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Lupin The Third

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Posts posted by Lupin The Third

  1. I'm not staying up all night. I'll just go to NY and buy one for more money. I went to college so I could make more money so I wouldn't have to worry a bout spending so much time doing things. My time is worth more than money and I'd much rather spend my time sleeping.

    Haha, good point. I don't mind IF I know something is actually going up as I'm a bit of a night owl anyways and my business schedule is very flexible in case I want to sleep in. But you do make a good point that paying $20 more at NY isn't a bad deal in place of missing out on sleep.

    I'm from Singapore and we're about 3 hrs behind Japan. Whenever the orders go up for these, I tend to miss them anyway (even with constant refreshes), so it's not like it's any easier for us I'm afraid :(

    During the YF-29 Reissue PO, I refreshed it like every minute, and it was still sold out when I finally got it to appear.

    Lies I say! All lies! :p:lol:

    That is true, it doesnt mean when you are online At the right time trying to order one of these things, you have a good chance. I was updated to the minute the preorder was up and I got zilch for both the 29 and the 171.

    I've said it before, it takes a Data Port in the back of your neck and built-in Full Body Wi-fi to snag these. Just watch out for power surges and the Puppet Master/Project 2501.

  2. I'll hang around 'til 2am, as long as I know "when" pre-orders will open.

    Agreed. That's been the most frustrating part of this process is the "when". I can stay up all night if I need to, but the fact that we never know for sure when these are releasing makes it a huge hassle to get them. Espcailly when everyone elsewhere in the world has the huge advantage of preorders going live while they are up at normal hours. It's kind of hard to stay up all night, every night in hopes that a toy might be going up for sale for a ~45 second-2 minute window.

  3. maishots.jpg

    Capcom's rendition of Mai Shiranui is my absolute dream girl, and I already have this statue, but I'd like to see the face sculpt and the attention to her BREASTS carried over to different poses and/or outfits. I tolerate the current statue, but I'm not really a fan of the "here is my ass, can you see it alright" pose. Until that time comes, I guess I'll just close my eyes...

    Agreed it is a great version but the pose is a bit fanboyish. It would be cooler with her in a fighting stance or standing with arms crossed, etc. I am still kicking myself over missing the Nishimura Morrigan....


    She came out right at the time I was making a cross-country move and I completely missed out, didn't even know the figure existed until late last year. Now after-marketeers want 10X the original price for her, ~$600-800! :blink: Hands down my most wanted reissue. I can't believe when Max Factory had that poll last year and promised to reissue the top figures voted for that the customers wanted that this one didn't win the scale pvc categoryl instead coming in 18th behind a ton of stuff that can be bought for a fraction of her price! Maybe one day...

  4. When does Yamato tend to announce things?

    Well Winter Wonderfest is Feb 10 so probably then. I do hope it's more than the VF-1A, 1D, and Guitar shown two pages back. It does seem rather quiet from them given that we already know Bandai has a reissue of the YF-29 30th, 30th Super Parts, VF-171 CF, VF-27, and Vajra coming this year and we aren't even done with January yet.

  5. Yes and it was awful. I specifically asked for a good one.

    Yeah I have to agree. I bought two when they came out because "OMG its the Escaflowne!" But every time I looked at them I thought "damn...you're really ugly for such a beautiful mech design". Sold them on ebay, I just couldn't abide their presence in the collection.

    I love them and I have completed the set of all 4 but overall the figures are flimsy and the motoslaves are parts formers, fiddly and lack a proper paint job (except for Priss metallic edition which is a beauty)

    The Metallic was much nicer looking, it's really too bad they didn't do all the motoslaves that way. I was actually set to buy them all and then I saw a side by side, I believe on the forum here, of the Atelier BGC figures to the Yamato figs. I already had the Atelier figures; I had presumed the Yamato ones were the same just with Yamato distributing the new versions with the Motoslaves in the US or something like that. But the difference was staggering so i stuck with my Atelier lovelies.

    the Bebop from, er, Cowboy Bebop. not an obscure anime, but an obscure subject for a toy or model. i want it weathered of course

    Sniper Helicopter Platform from the GitS movie


    +1 for MADOX, though i'd prefer 1/16 to be in scale with the MaK Fireball from Sentinel (which i hope will continue as a toy line)

    +1 on Appleseed Guges, with opening hatches and Deunan in skimpy suit, naturally. again, 1/16 or 1/20 to be in scale with the Hot Toys Landmate, or 1/24 to be in scale with the GitS Arm Suit

    still Appleseed, the Dropships from Ex Machina. in 1/20 so my Hot Toys figures will have something to rappel down from

    last for Appleseed, a Spider Gun Platform that is more than just a couple of inches tall

    now don't get me started on video game ships (cough... Homeworld)

    Agreed on the Bebop. It's actually kind of weird that Bandai did the Swordfish but not the Bebop. Sure the Swordfish is a more "exciting" mech but the Bebop is so central to everything. Would like to see Faye's ship also. Crazy thought just now....Soul of Popynica Red Tail and Bebop in scale to allow both the SOP Swordfish and Red Tail to dock! That would be what, only ~4' long? Go for it Bandai! Sure you'd only sell 50 of these but at the $1500+ a piece they go for it would certainly be more money than selling all of the whopping 12 of the newest Frontier Valk that get released! :D

    Not sure if it's there still since I haven't been since late 2008 but at the Seattle Sci-fi museum there is/was a cool little display that shows CG rendered sci-fi ships that you can select and they fly around on screen and includes the Bebop.

    I also agree with all your Shirow wants! A Spider Platform would be friggin awesome!

    As to Video Game ships I really would like to see more of these, both Japanese and Western. I was thrilled when the Shooting Game Historica series tackled Thunder Force V but they haven't followed up with anything else similar. Their new Darius Burst and Metal Black ships are bigger than the old Gashpon ones but massively smaller than the TFV ship. I'd love the Ketsui Copters, any Dodonpachi ships, anything from the Raiden/Raiden Fighters series, and while the Ikaruga models are very pretty I really would prefer them as actual toys....I could also go for stuff from Wing Commander, Freelancer, Starlancer...

  6. For me it'd be something that will never ever get made because

    1) I seem to be the only person on earth who likes them

    2) I seem to be one of the few people who remember them

    The "inorganic" designs from Robotech: The Sentinels

    They are so different and odd and unbalanced...they don't look like anything else. Ugly, ungainly, otherworldly...

    I'd buy 'em up.

    Oh hell yes. Give me Cougars!


    whoops.....I meant give me Inorganic Cougars!


    what was wrong with the YAMATO releases?

    Small and really cheap-plastic-toy-looking?

    I would like Northrop Grumman to make a 1:1 YF-19...err wait....

    In reality I would like a 1/12 Guges-D from the original Appleseed


    Oddly enough last night it occurred to me that I am a damned liar....the Kishin Corps aren't my most desired toy. The frigging Guges is! Can't believe I forgot about this one. Wonder what ever happened to the Yamato prototype....


    ...sigh, maybe one day. And damn it Shirow stop drawing porn and give us Appleseed Book 5 you perv!

    Noooo! Yamato makes bad figures. All my Appleseed and GitS figures where pretty grappy. Maybe Figma or PlayArts. Would love the Record Of Lodoss War companions tho. I wish there was a direct sequel to the original.

    Sorry I should have been more clear. I meant a fixed pose figure like their Creato's Labo or SIF EX lines....


    Fixed pose would be best for me. I don't tend to like poseable action figures with exposed joints (elbows/knees), they just tend to look weird. For example Parn and Ashram would work perfectly as Figma since they have armored elbows and knees. But Max Factory/Figma does handle their figures' joints well...crap, now that I've thought about it I would totally go for a Figma line of the original Lodoss OVA characters...staging Lodoss Figma battles...yeah, that'd be frigging fantastic!


    Given that Figma does everything from Big O to Kid Icarus to Cobra to Golgo 13 maybe just maybe this could be a reality one day.

    vf 2ss 1/60

    No Macross damn it! But yeah, I want this more than anything else Macross-wise and Kawamori can grow up and get over it and stop blocking the Macross II stuff from happening. Crap we get the damned rocker boy YFs from M7 but not the VF-2SS? Ridiculous....

  7. Amen to that!

    And the Highway Star too, by Yamato.

    A 1/10 Viper from Viper's Creed would be epic, and I'd be in trouble if Yamato decided to finish their 1/24 Patlabor line by adding a Griffon, Type Zero and Helldiver

    Oh how I would love this, plus a reissue of the previous 1/24 Yamato Patlabors. I was out of collecting when they released and haven't been able to grab one for a decent price yet. I would LOVE for Yamato to kick the line back into gear this year; it is the 25th Anniversary after all! I'd only want....

    Reissue of the Ingrams

    Type J-9 Griffon

    Type AV-0 Peacemaker

    Hal X-10

    Dolphin/Space Dolphin


    Type 99 Roadrunner


    A proper Brocken figure that doesn't fall apart (CMS) and includes proper military weapons and not a damned metal bar (Revoltech)


    and the Griffon's woefully underrepresented predecessor, the Phantom.

    That's not too much to ask is it? :D

  8. To be honest, I'm much more a fighter mode person.

    And although this may horrify many on this thread, the VF-4, is actually one of my least favorite VFs.

    Nice engineering on the toy though.


    Agreed. The Battroid just looks weird. Clearly an after thought in comparison to the rest. The fighter mode however is awesome. I don't even want to transform mine!

    It's alright Graham, I'm the same way with preferring fighter mode.

    As for not liking the VF-4 it's ok, people like what they like. For me it's the VF-17, for the life of me I can not understand why people like it so much. Particularly the Yamato version, it's so chubby looking in fighter mode. It's all good though. ;)


    I agree with this too. the 171 is a much better version of the mech (in all modes)...but the Yamato VF-17s just look like toys for children to me.

  9. post-2996-0-62131800-1358673755_thumb.jpg


    Good call! I think this was my 2nd "official" anime ever. I'd seen stuff like Robotech and Voltron on TV of course, but as far as unedited, straight up anime it would be the US Renditions release of Appleseed and Animeigo's Madox-01 that got me started. Back in the clamshell/hardcase VHS days.

    - Super Dimension Century Orguss: Orguss, Nekick

    - Mobile Police Patlabor: Peacemaker, Type Zero (from Wave in 1/48 would be great, and while they are at it also re-release the bloody Patlabor!!!)

    - The Vision of Escaflowne: Escaflowne and Alan Shezar's Guymelef

    - Panzer World Galiant: Galiant (TV and OVA version)

    - Five Star Stories: Junchoon and the rest (affordable 1/100 scale kits that are articulate)

    - Genesis Climber Mospeada: once and for all A PROPER TRANSFORMING TOY on par with Bandai/Yamato!!!!

    Could go for any of these, thought I'd want them all as toys not models.

    Oh, and while I think of it - posisbly streatching the definition of "Mech" here a little bit, but a "collectors" Dalek. Again, there have been plenty of toys but nothing sort of "Chogokin" standard. I have one of the "Ironside" variants and its a real shame it doesn't have a voice feature to deliver the best Dalek line ever:

    Nah....it's the closest thing to a Euro-Mech so I say run with it!

    I'd want Wave to make that damned ODK SR-4 Last Junchoon figure (from Five Star Stories) they were actually going to release until it simply...didn't happen. Most severe mecha figure tease I've ever suffered :(

    I'd love any/all of the FSS Mech as actual figures, hands down they are the coolest Mech designs ever! The garage kits are great for skilled modelers with tons of time, but the couple plastic kits I've played around with never come out looking even close to the publicity/box shots. A nice large ~1/60 figure series would rock! Or maybe that's too big....not sure of the scale, they'd probably need to be around 1/72 or 1/100, whatever scale would put them in line with Yamato's 1/48. I'm hoping Nagano's recent tease about a new product that isn't a garage kit means they are finally doing this.

    One release, or lack thereof, that still stuns me to this day are the elf ladies from Lodoss War, Deedlit & Pirotessa


    I would LOVE a 1/6-1/8 figure of these, preferably by Yamato!

  10. Been looking around a bit trying to find some recent info on Sentinel's Detonator Orgun figure, which got me thinking about other, obscure shows and what I'd want in a perfect world if I could convince one toy company to make my "dream" figure(s). And I almost instantly came up with this.....


    The mechs of Kishin Heidan/Kishin Corps. For anyone unfamiliar with the series it was one of the early Pioneer shows that threw Nazis, Aliens, and Giant Robots into the mix in a very retro-themed action series. Personally I really enjoyed the brief series and every now and then I see some Chogokin or another with similar styling that makes me wish someone would tackle the series. My first choice would be Max Factory simply because their Big O is beyond stunning and built like a brick. As a fall-back I'd ask Bandai to put any/all of the show's mechs into the Soul of Chogokin line.

    So just for fun, in a perfect world what non-Macross Mech(s) or Anime figure(s) would you command and from whom?

  11. Is it safe to put the armor packs and leave the valk in battloid mode for a long period?

    My V1 Ozma suffered cracks due to the weight of the armor. Glad I sold it on time.

    I was wondering something similar. Is there a way to pad or protect your valk from being scuffed up by the Super Parts?

  12. So, given that most pre-orders start around 2am in the morning (on the West Coast), and last maybe five minutes, how does a person manage to be in the right place at the right time to place an order? I'm curious as to how the bulk buyers manage to purchase everything before anyone wakes up. Any insight...

    I'm guessing the bulk buyers are in Japan, where it is late afternoon or early evening when preorders tend to go up, or in Europe where it is early morning. Those of us in the US just get the fun of staying up all night to try to preorder. Which doesn't always work so well for anyone who has a job, school, life and isn't just sitting around all day collecting a government check and not contributing to society. So yeah...it's kind of ridiculous...Basically those of us in the US have the option of staying up absurdly late to try to get a preorder, preordering at an inflated price (ie NY and a couple others), or paying after market prices.

  13. Where/how do you get the news that there is a release coming or what site to order from when it does happen, my understanding is you can only order them for about 5-10 minutes and they're gone.

    Problem is there isn't always any clue when they are going up. Sure they get announced on Tamashii web but they don't even bother to give a date that preorders are going live, so it is often a crapshoot. Last time however a member here had gotten word from someon at CDJapan as to when preorders were going up. This happened to coincide with Amiami, Hobby Search, NY and if I recall correctly Anime Export sold them about 2 hours later. HLJ however held theirs for a couple day. My advice, watch the forum like a hawk. If you miss out you can usually preorder with NY for only a little bit more than retail, at least in the first few hours.

  14. Hey we don't know that yet, Bandai might squeeze in a VF-25F/S reissue right before the RVF drops.

    True, the YF-29 30th Reissue in March kind of came along from out of the blue.

  15. @ Lupin

    to be honest i don't get how you interpreted my post as an attack on you, or that i had singled you out. have i done so in this or the other threads? or for that matter, have i attacked anyone in this forum ever, veiled or otherwise? check my post history please. because despite what you think, there are people here who agree with your point of view, and you are not alone in your frustration over the situation. so what i wrote about speculation and keeping a level head applies to all, not just you, despite what you may think.

    if you felt slighted, i apologize. it wasn't intended, nor do i stand to gain anything from it.

    but frankly, up until you started claiming you were being attacked, i found none of the earlier posts from other members were of that sort. perhaps a few were in jest, perhaps some were too veiled that i didn't pick up on it, but none of them deserved the verbal abuse they got for expressing a different point of view or for questioning what is fact or speculation.

    so if i may ask you nicely: desist from making accusations about me for a perceived slight.

    Apologies for misunderstanding your comments. I guess the barrage of attacks the last few days has me overly sensitive and I misread what you were saying. My bad. Let us engaged in the Macross Fighter Acrobatic Sky Dance of Love!

  16. Cool news. Not loving the new design, but then I really didn't like SAC's character design...way too far from the books or Oshii's films for my liking. Still exciting news.


    This is a good year for Cyberpunk (Psycho-Pass is great too)

    I am totally pumped about all the news/teasers about CDProject's Cyberpunk that came out in the last few days!

  17. Whoa, whoa---I just closed the wrong thread and had to re-open, thinking that THIS was the "HLJ scalping" thread. Yeesh, what happened? I may have to move the last dozen posts from here over to there, then close THAT thread.

    Can you keep your arguments to a single thread please, and not duplicate everything across the boards? :p

    I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. :lol:

    Heheh lupin has magical powers I didn't know that

    Lupin has the magical power to make ladies' panties disappear...apparently it also affects the time space continuum of web forums as well. Plus I'm a fairly decent jewel thief also...maybe I should round up the gang and pull off a hesit at the Chogokin factory? Valks for all my forum peeps! :lol:

  18. There's an echo or am I still in the other thread.....? Is it the matrix?

    There is no spoon kicker....there is no spoon....

    Like I said in the other thread all that's going on is I'm pointing out the same thing over and over again to people attacking me, they ignore what I actually said instead creating these weird conspiracy theories, attack me some more, and then I rebut. So I will officially drop it for the good of the forum. I hope everyone has the most wonderful of weeks and I love all of you guys. :D

  19. I vote for a thread lock

    Honestly I'll just stop posting. All that's going on is I'm pointing out the same thing over and over again to people attacking me, they ignore what I actually said instead creating these weird conspiracy theories, attack me some more, and then I rebut. So I will officially drop it for the good of the forum. Maybe someone can tell the crossover threads. :lol:

  20. Me too. Let's lock it up!


    Nahhh....I'm sure everyone would just prefer I get banned that way they can just attack me without rebuttal! Actually I find it strange that after 4-5 days people are still on me. Seriously just let it the frakk go people! If you stop attacking me I'll stop replying....GASP! What a crazy concept!

    this reminds me of those comic book crossovers where you had to read a dozen different books to get the whole story... but in this case it's a half dozen threads.

    Hahahaha...that is hilarious. I actually think that's what happened in the RVF thread. They attacked me for "bad mouthing" Bandai...which didn't even occur. I think they were confused about which thread they were posting in. But I like where you are going with this....Super Dimensional Macross Hyper Forum Thread Battle Crossover....featuring Gundam and Hello Kitty!

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