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Posts posted by Archer

  1. ^Hey, thanks for doing that search. I'm terrible with sites like Yahoo Japan Auction, and can rarely get things to work for me. A confirmation from you tells me that the model is definitely not on the website, its not just my terrible web browsing. I guess at this point, I'll just have to keep re-checking every once in a while to see if an auction pops up. I hear that these kind of rare items pop up once in a while. Beyond that, I am currently trying to hunt down people who have bought it and are willing to let it go (sell it to me :) ). Like I said, I am down with paying inflated prices.

    Anyone on MW got one and is willing to sell it?

  2. Hi Guys,

    I really love the mecha design in Viper's Creed, and I missed my chance to pick up the Studio Half Eye Maneuver Blade Saiki edition when HLJ was selling it. For those that don't know, its a transforming bike of sorts. Link for product appearance is down below:


    If anyone has this figure (and is willing to sell it of course), do PM me with a price quote. MIB is preferrable, but beggars can't be choosers no? ;)

    Also, if anyone has ANY information about this figure whatsoever, or maybe knows of an online auction or something that is selling it, please do post. Really want to pick this up!

  3. Sorry to ask, but I am not too familiar with Macross 7 mech. The one thing keeping me back from purchasing this is the possibility of the other VF-19 variants. Is the kai the only vf-19 with long sweep wings? All the other variants I have seen have short forward swept wings, and I am not too much of a fan of those. Is this kai the only one with "long" wings?

  4. Just got inFAMOUS 2. Pure Awesome! Totally improves on the first game and adds a lot more to boot. The controls and Cole's movements are much more fluid and precise, and you get a sense of continuity in his movement, like real parkour. Beyond that, DLC includes a katana, and thats good enough for me B))

    Btw, Hero = Ice Powers, Infamous = Fire Powers.

    ^Cool system that almost forces you to play through the game twice to get all the goodies!

  5. Not UC (-50)


    I don't think the gundam designs are terrible (see my post above). I just don't really get the whole "panning a whole century" story concept or the weird pokedex used to activate the mobile suit...

    Also, I agree with others that the hand-drawn stuff looks out of place in the CG setting.

  6. I know I am hatin' a little early, but this new gundam series (at least the gundam designs) feels like Sunrise took Gunpla Builder and then G Gundam, and decided to mate the two. *Babbam!* out pops this new gundam series.

    I am o.k. with the main mobile suit in that it looks like some random design from 00, but what is up with that red one? Its like char decided to pilot the neo Russia Bolt gundam, but forgot to pack all his awesome on his way to pick it up.....

  7. Probably the two toppers on my want list just got shot down :(

    Really was looking forward to a PG Unicorn, as well as MG Kshatriya. I understand Kshatriya with its entire metal endoskeleton, but can anyone explain to me why Unicorn was shot down? A PG Unicorn probably will be the most expensive release to date, but still, I would gander that it would sell much better than even the 00 raiser with its much more audience accepted frame and from a generally better recieved series (Gundam UC).

    I am not too good with economics (majoring in biochem ;) ), so can some one open my eyes a little?

  8. Re: visible projection. I suspect it's more like a blade or something stored on the back, rather than something on the neck/face. With Exia etc, Bandai seems to like "metal blades" almost more than beam sabers now...


    The image looks interesting, but does anyone else think that it looks a lot (a little too much imho) like....the gundams from 00? I think even the collor fins (based on the image) look to be replicated.

    Dunno, maybe I am just throwing things out of proportion. There is one, and only ONE thing I wish from this new Gundam series though (well, technically, its two). Plz, make the series more realistic (at least as realistic as giant combatant robots can get). By this, I mean no 16 year old unstable "gaaaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhh" boy, and no "pew pew" laser fights as some put it.

    Alas, I probably just scripted the foundation for the new series as it always is with gundam though.....:(

  9. Just a heads up for those that haven't seen it yet, but inFamous 2 comes to only $20 if you're willing to trade in 2 (select) PS3 games at Gamestop. Planning on getting rid of Killzone 3 and Crysis 2 because I beat both and don't care much for multiplayer in both (and inFamous 2 seems like a much better game to boot).

  10. Hmm, even though it confirmed my 2nd game I can't find it on the download manager and no way to reselct it on the welcome back menu. <_<

    Yep, same thing happened to me, as well as many others. It looks like PSN is designed to delete the access icon after you back out after dwnloading the "welcome back game #" select, even if you haven't actually got a game yet. This stops you from actually getting the game. Beyond that, since PSN is soooo buggy right now, sometimes, error messages will kick you out as well.

    Do this to get your game back:

    PlayStation Network > Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List > SCEA Promotions > Game 2 > Select Content

    ^^That should let you download your 2nd game :)

  11. I've been out of the Transformers fold for a while. Has the newest (DOTM) Optimus Prime been released yet? This time, I have planned to go all out and get a FrenzyRumble custom of him with all the works. That will really feed my inner child hunger for Transformers toys all the while feeding my older collector's desire for a detailed model...

  12. Sony hacked again, though a different part of the company and different website. I have a feeling stuff like the Welcome Back program might be affected.

    Lulz Security claims fresh hack of 1 million Sony accounts

    I feel bad for Sony, but at the same time, wish they would really get their act together....

    Anwyways, I posted this in the All Things Video Game thread, but I want to open this up here as well. While I was downloading my first PS3 free game on PSN Welcome Back, I needed to exit the store to remove some stuff to open up some more space on my PS3 for the new game. When I got back to PSN store, my game 1 tab had disappeared, and I can no longer download my first Free game. I was able to get my second game successfully, but alas, the first one is gone. I wanted inFamous and Super Stardust HD, but could only get inFamous as game 2 :(

    Anyone know of a fix?

  13. For those that haven't heard, Welcome Back package is live, though if I were you, I'd wait a few days before trying to use it. Some of my free stuff disappeared when I exited the store to try and delete some other stuff to make room for the new free games. When I got back to the store, my free PS3 game tab 1 disappeared, so I could only download a single game (inFamous). If anyone knows a fix, please post a solution :(

  14. random, tedious battle featuring a complicated battle system that is complicated just to be complicated

    EPIC WIN :ph34r:

    Anyways, PSN is back up for PS3 users, though the "welcome back package" is not yet live. If things go they way they have been the past couple weeks, i wouldn't be surprised if Sony gets hacked while the package goes live or if the package gets postponed until August <_<

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