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Posts posted by F360°

  1. "canard" is popular these days so one more reason for the VF-0D, Of course you should still do your part and get the VF-0s to further improve the chances of Yamato ever releasing the VF-0D.

    The Poll should be like this instead.

    VF-0s ( I want this and I'll get this, I'll worry about the D later)

    VF-0d ( I prefer this so I'll wait for this to be release instead)

    VF-0s now and VF-0D later (I love them both just as much so I'll get them both)

    VF-0s as investment for VF-0D ( I still like the VF-0d more but I'll buy the VF-0s anyways just to increase the chances of a future release of Vf-0d)

  2. Also, the the VF-0 may not have as big a fan base as the VF-1, so they may end up selling far few units.



    hmm, perhaps they should slip a sheet or 2 of advertisment in all their future and reissue Yamato products like their current hot seller 1/48. Stuff like posisble future release of VF-0D, SV-52, etc,, along with pictures or all current releases.


    Ya mean like a catalogue of sorts? I used to love those that came with the old American toys like MASK and Starcom. Makes you gawk at the pictures of stuff your parents will never buy for you. :(

    Burn the images in your mind and play with them in your mind. Early mental masturbation.....*cough*


    Yeah,, pretty much a 1 page Catalogue.

    I only got 2 offical Transformer G1 products back when I was small. So I too gawk at the picture of stuff that my parents will never buy for me. :p:(

    The Catalogue from Mask was pretty cool, too bad I can only afford 1. It was the simi F1 race car that can fly.

    Yes,, a Catalogue can do wonders.

  3. Also, the the VF-0 may not have as big a fan base as the VF-1, so they may end up selling far few units.



    hmm, perhaps they should slip a sheet or 2 of advertisment in all their future and reissue Yamato products like their current hot seller 1/48. Stuff like posisble future release of VF-0D, SV-52, etc,, along with pictures or all current releases.

  4. A little late to the discussion, but...

    I think SEED had the worse animation of any Gundam series, period. I'll never forget when I saw MS just SCOOT (not move, but slide across while remaining absolutely still) across the screen. Given today's animation and SEED's budget, that was simply ridiculous  <_<


    So are you talking about SEED or SEED Destiny?? Their animation is similar but their story is way different, one also have way more reuse scene than the other.

    Also you talk about MS slide across while remaining still. Where is this?? Are yo forgeting that in some situations a MS don't really need to keep containly moving intro to get somewhere. Adn good example is space.

    But if you mean the Doms sliding across then I can tell you that those MS are suppose to be able to do that.

  5. I downloaded the raw manga last night.  Awesome.  Can't wait to see what happens with the next one.  This one ended with Ritsuko destroying the Rei clones.

    Next volume should be quite rough, but it's going to be real interesting what they do with it.  Finally nearing the end.  With the improvements to Shinji's character so far I hope he isn't as bad as in the EoE movie.  He'll probably be a wreck after the Kaoru fight, but hopefully not so pitiful.  My personal hope is to see him at least fight some of the Eva-05 series himself.

    It's a shame we'll probably have to wait another hundred years for it.  This volume took forever to come out, and we'll still have to wait a while for the english version.  It was a total surprise too, I haven't seen anything about this until I saw it on 4chan.

    Here's a rapidshare link for it.  I'm not Rapidshare fan, but at least it works.

    Manga 10 RAW


    Thanks,, I was starting to doult my memories.. now I'll go back to download first always,, so I'll never get stuck like this every again :lol:

  6. Aahhhhhhhahah!,, noooooooooo!...

    Damd it,, #@*&%! :angry:

    I found a Torrent link on this Yesterday while browsing around, but was too lazy save the torrent link.. and forgot all about it until now. Now I can't find it anymore.. :(

    The worse part was I even cleared my history too,..so I can't back track. Damd it..

    I think it was on 4chan,, but it's not there anymore

  7. Also are you sure you want a WideScreen?  because if you still do most of your things in 4/3 then it's better to get a 4/3 LCD instead. 

    Could keep them both. Add a second video card for the old screen, or upgrade to a dual-head card.


    But that's just a TAD overkill, I guess...

    Totally unrelated, but... you have the original image for your avatar? Me like pic.


    Yeah, I did,, I hooked both of them up for a while for testing... the 2005PFW was alot brighter than the 2001FP and it looks pretty small too. I didn't take any pics at the time.

    Similar to what I did with 20" LCD awhile back.. Yes it was overkill so now I only have one,, and dual display it to my TV from time to time when needed.


    ah,.. my desk was so clean back then,.. not like the mess it's in now.

    And here is original image from my avatar




  8. You should be able to purchase the Viewsonic or anyother lcd from Compusa and then return them within a week to get your full refund. They no longer have their OPEN box return equals 15% policy. But just to be sure you should ask before purchase.

    Also are you sure you want a WideScreen? because if you still do most of your things in 4/3 then it's better to get a 4/3 LCD instead. Awhile ago I was deciding on which one to keep my old Dell 2001FP and or the new 1 Dell 2005fpw. But after all the testing and my normal computer usage I ended up keeping my old 20" LCD and selling the new 20" widescreen. One of the main reasons is the size,, the 20"wide screen is smaller,, when viewing 4/3 video on the 20 inch widescreen the video will be the same size as viewing it from a 17" LCD. Loseing that 3 inches of difference is to much for me to handle.

    Since you already have a 19" CRT with something like 18" viewable,, the 20" widescreen would not look that much bigger to you,, in ways it might even look a little bit smaller.

    Well, it best you try it out before you really buy,,

  9. How about if someone makes a PM agreement to buy something, is it okay to back out anytime and not tell it? It should be ok that way too then.


    No, if buyer make a pm agreement to buy the item then they should buy the item, if they back out then it's up to the seller to decide if their reasoning is accepable.

    But both sides would have to agree on the sale in the first place. Agreement must be make and finalized from both sides.

  10. Don't forget about the shipping Price, the shipping for these items will be about $20 each.

    As for the aution link you provided, please leep in mind that there are still a couple of days left in that action and prices does go up greatly close to the end.

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