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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. https://deadline.com/2021/02/christopher-plummer-dies-91-sound-of-music-all-the-money-in-the-world-star-1234688379/ Thanks for the most iconic scene in a movie for me in my early years.
  2. New trailer of Fate (Not Stay Night): Winx Saga Well, well, well. Please Netflix, DON'T frakk with Sandman, ok?
  3. Good Please delete this thread. But why TMZ make this error?
  4. Godspeed. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/2074207/bond-girl-tanya-roberts-dead-collapsed-christmas-eve/
  5. So... like Tremere in WotD Not a fairies, it's a bunch of witchs.
  6. Habemus Snake https://deadline.com/2020/12/oscar-isaac-solid-snake-sonys-metal-gear-solid-movie-1234650259/
  7. With Warner prioritizing all his movie in HBOMax What rest to convencional cinema?
  8. Chinese trailer. With more monsters and weapons
  9. A New Looney Tunes Back in Action for new generation
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