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Posts posted by frothymug

  1. Every time they make a film based on my favorite childhood memories, a small part of me dies. Please, for the love of God... PLEASE do not do a remake of this movie. If you maybe want to do a sequel, I might be open to that idea...

    If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT!

  2. Was your computer shut down or running when you had the outage? I hear that not shutting down the OS can sometimes cause your hard drive to go kablooey.

    True story, when I worked at a print shop a few years ago, I did basic IT support for the PCs and we had a Mac guy. Well, our art department uses Macs and they NEVER turn their computers off. We had battery backups installed at all stations, but we had a big storm that knocked out the power for a few hours. We came in the next morning to find that all the systems were off and one of the Macs would not boot. It said it couldn't find the hard drive. I suspected that the hard drive was irreparably damaged due to the OS not being shut down when the power outage happened. We installed a new hard drive and ghosted the archived files onto the new one. Everything worked fine after that.

    I have the same motherboard as you, Mike. No issues as of yet. :)

  3. You shouldn't worry about hostile views here; it's why I started this thread in the first place. Translating to English will always get you plenty of readership, as long as your fic stays consistently readable. Write it in the style that you like. I tend to be overly wordy in my writing, but it hasn't really turned many people away. It's good that you want to translate your work... now, if only Gerli would be willing to translate his stuff... :p

  4. I am just like you, David. I use an Antec Sonata Elite because its so quiet, you can't hear it running when the fans are turned to low. However, I recently built a system for my gf and I was trying to find a case that had some compromise. She wanted blue LEDs and a window on the side. It's hard to find a case like that that's also designed to be quiet. We finally settled on the Zalman ZM-Z9 U3 black case. So far, it's kept quiet and cool. If it's applicable, I was able to install the CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Plus Evo cooler with *just enough* space left to get the case on without having to bend it in any way.

    Those purple LEDs look really awesome. I like the Zalman case you linked, so I thought my story might be relevant.

  5. Round 1 recently opened up an arcade here in Arlington, Texas. They have a game that pretty much uses the same exact cabinet, except you're flying a fighter jet and attacking other jets. The experience is awesome. The only downside is that after only one game, I had trouble standing and walking after getting out of the pod. I suspect that if you have issues with vertigo sickness, you might not be able to really enjoy this one. Looking forward to seeing it in an arcade!

  6. Gonna give Aldnoah Zero a try also after I finish Knights of Sidonia.

    Any other recent good (real robot) mecha anime recommedations?

    No Gundam please.


    Aldnoah Zero is where it's at! It does have a few flaws, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far. The ending of the first season left everyone wondering "WTF?!?", but they picked right back up where they left off in the second season. At least you won't have to wait for six months to find out the details on what really happened.

  7. Oh. I thought he was some huge bruiser. You know, the cliche ogre-type character whose race is a culture of warriors, but he eventually learns the value of having friends and protecting the innocent... :p

    I retract my previous suggestion, then.

  8. I like the third arrangement the best. The only thing I'd work on is that the perspective makes the other two characters look small. The alien guy on the right should be bigger than a typical human, yet, at a glance, it looks like he's just smaller. There might be some kind of trick to employ to show the viewer that he's just standing a bit farther back and that's why he looks smaller.

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