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Posts posted by Frogze

  1. Ooops... Looks like that feature was already there... I was just to afraid to transform my 1/100 because I noticed the head laser is starting to break off... sucks!

    I wanted to believe it so bad... made me see thing that weren't actually there! Looks like they added a removable nosecone tip though, as Jenius said, to fit the armor parts à la 1/48.

    I might be the only one here who hopes the grey part on that gerwalk joint is going to be metal since that piece has hair-thin cracks on each of my Hi-Ms. Looking forward to the enemy mechas too, Glaug ftw!!!

  2. It seems that there is a change on the connection between the cockpit and the leading edge on top of the intakes. Sliding mechanism for a better proportioned battroid maybe?

  3. As a splash page, the full image would work, but you are right regarding the initially posted image.

    Hey Thanks a lot for your input, Zinjo! Yeah I agree a splash page would naturally cut this mess and make it more manageable for the viewer.

  4. Thanks guys!

    I wish I had kept more control over the whole process though but I had too much fun drawing this I guess and forgot about a few basic rules such as composing a picture and trying to keep a harmonious color palette.

    Well, here's the whole unedited thing, I cut the lower part out as I thought it added too much distraction in the frame. Let me know what you think :

    Be careful or Tommy Yune might be knocking on your door.. :p

    Haha, I'm not into Voltron anyway ;)


  5. I had some fun sketching yesterday trying to nail Roy's VF-1S in a cool pose and this scene from the Zentradi attack on earth SDFM episode 2 happened as I was adding more and more mess until it got out of control. I tried to salvage what could be by cropping a part from it, here :


  6. did a little display shuffling and popped my beautiful Nora SV-51 up on a stand! ain't she just gorgeous! :wub:

    @Scream Man.. you see im giving her plenty of love! :p;):D


    Lovely picture, those are actually the 2 first Yamato 1/60 valks I bought years ago, still some of my favorite birds to this day.

  7. Fighter mode - anyone managed to get all the tabs around the lower leg to line up and latch? There are wing-to-leg, leg-to-backpack, leg-to-arms, and body-to-leg tabs. In my unit I found it impossible to fit all the tabs, and best to leave the backpack out of the tab puzzle if I want to keep the gun straight.

    I transformed my old VF-0S while I'm waiting for my 0D and experienced the same trouble with the old one. I guess Arcadia kept most of the previous the tabs system on the new one.

    The problem I had was due to the shoulders being not properly rotated. Try pushing the shoulders in until they both align behind the head turret, this might allow you to properly tab in the arms to the legs and also make the rest of the tabs line up

  8. The Phoenix is such a beautiful design I think lot of fans/buyers decided to risk it and get one, especially the re-issues. Roy & Ivanov both sold the best I think, but the overall QC issues hampered these toys success. When I get my VF-0D shortly, if the quality is above & beyond I'll be convinced to get the new 0A & 0S. B))

    Same here, the 0D's quality will decide. I really hope Arcadia shows some pictures of a reaction armor, then I'd need a new 0S for sure

  9. Lets be honest, the Yamato Mac Zero line had a bad reputation, exploding shoulders/arms, floppy wings & other loose fitting parts. A big reason it didn't sell very well IMO.

    They were probably the most scary toy Yamato ever put out, but actually I was convinced it sold "OK", considering that when I was looking for one it was sold out everywhere and the prices were already getting crazy on ebay. And the zeroes did manage to get at least one reissue each, right?

    Mine are all in one piece so far, great display pieces but terrible toys. I'm not sure I'll be happy to pay that much to replace a toy by one that looks only slightly better. The OD will have to convince me that I need these

  10. I have 7 in total (DYRL Skull Squadron with super/strike packs is 4, Hikaru and Max TV-1J's, and a spare VF-1S to display without the packs) and they've all been transformed a fair bit, never had any issues. Can't say I've heard of any issues like this before now, but sorry you've had trouble with them, Frogze.

    Thanks for checking yours RyuRoots!

    I do hope it's only happened on my samples and not a general widespread flaw. I guess it is just bound to happen though, given the plastic and the nature of the hinge Bandai used on this joint (metal "spring" type hinge which applies pressure externally).

    I guess it's a good excuse to get the HMR vf-1 releases as backup in case my current set finally crumbles :)

  11. That sucks man. Dunno how widespread it is. Both my Hikaru and Max 1J's are fine but I don't ever transform them from Battroid and only rarely pose them so maybe there hasn't been enough wear.

    It does right? Lucky for you yours is fine

    I've also checked my Roy which was only transformed 5 or 6 times and found he has a very very thin crack on the inside of the hip hinge too... so it's broken on all of mine, great! I don't think I've used excessive force while transforming so watch out when handling this joint, guys. The break is actually extremely thin and hardly visible. So far it doesn't hinder the transformation of poseability but still a bummer and it seems like a hard thing to fix with glue.

    I really hope Bandai will address this problem on the future reissues

  12. Guys here's a pic of my broken hi-metal gerwalk joint. My max has a similar break but on the inside of the hip. I suspect this failure might be a common one



  13. Just picked up the VF-1J Hi-metal and noticed there are very fine cracks at the gerwalk joint on both legs. Bummer.

    Has anyone else noticed a similar problem on theirs? I've transformed mine quite a few times since I bought it on release back then but never noticed this issue so I can't really tell when it happened

  14. Any Example ? I think you mean Toynami...

    Bandai did that many times, items like the armored vf-25s from the vf100 line and that sweet looking vajra figure come to mind

  15. Really looking forward to this release, fighter mode looks great, it's a very nice sculpt and the tampo overload is nice. From the tampoed triangles near the cockpit it will probably be convertible to a 2 seater like the YF-19 which is always a cool option to have.

    However it's a bit sad that this battroid isn't able to achieve the compact supered form as in the Arcadia's pics posted earlier by aaajin since the boosters are connected directly to the wings and not to the wing roots.

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