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Posts posted by slide

  1. On 8/25/2020 at 11:10 AM, sqidd said:

    I'll pulled the trigger on one standard finish. I'd regret it if I didn't.

    No idea what I'm going to do with it though.:bigshok:

    My vision for a Detolf shelf:

    I bought a Flashback:2020 LaserDisc to use as a backdrop. I'm going to follow @Lolicon's lead and DIYPF mine, along with my two HMR VF-4s.

    Display them all in front of the LD with the Arcadia in Fighter mode, and the HMRs in Gerwalk and Batttroid mode. 

    come to think of it... I might need a third HMR for another Fighter in forced-perspective... :D

  2. 15 hours ago, jvmacross said:


    Maybe the guy missed out on this one?


    12 hours ago, MacrossJunkie said:

    Man, that assembly kit version in that search listing is going for 55,000.

    I'm so glad I got mine from HLJ back in the day for 12,956 (¥17,006 after shipping). I fully regretted getting the toy version which came with nothing and would have only gotten the kit version had I known that would be coming later. The kit was less than half the price of the assembled toy, came with decals, glow in the dark stickers, photo-etch parts, and optional parts. Neither the photo-etch nor optional parts can be obtained anywhere else either, not even the Arcadia premium finish version (as far as I know).

    I picked one of the kits up for ¥40,000 from Mandarake not too long ago.

    I knew about the option parts, but not the decals and photo-etch... I'm so glad I got it

    Can the option parts be swapped-out after it's built? or am I going to have to choose? :ph34r:

  3. On 8/22/2020 at 10:33 PM, peter said:

    It got most of the brush marks off, and whatever is left, I'll call it surface texture FIELD-EXPEDIENT REPAIRS, lol!

    fixed that for you :D


    I'm pleased it worked so well for you... my experiences with simple green and non-acrylic and/or old paint have been... less than successful than your effort.

  4. On 8/25/2020 at 3:30 PM, MechTech said:

    Honestly, save yourself the hassle and get this (or the Imai 1/5000 kit for twice as much - same kit):


    This is STILL the best cruiser mode kit PERIOD hands down. Even the Daedalus and Prometheus are accurate on it. Yeah, it's expensive, but you don't need anything else and you can find them cheaper if you keep your eyes open. It's sad how badly Hasegawa messed up the TV version. - MT

    https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1064034984&ref=list&dispCount=240&dispAdult=0&soldOut=1&keyword=マクロス 1%2F5000&lang=en

    If you're willing to hunt one down, they're not that pricey [shipping/current related hassles not withstanding]:D

    but if there really are two kits in a Revell box... that's maybe a bet worth taking

  5. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    For one, the ultra-high purity fold quartz necessary to produce the fold wave amplifiers that the Tactical Sound Units use is prohibitively expensive due to its scarcity.  You either have to dig it out of Protoculture ruins or hunt Vajra semi-queens for it, and neither of those things is what you'd call a healthy lifestyle choice.

    The Protoculture either manufactured it, or harvested it from the Vajra... or there's some in a mine-able form somewhere in the galaxy, presumably other than ruining a Protoculture ruin/structure/artifact, which would presumably be far more valuable.


    Grace implied quite strongly that the Protoculture remade themselves in the likeness of the Vajra, which I take to mean they developed synthetic biological bodies built around fold-quartz [like the Bird-Human from Macross Zero, which was, in fact, a long dormant member of the species we know as the Protoculture, or do I have this wrong?] as well as their Fold-Wave-Hive-Mind-System [again, an attempted imitation of the Vajra]...

    Is this, perhaps, what caused the schism in the Protoculture? Some were all "Grace O'Conner, Queen of the Borg" about it and some didn't want to be assimilated?

    Or was it that they were harvesting the Vajra for Fold-Quartz and some thought that was abhorrent? [also an interesting reason for the Protoculture to have developed the Zentran]

    I guess that all hinges on whether the Protoculture revered or were mortified by the Vajra...


    Anyhow, if they manufactured Fold-Quartz eventually we'll figure it out, now that we've begun to make use of the stuff, for good or for ill.

    Hell, we used to not know how to make fire... and Fold-Quartz seems to be just about as fundamentally transformative a substance to master...

  6. 43 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    I never liked the show version.

    • He gets heavily injured in the fight, but just gets up out of the fighter and walks over to Claudia's
    • Nobody notices he's injured
    • He completely forgoes medical care to keep his date plans (Either he was fatally wounded, in which case how the hell did nobody notice and he make it to that couch; or he wasn't and he died because of stupid decisions)
    • He manages to traumatize Claudia, probably more than him dying in a hospital bed would have.

    In short, it was massively unrealistic, even for a show with fighters transforming into robots and hostile space-giants.

    It's a tip-of-the-hat to all the legends of pilots landing their kite, then dying of their wounds later... not an infrequent occurrence during wartime, it turns out.


    the Realest explanation I can think of is Roy got wounded and went into shock, and then mentally fixated on his date with Claudia...

    on the wounds themselves: he got hit with an energy weapon burst... regardless of the internal/organ damage they caused, his wounds were likely cauterized and not bleeding that badly while he was still strapped into his seat, not moving a lot, then once he started moving they would've begun to open up and bleed a lot worse. This process was likely initiated by the impact of carrier-landing.

    As long as there were no major arteries opened up, it could absolutely have taken several minutes to an hour for the internal bleeding to become fatal.

    All the while the increasing pain and blood-loss would be worsening his shock symptoms... then he bent over and reached for that guitar.................................................. it only took a couple minutes after that.


    But yes, the whole "nobody noticed" until his ground-crew looked into the cockpit [and saw what we all presume was the pool of blood and holes in his ejection seat] is blatant story contrivance.


    Also, the way the dogfight went down in SDFM was better IMO: Max is dealing with Miria, and Roy gets into a furball with several Zentran, with no apparent wingman, and he gets blindsided by "the one he never saw"... Classic air combat, straight out of a Biggles book!:D


    Either way, I hope I meet a better fate when I have to hunt down a Roy DX in the post-release market!

  7. 3 minutes ago, peter said:

    Lol, My dad built that kit, just a casual builder and never got too serious.  There are definitely gaps in his build, so at least I know what to look for.  Sadly, that build will go into the pile of things to do for a while.  I actually don't have space to display another monster like that so I have to do a little house cleaning and make some space :)

    I built that Revell Tomcat when I was about 12... There was so much wrong with it: fit, shapes, details, I decided the only way to save it was to recreate the Hollywood/Wolfman shootdown from Top Gun. So I got a "Mig-28" and had them hanging from my ceiling about 4 feet apart from each other with the missile trail and explosion in cotton batting/balls on wire... 


    If you're a Tomcat lover don't put yourself through that build, friend.

    If you're in it to put your skills to the test, then giv'er!


    55 minutes ago, peter said:

    If it's a gloss coat, there's a youtube channel called Plasmo.....he sands his decals a lot, but from what I understand, he loads up the gloss coat on top of the decal before sanding.

    Waterslide decals have the Ink beneath the carrier film, so it's relatively safe to lighty sand them.

    Glosscoat first, wet-sand with high-grit to level everything off, repeat as necessary [can take a couple times depending on how thick your decals carrier film is]

    As @peter recommended, check out PLASMO on Youtube.

  8. 19 minutes ago, vlenhoff said:

    I disagree. Roy got shot when he was concerned about Max being singled out by Miria in combat. He let his guard down while he was overseeing Max's retreat. I think by this time, Roy was seasoned enough, and he could have a personal relationship, while in the middle of a war. Just me.

    Oh I'm sure he felt it, and it's a mark of his professionalism and Leadership qualities that he never showed it in public, but we got to see/hear Kirk lament about it [combat, war, losing people under command] several times... Roy did that Pilot thing: Looked at his shoes, shuffled his feet and said "War is Hell" then went on with the job.


    They didn't even give Roy a mentoring Hikaru on losing people, ie: "This is how you deal with it" scene, since Roy died right before Kakizaki did...

  9. 2 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    Kirk is wearing a tanned yellow shirt ie Roy’s colour ..so yeah red shirts are under his command ..

    I kid!:lol::lol:

    I think Roy/Kirk is a fair analogy...

    Roy was never seen to be bothered by all of his fallen underlings either....:diablo:

  10. 6 hours ago, seti88 said:

    Looking at the dyrl kaki, I keep wondering if bandai would ever think abt releasing a TV kaki. Since TV kaki has similarities with the CF brownies, bandai might not want to double dip into brown valks. And I thk a CF has more chances of a release than a kaki. 

    Oh well.

    TV Kaki is White/Tan, CFs are Brown/white...

    not double-dipping at all...................................:D

  11. 8 minutes ago, jenius said:

    COVID messed this whole year up. No way to tell what the game plan was and no way to know if they'll ever get back on track.

    Frankly I'm surprised we've seen the releases that have happened during this...

  12. 1 hour ago, derex3592 said:

    Any of you "Trek" nerds out there know where one can get a set of the 1/1000 Aztecs for the Polar Lights NX-01 Enterprise? It's a nice looking little kit, but if I build it I want to do the aztecs for it, so far no luck....I'm not sure if Acreation was the only ones to make them or not...

    Aztek Dummy makes a set for the version with a secondary hull


    not sure if it's the same pattern, and wound obviously require some modification, but that's all I can find available in 1/1000...

  13. 6 hours ago, Stranger said:

    Question for anybody who was buying from Japan during the Great Recession. Did stories in Japan like Manadrake or Jungle see lower prices? I have a few items I am keeping my eye on, but I'm not in a rush to get them and with the economy looking like it'll be heading south, I am wondering if maybe things might be a lot cheaper by the end of the year. Thoughts?

    As someone who's been working my regular throughout the current 'fun times' I haven't noticed a decline in the market for almost anything, let alone what I would consider to be 'luxury goods' like collectible memorabilia and such.


    If there has been a decline because of the 'rona, it's been slight.

    The biggest disruption, as far as purchasing from Manda etc, seems to have been to the international shipping times.


    Could we see general price reductions in future? maybe, but we'll all have other more pressing concerns by then, I'm afraid:ph34r:

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