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Posts posted by frothymug

  1. If you get reimbursed for travel, why not take a beautiful boat ride to and from work every day?? I'm also enjoying the environment out here. I loved Texas, but I think I will do just great here too.

    So, building off of one of my recent posts, do you guys ever find out about concept designs being pitched to the public and just roll your eyes as you watch a video or read a description?

  2. Has anyone played Cities: Skylines? I've been eyeing this game for months and I'm still waiting for a good reason to pull the trigger on buying this one. I used to be a huge SimCity fan. I played SC 2000 for endless hours on my old Packard Bell 486-SX 25 MHz computer. SimCity 3000 was a great sequel, and then I lost interest when SC4 came out. I haven't played the new SimCity, as the reviews for it were awful. Is Cities: Skylines the answer to my city simulation desires?

  3. Knight26, where are you living at?

    I haven't used my car since moving here... mostly because it needs a new hydraulic clutch slave cylinder, but I can get anywhere I need to go by bicycle or mass transit. I'm saving ass-tons of money on not having to buy gas. UW gives me an unlimited transit pass, so it's basically free.

  4. You probably should turn down a job offer from SpaceX, considering they only pay their engineers $70,000 a year to live in Palo Alto, where $70,000 gets you about as far as $30,000 in most of the country.

    Do they require you to live in PA? Isn't that a very high-income neighborhood? I mean, Torrance is at the bottom of the hill and that place is a shithole by comparison. At least you are near the ocean... and the MW Con :D

  5. I wasn't really praising Musk for what's been produced under his watch... merely for his willingness to push ideas that don't yet have a lot of merit in the name of progress. I'm not a fan of SpaceX's design decisions to implement pure propulsive landing in their rocket boosters and cargo/passenger capsules. IMO, Blue Origin's New Shepard is a more pragmatic approach to increasing the number of flights in the fleet to bring down the cost of putting material into orbit. Musk is, as you said, a cult of personality. He knows how to operate the hype train with the best of them, that's for sure. I have traded some e-mails with an industry vet who works at Aerojet Rocketdyne, and he told me something along the lines of, "To be frank, nobody know's how SpaceX is actually MAKING any money right now."

    SpaceX is doing some cool stuff, but something seems off about them; they seem mostly legit. I wouldn't turn down a job offer from them, though. :)

  6. I'll be sure to recruit you for the business pitch when I get a hand in designing the next generation passenger transport... if and when that actually happens...

    I'm all for taking chances and braving new paths in science. It's one of the very few reasons I appreciate Elon Musk and his efforts, but we also have to beware of flim-flam designs that constantly show up on the internet. Some of these designs are so poorly-made, but get so much hype from people who don't know jack crap about engineering. I can come up with a few quick examples off the top of my head. The most recent one is the Terrafugia TF-X. Flying cars will NEVER be marketable until we invent some kind of antigravity system, or super-miniaturize high-output engines. This one is just another pathetic attempt at grabbing investor cash from anyone dumb enough to open their checkbook.

  7. One thing that is lacking in the supersonic jetliner is that there is no business case. Yes, we all know British Airways turned a profit from their Concorde fleet, but how much investment is going to be needed for a completely new program? How many decades of operation will there need to be in order to make a return on that investment? By that time, the fleet will have aged beyond any maintenance capability and will need to be retired.

    As Schizo said, current jetliners seem to be satisfying the demands of 99% of the travel population. A supersonic jetliner will only cater to those who can afford the extra cash to save themselves a couple of hours on a flight.

    Now, a supersonic BUSINESS jet might be able to find a niche market. People are willing to pay $65 million for a Gulfstream G650, which can go up to Mach 0.925. How much would you pay for a supersonic business jet? $100 million seems kind of reasonable, when compared the price tags of the most expensive transonic jets. You might be able to get twice that from some customers who just want to say that their jet can go Mach 1.6 or 2.0 or whatever...

  8. I live a good 1-2 miles from the air strip. When they are in the air, I can barely see them above the treeline and they're going away from me. I don't think binoculars would be powerful enough to see any tail markings on them. I could see just enough to give a good guess that they are F-18s. I had no idea how loud those things can be when they're using afterburner. I mean, it was practically rattling the windows and making my floor vibrate. I thought a plane was about to barrel into the building, it was so loud.

  9. I live right down the street from Paine Field near Everett, WA. Several times today, it sounds like jet fighters taking off and then I can catch a glimpse of what looks like a pair of F-18s going south. The sound literally shakes my 2nd story porch and is loud as hell. Does anyone have any idea what the heck is going on over there? Sounds like they're using their afterburners on takeoff. I didn't know that they were allowed to do that at a civilian airport.

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