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Posts posted by GMANIFESS

  1. oh.. wow....

    Predaking is one of the few G1 toys i never had...

    The original Predacons done properly.... :o i may have to bite on this. But only if he is atleast 12" tall combined. Always hated how small the G1 combiners were.

    I hope it hits in 2013, cuz 2012 has my collecting money spent. Between Voltron Classics, Masterpiece TF's, Metal Gear Rex & 30th Macross... :blink:

  2. Glad Thundercracker is finally making it state-side. Although it's an easy pass for folks that have iGear Lightning.

    Indeed. And i commend the third party companies, because, for years, Hasbro acted like they had no interest in putting out Thundercracker. Which is absurd... but regardless, at least they are finally paying attention.

  3. An earth related story where humans went back to their old habits & started fighting each other. Then we can see more in-atmosphere Valk on Valk dogfights like those teased in Zero & Plus. Then maybe half-way thru the series some new threat emerges..... and instead of a love triangle soap opera, maybe an actual threesome this time.... :rolleyes:just joking.... -_-

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