the same flawed logic that wrongly claims gun store owners cause firearm deaths. That simply is not true. However HLJ could, without even going out of their way, try to make sure that the bulk of the stock isn't bought up by the scalpers and instead actualy goes to their regular customers. Great customer service when conduct preorders like this? Wow...I'd hate to see bad customer service. :lol:

  18. Actually, I expect that the reason NY is able to offer pre-orders for longer is specifically because they keep their prices slightly higher.

    It keeps the scalpers from targeting them as a source, because it eats into the potential profit.

    Agreed. NY's current prices are almost close to the max for what these will sell for even after release (notice that there are no shortage of VF-25S available, and NONE of them sell for the prices asked on ebay)

    I checked hlj around 12 am PST before going to sleep and it wasn't up. I randomly wake up at 3 am, decide to check again, and it was already sold out. Madness...

    I was literally going to bed, suddenly had a vibe that I should check HLJ and a couple other places. Then in a panicked rush got my preorder in on my phone (my laptop was shut down at the time). Seriously....Macross Senses Tingling!

  19. The suggestion was made a few posts back that HLJ should cancel any of large qty orders and reduce the item count to 2-3 and reopen orders so actual customers can make a purchase. My suggestion is that you guys and gals let them know how infuriated you are with the way they handled this and that they should do exactly that to give everyone a fair chance at purchasing rather than all the stock going directly to scalpers.



    Even if it makes no difference this time maybe they will reconsider if folks are angry enough regarding how they handle furture release. And certainly NOTHING will change about this fubar system unless you directly let them know your dissatisfaction instead of just posting on a message board.

  20. The problem lies with Bandai supplying online shops with little to no stock.

    All online shops sell out within seconds, it's not just HLJ.

    Obviously. But at least places like CDJ and Amiami are limiting to 1 per customer so that everyone has a fair shot at getting one.

    Not sure if you're telling us or asking but I don't buy it.

    Like others have said, we have no idea the quantity each buyer purchased.

    It's a bit ignorant to have a limit of 10 on items like this with low supply and high demand. If they had made a limit of 3, do you really think they would be around for that much longer?

    Hightly doubtful.

    Ultimately the problem is with Bandai.

    "Don't buy it"? Don't buy what, that HLJ allowed up to 10 to be purchased by scalpers just like they told me they did....ok, lol....

    I'm not saying they would have lasted much longer if limited to 3 each. I'm saying it would be fair and RESPECTFUL to the customers to actually have a slim chance in hell of ordering rather than HLJ directly servicing scalpers. You're missing the point. The point is HLJ just made alot of folks pay $300+ on ebay by putting these in the hands of scalpers by allowing such a high volume qty. Instead they could have actually put some of those Valks into the hands of the actual consumer and made just as much money as selling them to the scalpers; but at least they would have taken care of their actual customers!

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