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Posts posted by frothymug

  1. I'm late to the game, but I finally started watching Re:Creators. Awesome! This show had me sold when I heard Hiroyuki Sawano's work blaring into my ears. He did such an amazing job on Aldnoah Zero's soundtrack and I immediately recognized his work five minutes into the first episode.

    Cool premise for the show, too. Production values are top-notch. This is the same studio that did the production for A/Z too, right?

    I made a prediction to myself about this show's overall theme during the 2nd episode:


    Re:Creators is a cross-over fanfiction written in the anime's universe... or it's a dream of sorts. I have a feeling that Sato is the author. The characters mention that works of fiction exist in their world and the same thing could have happened there too. Let's just keep going with that concept and consider the possibility that the "world of the gods" they are in is also a work of fiction.

    Sato will finish the creation that he has been working on for some time now and will also come to life in some way.

    I'm through episode 4 at this point. Looking forward to more.


    Oh, I also caught Blame! and Gantz:0 recently. Blame was decent. Gantz:0 was pretty damn good, imo. The animation was super high detailed and was very exciting to watch. Totally recommend.

  2. Because it's fake. And even if it was real, it would be so unpractical, it would never reach mass markets.

    Wearing a few gallons of flammable liquid on my back while standing on a few turbine engines? No problem there.

    Got enough room to throttle engine power to help balance AND spin up fast enough to increase thrust to compensate any unexpected pitching? Easy.

    Center of balance low enough to add stability? Check.

    I could go on... I'm surprised there aren't more skeptics being more vocal, seeing as how there's so much bullshit vaporware that comes out all the time.

  3. On 5/25/2017 at 10:48 AM, the_foul_fowl said:

    Was browsing Amazon when I saw this:


    SDF Macross with English subs on Amazon Video! Too bad I can't access it due to geographical limitations, but wasn't it that Macross couldn't be shown in the US cos of HG...

    Mospeada and Southern cross also available with subs. 


    Damn. I came on the forums today to tell everyone about this. I should have expected I'd be beaten by several days... :p

  4. On 5/4/2017 at 9:15 AM, chillyche said:

    Hey gang.  It's been a long time.  I'm dusting off my keyboard.  And my eyeballs.  But, in case there are new faces here, I figured I'd repost my old work from 2013 here.  


    It's an SW1 era story with all original characters, and it's only five short chapters.  If you haven't please give it a read, and I'd love to get some feedback on the thing before I try my hand at something else.


    Read it! While it's not chock-full of action, it's got great exposition. To be honest, reading this a long time ago made me want to step my writing game up a few levels. :)

  5. Nice to see Legend of the Galactic Heroes up there, but the rest of that list? Wow. What the hell is "Is the order a rabbit?"?!?

    Not trying to sound like a neckbeard elitist here, but most of that top 20 has no business being up there. Context, for sure. Most of the voters are probably under 25.

  6. Went and saw this with my girlfriend last night. I went in expecting a sub-par film adaptation wrought with inconsistencies, bad production values, and cheap laughs.

    I hate to say it, but it was actually pretty decent. There was very little I could nitpick, outside of some small complaints. Production values were high; no expense was spared in trying to bring the liveliness of the animated film to the live-action set. Unlike it's predecessor, this film tried harder to capture the 16th-century France environment. Heavy use of CGI was not overbearing and many of the scenes were beautifully rendered. The Beast was not as horrible as I'd expected. He was big and brutish, but you could see that there was a human element beneath the fangs and fur.

    Emma Watson. Not a good choice for Belle. She captures the essence of her character just as fine as any other actress, but she is just not able to convince me that she's the "prettiest girl in town". I really don't find her at all attractive, so this is purely subjective. Oh, and if you have good ears, you can detect the auto-tune in her voice. It's not obvious, but any audiophile will be able to catch occasional hints of an auto-tuned note or two.

    Le Fou. I rolled my eyes when I heard that they were injecting some gay element into the movie where it shouldn't be. While I do wish they hadn't messed with the original formula, the homosexual undertones were very muted. For most of the movie, you could tell that Le Fou was hoping that Gaston would "notice" him, but it really never got in your face about it. It was like the two had a really good bromance with each other. Gaston was far more interested in Belle, of course, but you could tell that he kind of knew that Le Fou was that kind of guy. There was a scene that briefly showed Le Fou dancing with another man, but it flashed onscreen so fast, you never felt like the movie producers were trying to forcefeed it to you. It's not that bad, and that's coming from a big conservative guy.

    The musical scenes were decent; additional verses and content were added to classic numbers. There were even a few new songs that melded in well with the rest of the score. It looks like Alan Menken and Tim Rice were heavily involved in this movie and I'm glad they were able to bring their talents to this recreation.

    I was entertained. There were plenty of laughs and new jokes. That's worth some value to me.

  7. On 3/7/2017 at 9:29 AM, Focslain said:

    Currently going thru the Legend of Galatic Heroes OVA, I already did the epic 110 ep tv series and loved it.

    I was watching LoGH on Youtube whetn suddenly all episodes on all channels suddenly got pulled. I was at episode 60, so right in the thick of things...  Does anyone know if there is some activity related to licensing, due to the snuffing of YT vids?

    Any suggestions on where I can finish off the series without going to shady streaming sites?

    On 3/9/2017 at 9:04 PM, slide said:

    Valkyria Chronicles features 'Adelweiss', one of the sexiest tanks in Anime

    I initially thought of this series to answer the question, but then remembered that Edelweiss was only relevant for a few episodes before the focus turned more towards the characters. Great series to watch, though! I loved how they spent some time humanizing the enemy leaders. It was nice to know a bit of background of the guys on the other side of the battle lines.


    I'm considering dropping Masamune-kun's Revenge. The story just introduces more plot devices to stretch out the story. Just when you think the MC is about to succeed, divine intervention. Getting tired of the stalling.

    Konosuba 2 just keeps on delivering the chuckles! I'm glad to see it's getting a lot of recognition this season. It was certainly a sleeper hit last year.

    Next season is around the corner. I see Attack on Titan 2 is on deck, but not as excited about it as most people. I just didn't like the constant despair and failure of the first season. Great idea for a story and very entertaining action. I just want there to be some kind of victory moment every few episodes. Is that too much to ask?? :p 

    Really looking forward to Zero kara Hajimero Mahou no Sho. Looks like it will have a bit of everything I like to see in a series. What are you guys looking forward to seeing?

  8. On 2/25/2017 at 1:12 PM, Gerli said:

    FOLD Time-Dilatation can be considere Time Travel?

    I suppose it's already kind of canon in the Macross universe, so it's acceptable. It's not necessarily the time travel I was talking about. I mean like going back in time to stop some event from happening and then returning to the present like nothing ever changed...

    Honestly, I don't like the time dilation thing in Macross or real physics. I'm no astrophysicist, but it just seems like a bunch of bunk to me. That's just my gut feeling. Maybe I can't accept that FTL travel will have such a devastating side-effect.


    In other news, I need to officially announce a HIATUS on my fanfic. I have 3 months of grad school left and I have to make sure I have time to write my thesis, defend it, get my degree, and get a goddamn job. I'll re-evaluate my priorities when I graduate. I feel confident that I'll be in the mood (and have the free time) to get some more of my story finished.

  9. On 2/16/2017 at 10:41 AM, kajnrig said:

    Hi. Wow. Lots of members here that I don't ever see in the other parts of the forum.

    I've been mulling writing me some fanfiction again, and I'm interested in what you guys are into (Macross or otherwise, but since this forum is Macross-centered, let's go with that). I trawled through the first couple pages of the thread, but other than that, I haven't the foggiest idea what the current state of affairs are.

    Also, who's here that also frequents the more popular parts of the forum?

    I tend to avoid crossover material as a reader. Personally, I appreciate fanfics that are focused on the more gritty, realistic aspects of the series. MC is actually a goddamn adult, author doesn't resort to plot devices to explain away huge holes, characters are relatable... the usual. Oh, and avoid time travel at all costs. That's my #1 cardinal sin of any movie, tv show, book, etc... It always messes up the continuity and is rarely executed to "near" perfection, i.e.: Back to the Future.

  10. Konosuba! Season 2 is even funnier than the first season. This is one of the super-rare series that I count down the hours to the next episode.

    Masamune-kun's Revenge is not nearly as engaging, but it's still somewhat entertaining. Not necessarily worth a recommendation, though.

    I binged Maoyu last weekend, and it was an interesting story, albeit irritating in one major way: The two main characters barely had any screentime together after the first couple of episodes. Good God, it was a great setup from the first episode and then it barely got any farther than that. I haven't seen Spice and Wolf yet, but I know the story well and I was getting the same feeling from Maoyu... a lot of dialogue and story was spent explaining economics and politics, which kept me pretty interested. I'm sure I'll enjoy S&W whenever I get around to watching it. This show could use a second season, but I kind of doubt it will ever happen...  :\

  11. Raptor One,

    Don't worry about breaking continuity too much. I did my damndest to stay on the canon train, but ended up missing a few things here and there. Plus, you will want to create your own continuity at some point. That's where the creative juices start flowing. When you're restricting yourself, you will spend too much time trying not to set off any continuity tripwires. It's cancerous to try to write a story that meshes in at the same time as a series, unless it is a complete side story that barely has relationship to what we've seen in official settings. Side stories, sequels, prequels, or maybe even a completely separate setting (different emigration fleet, planetary colony, etc.) would work best.

    I used the Macross Compendium and Macross Mecha Manual as my major sources of technical info. The rest.... just watch all of the series again to refresh your memory. :)

  12. As promised, it's update time.

    Chapter 54 is up on FF.net. I'll get started on 55 this week, as I've taken to doing a little bit of writing while on the bus to and from the university every day. It will probably be a few weeks before I'm done, depending on how well it goes. Enjoy!

  13. I was looking at the pictures Jvmacross posted up just recently of the Macross Captains. Lovely renditions by Tenjin-san!

    However, this image of Captain Wilder got me wondering:


    Anyone know what the thing on Captain Wilder's collar is? It looks like some sort of goggles or case for something. But I know that's silly and can't possibly be right. So is it ever explained?

    Pretty sure he used to be a pilot. These may have been used back in his day.

  14. Holy balls! I've updated my fic! The planets must have aligned on this fine day.

    Chapter 53 is up on Fanfiction.net. As I mentioned before, this is part one of two chapters I have completed. I'll add the second one in a couple of weeks just to draw things out and annoy my readers. ;)

  15. watching Macross Frontier - first time - for some reason had never watched before. On episode 4 - love it - the action and characters are really great and sadly are (IMHO) making Delta look pretty poor....

    Agreed. I feel like it's pretty superior.

    I was quickly pulled into frontier. Delta on the other hand I quit watching after 13 episodes.

    And I thought I was not being much of a fan. I'm up to ep, 17 and I have very little desire to finish the series. Such a massive disappointment. I hope it at least gets a good ending.

    I want to ask you guys about High School DxD. I have been looking for a series that has good story and characters, but one of my caveats is that there is a good love interest for the main character. I read several reviews on this series and it looks like it has a lot of what I would like to see, but then I watch the first two episodes and the fan service is just out of control. I made the mistake of watching the Funimation dub for episode 1 and laughed so hard when they had to edit out the nudity... It was almost insulting at how badly they did it.

    Anyway, does this BS finally get toned down? I get the impression that the story and characters are all worthwhile, but I don't want to keep watching if all of the female characters are ridiculously objectified and the show devolves into a typical harem anime.

    If not, are there any suggestions for what I'm looking for? Here are things I like in an anime:

    Non-retarded MC who actually behaves like a normal person.

    Strong female co-lead who isn't just a pair of huge tits.

    Light on anime tropes and/or heavily parodies anime tropes

    Great supporting cast

    Implied romantic involvement. I like to see the MC "get the girl", especially if she's exceptionally good-looking and deserves to win his affections.

    Sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, mecha elements

    Some light ecchi is okay. Too much ruins the series.

    I loved the characters and story of Campione!, so this is the kind of show I'm looking for. Aside from a very weird kissing scene late in the series, this show had a) strong MC who wasn't a complete dunce, b) strong, beautiful female co-lead, c) interesting story with lots of supernatural elements, d) didn't stoop to insult the intelligence of its viewers with nonsensical plot holes and twists.

    Your help is greatly appreciated. :)

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