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Posts posted by frothymug

  1. My girlfriend finally got around to watching all of season 3, and I watched much of it by being in proximity. I liked this season way better than the others, as the writing and story felt much more complete. The finale was pretty shocking, of course, and it all really had an Empire Strikes Back feel to it. People died, disappeared, lost all hope; and the situation became very dire. But there are still some who continue to forge on, even without friends and mentors to support them. Even though I'm not a huge fan, I am very curious to see what direction the show goes next year.

  2. You should watch it a couple of times more. I feel that it is a bit too cluttered with different story bits but if you watch it several times this goes away and you can concentrate more on the core of the story in this episode.

    You shouldn't have to watch it several times to catch everything, but that's just the reality of this offering. I've only seen it once, but I'm sure you're right. It's just the principle that bugs me.

  3. Cool! Thanks for the quick synopsis.

    Just watched the first episode of Luck & Logic and I'm interested to see what comes next. It has elements of several shows I've seen, but it still has a unique feel to it. I see a heavy influence from stuff like Campione!, Irregular at Magic High School, and Soul Eater. The male MC seems to be a likeable guy with no signs of emotional baggage and demonstrates a high level of competency right out of the gate. I hope that his female counterpart also delivers on as many levels in the episodes to come.

  4. I finally twisted my own arm and watched One Punch Man. Such a fun show to watch! I laughed a lot and the over-the-top action scenes brought a big smile to my face. I especially loved how the bad guys rarely got a chance to monologue before someone got punched in the face, regardless of who was fighting. It's almost as if they were making fun of DBZ in a way...

    Great show. Will recommend.

    I'll be looking out for Gate season 2, Luck & Logic, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, and Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku Wo this season.

  5. Took me a very long time to read through all of this, but I wanted to at least throw my two cent's worth in.

    I watched Mission 0.89 over a week ago, so it's had time to set in. I didn't like it, overall. I have the same complaints as everyone else who didn't quite enjoy it. I think that Kotaku article you guys are hating on really does encapsulate most of my feelings towards the preview episode. I watched it with my girlfriend, who has watched Frontier, Plus, and Zero with me. She likes Frontier, but even she was laughing at Delta and apologizing to me for how bad she thought it was. I couldn't defend it.

    I'm still looking forward to seeing what the series brings and I hope that things get explained, as several people have mentioned already. I just get such a Macross 7 vibe from it, and I wasn't a big fan of that series either. The dogfight scene was awesome and remains the sole glimmer of hope for this series. However, the magical girl aspect was just too much. Also, there are too many damn characters and to have been introduced to pretty much all of them so quickly makes this episode seem like a giant cluster-F. I feel like this episode leaves science fiction and strays too far into science fantasy. I love Macross because it's considered to be a real robot show, while I very much dislike super robots. I am reminded of Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law, where this technology is apparently too advanced to be distinguished from magic.

    Oh, and Mikumo is best waifu.

  6. Wasn't Space X doing experiments with the Grasshopper vehicle before Blue Origin, and the Monday's landing was with a operational launch vehicle that had just launched multiple satellites into orbit?

    Yeah, the difference is that BO launched vertically and then came back down. SpaceX had to recover from a large horizontal velocity and return to nearby the launching point. I think both vehicles crossed the Von Karman line, but there was a pretty significant difference in mission design.

    Still, SpaceX has been launching into orbit for quite a while now. It shouldn't diminish what Blue Origin has done in what can be regarded as one of its very first flights.

  7. While I love a lot of the stuff they've shown in SC, I've been extremely skeptical that Roberts can deliver on these mountains of promises he's been making since the kickstarter began. I remain very cautiously optimistic and I refuse to sink a single dollar until the game is nearing completion.

  8. Or maybe if you get into a combat situation, a standard console gamepad controller pops out of the console, and the computers go into "melee mode," where you just press button combos like a fighting game? I don't know if I want to imagine what a fighting game would be like from a first-person viewpoint though.

    Sounds like Megas XLR. Loved that show.

  9. So, maybe this question has been cleared up about 40 pages ago, but I'm gonna ask anyway.

    At the end of Zero, Shin claims that the "fallout" from the reaction bombs will kill the Mayan residents. I thought that reaction bombs were pair-annihilation bombs, and not nuclear. Was this a mistranslation on the subs I watched?

  10. Maybe I've just become sensitive to the subject because I'm tired of seeing the same tropes in every anime that comes out nowadays. Take, for example, The Asterisk War. Beautifully animated, but the story is pretty typical, and every major trope you can think of has been mentioned by reviewers.

    I haven't been able to find any good series to get excited about since Aldnoah Zero. And even that had a really overused trope: the overpowered MC.

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