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Posts posted by F360°

  1. Edit 3-24-06 NEW Shipping Coupons Added, This new one supposedly works for everyone.

    Edit 3-24-06 Guide on how to check if the coupon would work for you without buying,, thanks to the people at http://ebaystrategies.blogs.com/ :)

    All of these codes requires you to pay with paypal

    Inorder to uses these you'll have to go to your winning auction and select the pay by paypal link/button, somewhere after that you should see a area for you to enter the coupon code.

    $10 off $50 your next Fashion purchase with code C-APR2006FASHION

    Good April 1-15 should be expired

    $20 off $100 your next Tech purchase with code C-APR2006TECH

    Good April 16-30 should be active

    This is the new Shipping coupon that supposedly works for everyone

    $3.47 off shipping costs with code CPPEBAY03 can not be combine with other coupons :(

    Good Through March 27 but it's still acitve as of now, but you should do a check just to be sure Expired

    These are the coupons that only works for some

    10% off any purchase or auction win with code C-MARCH2006CAT

    Good Through March 31 Expired

    10% off any purchase in March with code C-MAR2006ANNIV

    Good Through March 31 Expired

    Guide from http://ebaystrategies.blogs.com/

    Here is the Most Important Part,, HOW to TEST if the coupons would WORK for you with out Buying.

    Here’s a simple 8 step process to TEST the coupons to see if they work (without buying!):

    Note: With this method you will start to pay for an ‘immediate pay’ item and then not complete which will not cause you to buy the test item. However, if you don’t follow these directions, you could buy the item and you are responsible for this mistake so do this at your own risk!  Once you do it once, this literally only takes maybe 30 seconds so don’t fret.

    1-Find an item that has “Immediate Pay†and is Buy-It-Now. If you can’t find one or don’t know what this means,This seller sells only with immediate pay.

    2-Click on “Buy It Now†button (the listing MUST say “immediate payment required†or you will buy it).

    3-login to ebay

    4-choose “continue to paypal†(usually at the bottom)

    5-login to paypal

    6-Now you should be on the screen called “confirm your payment†– here you can enter the codes where it says “Have coupons or gift certificates?â€

    7-If the code works you will see some $$$ deducted from the amount. Congrats YOU HAVE A WORKING CODE.  If not, it will also tell you.

    8-Now this is important – DO NOT press the PAY button!! Instead press the LOG OUT button (top right of the page).

    You have now confirmed your codes and are ready to shop knowing that your code(s) will work.

    There might be more coupons comming, I'll keep you guys updated, but if anyone finds a new coupon that has not yet been posted please be nice and share the goods ^_^

    Enjoy :)

  2. I notice this too, whenever ebay give out 10 cent listing rates there are some that list items at higher prices. That is a very very good idea, because if it sells you'll make a higher profit but if it doesn't, you'll will still have 90 days to relist it again at whatever price you want and ebay will credit that listing for you if it sell.

    i wasn't sure about the crediting on special rates until a fellow Macrossworld member told me. Thanks commissioner

    Still have a minor question, if I change my user id name, will I still have my old feedback record?

  3. "Debating how much or how little one would enjoy an anime seen during release or years after is superfluous"

    of course it is, since the average joe would mostly enjoy it the most during the time of release, or close to the time of the release instead of 10 years later.  the only people that can say otherwise are exceptions. 

    Are you saying you will enjoy Macross the same way just as much as before if you only started watching it right now instead of years ago?  No you will not.

    I don't have a time machine, but I'll be happy to give you my money for a trip back in time.  But guess what? you don't have one either.  All you have is "mental masturbation remarks" :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:


    Sorry, but your arguement is just degrading into a debate about semantics. The idea that affinity for a given anime can be quanitifed using vagaries like "as much or more" or "bet you would have" is pure nonsense. There is no formula you can apply carte blanche that explains why someone was dissappointed with an overrated anime that you just happen to adore. Your arguement has already failed to stand against even the most cursory examples that contradict it, yet it continues down this silly slope.

    Needless to say, Isoquant is far from "dead wrong" and his opinion of NGE formed 9 years after the last of the releases is just as relevant and valid as any. Rationalize however you must, but you're far from a persuasive arguement if you continue debating with such reasoning fallacies.


    Look you are not getting what I'm saying here, Of course he can say he hates EVA, he can say he love EVA, he can say all the good and the bad of EVA, those are his opinion of EVA and his alone. But when he said Overblown or Overated that a different matter. Becaues that connects directly to all the EVA fans with a statement saying they are wrong in rating EVA too high. That is where I disagree with him and told them that TIME played a major factor in that. The market on anime was very very small back then, it not like now when you can you see anime everywhere.

    This will be my last post in this because I feel really stupid for explaining anymore to someone that's finds anime as an difficult medium to enjoy.

    "Isoquant" Yes, you can hate EVA,, you can love EVA,, all that is up to you. But please don't label something as overblown or overated just because you don't like it.

    As for Macross plus, yeah, what can I say,, Macross plus was just that good. But I stand firm on my point that you will love it even more if you watch that at a time when anime was harder to come by (10 yeras ago)

    Don't forget to watch the movie also.

  4. "Debating how much or how little one would enjoy an anime seen during release or years after is superfluous"

    of course it is, since the average joe would mostly enjoy it the most during the time of release, or close to the time of the release instead of 10 years later. the only people that can say otherwise are exceptions.

    Are you saying you will enjoy Macross the same way just as much as before if you only started watching it right now instead of years ago? No you will not.

    I don't have a time machine, but I'll be happy to give you my money for a trip back in time. But guess what? you don't have one either. All you have is "mental masturbation remarks" :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  5. There was a fansub group that did Macross 7, but that was a long time ago.

    I should still have them somewhere in my stacks of cdrs,, i'll see if I can find them later this week.

    if you are still looking for the offical R1 release of Macross Plus the movie then here is the best place to get it. $only $14.99, no tax, free shipping.


    The don't charge tax, and they have FREE shipping and handling. I order a couple of stuff from them and recieved everything in great condiction.

    there are time when they give out special extra 25% off coupons too.

  6. "Mr March" I do enjoy Schindler's List, and I also enjoy Seven Samurai. But I know I would have think Seven Samurai is way more awsome if I were to seen it back in the days many many years ago. I will play samuai games for months til end,, I might even start learning Martial arts.

    But all the films you talk about is live action film and not animation.

    Black and white animation back then was Mickey mouse, popeye, Betty Boop,etc. Most of which are comedy. I'm pretty sure the kids today will mostly want to watch something else instead of those. But if it was back in the day, kid will rush home instead of going to play in the park just to watch those kind of cartoons.

    Thanks for the support "Mowe" :)

    damd it, it seems I got my head stuck on EVA again, and forgot to post other anime series.

    Martian Successor Nadesico (space, Mecha, war, comedy, action, etc)

    Gundam 08 MS team OVA (mecha, action)

    Tenchi Muyo!...the original OVA (comedy)

    Irresponsible captain tylor (spaceship, comedy)

    Golden Boy (borderline comedy with a bit of nudely here and there and toilets)

    Rurouni Kenshin (adventure)

    Fushigi Yugi ( adventure)

  7. I tried getting into Cowboy Bebop but the story didn't hold me. However I was always impressed with the production values of the show. The animation was great and the music was varied and interesting, it seemed like a professional production versus the regular cheesy synthesizer stuff I usually hear.

    The trend I notice about the stuff I watch recently and don't like is alot of it looks really good, there are some nice visuals, but the stories are usually flat. Goldenboy, albeit its an older one now, was a really nice surprise. Comedy is one of those things that is hard to pull off and I don't see many animes that quite get it down.


    yeah, the stories out right now aren't as good as before, and you are right unfornately that is the trend right now.

    Golden boy is one of the funniest borderline comedy I have seen. only 6 eps. it's well worth the watch. There's also a Manga out for it so you can continue his advanture :)

  8. I have to say Isoquant is on the level about NGE and viewing a series 10 years after initial release is certainly no excuse for poor quality anime.  By that logic, no one should ever enjoy an anime more than 10 years old, nor should one ever enjoy an older anime over a newer one.  The anime I enjoy fails such an absurd benchmark time and again.

    Hell, I'm a big fan of film and I adore black and white films made 10-30 years before I was even born.  Some even have those precious "special effects" so important to the fellows of my generation.  Many of those old films compete quite well against their modern contemporaries, a little too well I'm sad to say for the state of film art.

    Quite frankly, if the quality of any anime series is dependant upon watching it no later than a few years after initial release, that's a big warning sign it's a poor anime series. That sort of brevity earns justifiable labels like forgettable and expired.


    Well you will still enjoy it, but you will probably not enjoy it as much as you would have if you watch it at it's peak.

    Since you said you are a big fan of film and adores those black and white films so much, can you imagine yourself watching it when they just release? I bet you will enjoy it even more. This is of course base on typical average joe watching this black and white film.

    And if you are treating it as art then anything can be the greatest thing ever.

  9. The series came out 10 years ago so I'm correct on you watching it 10 years late since you just started watching it 3 months ago. There were offical toys and offical US VHS tapes from somewhat 10 years ago. You may not heard of the exact name of the series but I'm sure you have seen this series related product one way or another.... also before you even started watching it you already knew that it was extremely popular and had a fanatical following. That alone is enough to fill you with high promises, most likey you set your standards too high.

    As for the dated animation, if you enjoy it now, think of how much more you would have enjoy if you watch this 10 years ago, when it's not DATED animation but top of the line animation which most other animation TV series looks like b rated movies compare to this.

    Like I said before timing plays a major role too.,, if you never watched STAR WAR before and only started now you would not enjoy it as if you watch it years ago. You will grade it differently with todays standards. The same for Macross TV series, if you just started watching now, I'm sure the animation quality on some of the eps is already bad enough to make newbies not feel like continue the series. But if you watch it years ago, it was like, YEah, baby,, this is awesome :):)

  10. I just finished watching the Evangelion series, and I am extremely disappointed. I haven't seen the movie yet, so maybe my perception will change, but as of now I regard this series as an overblown, overrated mess.

    The way the series concluded is reminiscent of how the Matrix movies just imploded at the end; so much promise with so little to show for it. I just can't fathom how some consider Evangelion the greatest anime of all time.

    To be honest with you, as soon as I finished the series, I simply shook my head and popped in my new copy of Flashback: 2012. I think I'm now convinced that Macross is just a freak anomaly that will never be duplicated in the anime world.


    Well, you are dead wrong on the overblown and overrated mess part because your timing is over 10 years off. The main difference is that you are just watching the Evangelion series now, with a popular series like this, you are already filled with high promises, and it's very highly that you already have some knowlegde of the characters and lots of spoilers from internet or other sources. Also you will not think the artwork and quality is A+. You can even watch the Movies right after the "I want to kill someone right now ep 25 and 26". I can understand that you don't like it. but labeling it as to much promise,overblown, and overated just because you watch it 10 years late is just wrong.

    Its totally different if you watch it without knowing anything, enjoying high quality TV series animation that's packed with detail, and get to know the characters one by one from your TV screen without any other sources like message boards , games, cards, books, figures, wall scroll, friends, etc. Then once you know almost all the characters, they give you the WORST "Congratulation message ever".. and that was it. Movie? what movies? AACCKKKKK :o:o:o

    I'm a EVA fan. I do no think it's the greatest series ever, but I place it among my top Anime list because it's a series that was able to mess me up a bit( kill kill kill)

    Oh Fushigi Yugi is a very good series too. It's pretty old, I guess it's consider a chick series but it really good, and sad at times,, I even cry in one of the eps ( well just a couple of tears :unsure: )

  11. If this happens it`ll be 1/60, 1/48 valks with the rt, character names and no Macross name.


    I think they can stay with the Macross name. I remember reading somewhere that they are already comfortable with the Macross naming just as much as their Robotech naming. They did that with their DYRL posables, so I'm pretty sure they can do that with the 1/60 and 1/48 too. Maybe they'll have the normal Yamato boxes with the Macross Logo and they will just tape a sticker with the Robotech logo somewhere on the box too.

    I'm all for 1/48 valks for under $100. And even if I were to still order from overseas at the piont, the price should be lower than now because Yamato will have already increased their sales by import a bunch of valks to the USA.

  12. hey guys sort of an off topic question.

    I have built several gunpla kits in the past, but have never used the stickers becaus as you know they are crap.  However the kit I am working on now has some markings that only came as stickers that I want to use.  Is there any way to get the stickers to look good on the model?  (I don't really feel like spending the money on decal paper and bonder so any help would be great)


    You can cut/trim the clear part of the Sticker. example if it's a Triangle then you cut out all the clear part that on the out side of it and all it's left is the Triangle itself. If you are going to paint then applying an extra top clear coat on top should help.

  13. I was hoping for a little...more added to the ending of III, especially since now ZZ doesn't fit, and there's still the matter of how the Federation gets a hold of Axis, Haman, etc before CCA would take place.


    Maybe a 3 part movie version of ZZ in the planning.. :p:lol::lol::lol:

    and then out of no where a 3 part version of Turn A, And finally a remake of the Original Gundam,,and Some Gundam F91 series in between.

    Or a just a small special OVA to cover the gap. :)

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