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Posts posted by frothymug

  1. IIRC, some of the in-universe tech is reliant on fold space for certain physical effects it can exert in normal space. I don't remember where I saw it, but I recall seeing tech tidbits about how the Inertia Store Converter uses fold space as an inertial dampener, thermonuclear engines use fold space to assist in plasma confinement, and the Dragunov also uses fold space to dampen the recoil. Did I dream this up, or can someone confirm with a source?

    Same principles may apply to the YF-29.

  2. The new chapter has been more difficult to write than I expected. I've also been really distracted by a few games (Rocket League is amazing!). I've finished about 1/3 to 1/4 of the chapter, and it's looking like this one is going to be longer than usual. Just wanted to give a head's up to anyone who's wondering.

  3. Heard the distinctive sound of WW2 warbirds flying overhead. Got to my window just in time to catch a glimpse. Wish I was at Seafair. :)

    This is just PR activity. I would be surprised to see the F-35 doing something actually worth its enormous price tag anytime soon.

  4. I started working on a new chapter last night. The good news is that when I start something, I feel compelled to finish it as soon as possible. I'm also not working nor going to school at the moment, so I should have plenty of time to finish in the next few days.

  5. I really get the impression that you had a story originally in mind and then it turned out to be something of a test vehicle for you to see what you can do with Valks and comic pages. So far, I'd say it's been pretty positive.

  6. Alright guys, I have a few questions for you regarding Macross Elysium.

    -Where do you think the plot should go from where it's at?

    -What kind of Valkyries do you want to see?

    -What kinds of enemies do you think would play out well?

    I finally got around to reading your chapter 3 today, as I am hoping it will help put me in the mood to turn out another chapter in my fanfic. Here are some impressions and suggestions:

    While your overall Valkyrie art is great, some of the close-up shots are difficult to make out. Like at the end of Ch. 3, it looks like the pilot tosses his Dragunov away and then clutches another rifle that was stored on the leg of his VF-19? During the action, I have to look closely at the model of the VF to find out which character is doing what. Perhaps you are putting TOO MANY different Valks in the same scenes. Just in that one scene alone, we have a VF-4, VA-3 (nice!), VF-11, and VF-19, along with a couple of EX-gears. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should try to "color" or "shade" them in a way that makes them easier to discern.

    As far as plot goes, it may have been awhile since I read the first two chapters, but I don't even remember what the plot is so far. A pilot with some emotional baggage, and he's out for a bit of a joyride, when he comes across some students training in EX-gears out on some lunar-ish landscape. Some bad guys happen to be planning some bad things when they get discovered by a student and the MC has to come in to save the student and regulate the baddies. Could go anywhere from here, to be honest.

    I like the idea you put forth in your Ch. 3 prologue, in that most people use Valks for personal transportation and entertainment, while others use them to protect and/or do bad guy stuff. I think the customization concept could be made out into a strong one, where this one pilot is able to fend off more advanced VFs by just being more prepared and uses his skill and experience to overwhelm the bad guys. Maybe there are local competitions held where there are 1 on 1 dogfights, where losing the match may also mean losing your life. Think Robot Jox, but not as campy.

    I'll keep thinking on the idea and let you know if I come up with anything else. Oh, and as far as other Valks to add, I'd suggest the old adage, "less is more". Keep the roster thin or it may get too difficult to follow along the action scenes.

  7. Have you ever wished you could play soccer with your car? Well, your wish is (sorta) granted. Rocket League is out and it's amazing! I can't stop playing this game, even though it's nothing but soccer in rocket-powered cars. The trick shots and epic saves make this game such a rush when you pull them off with expert timing. Grab a gamepad and make sure you sit in a sturdy chair, as you will be leaning and lurching your body to help land that awesome bicycle kick goal in overtime for the win!

  8. I tried several times to get a job with Missiles and Fire Controls through a manager I'd met at an information session they held on campus a few years ago, but no luck there. I will be applying to Boeing up here as soon as I finish getting settled in to my new place. Coincidentally, my new landlord is a 19-year veteran at Boeing. Maybe he can help me out a bit.

    Anyway, back on topic, I can understand the animosity over the project. Designing a complicated machine to be able to do so many things is extremely difficult. The more successful projects usually yield a product that is specialized to some task, with some modicum of flexibility in its role. I think that they're just asking too much out of one vehicle that is built around one difficult-to-engineer capability: STOVL.

  9. Damn, Schizo! If you didn't put "[REDACTED]" on your location, I would have offered to meet up with you for a drink or two... I got my degree at UTA last year and I JUST MOVED to Seattle to work on my masters at UW.

    I pretty much agree with you on a lot of what you say about the F-35 program. You and I are in the minority on this issue, but I just simply say that I am not optimistic on the F-35 program, based on a mixture of conditions, such as overbudget, missed deadlines, underwhelming performance, and many other areas of focus. I'm not an expert on jet fighter design, but my intuition just tells me that it's not going to work out. After graduation, I spent a lot of time applying for jobs at companies like Lockheed-Martin. While there were lots of great positions, I think I pretty much passed up every job that had something to do with the F-35, simply because I don't believe in the project.

    Part of me HOPES that I'm wrong, so that all of this extra money and time spent does turn out to yield a great new machine. However, I'm not holding my breath. I anxiously await any news of a request for proposal put out by the military. It might mean a job for me! :p

  10. My girlfriend picked out a random anime movie from Netflix and it turned out to be really good! Check out "Expelled from Paradise". The animation was done so well, it took us awhile to realize that the characters were actually 3D models. There were several action-packed mecha fights and the story was pretty engaging. Normally, I don't like post-apocalyptic/dystopian settings, but this one was still full of life and varied characters. Rie Kugimiya (Taiga from Toradora and Louise from Zero no Tsukaima) plays her usual tsundere role and Hiroshi Kamiya (Michael Blanc from MacF, Mephisto from Blue Exorcist, and so many more...) lends his voice to a sentient robot character. I don't know the VA of the male lead character, though. Very worth a watch! It was about two hours.

  11. I've followed your art for the last few years and you've done a great job in getting the character designs right, but the faces always had your unique "touch" to them. In this picture, I think you got them absolutely perfect. Looks almost official!

  12. Off the top of my head, it's in The Last Starfighter. I've seen it in one other movie that I've watched several times, but I can't remember at the moment.

    My girlfriend has been binge-watching Star Trek: Voyager and it's showed up in several episodes. Usually the ones involving Murdock-- I mean Lieutenant Barclay, where it's in the lab in which he works.

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