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Posts posted by Frogze

  1. that's exactly the plot of an episode of Metal Hurlant Chronicles, almost word for word the same. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2105647/

    That's exactly what I thought, with James Marsters, nice but not the best episode though. It was a fun series overall with a few moments of greatness.

    Cloverfield was very enjoyable so I'm definitely in for this one. Also the fact that it's not another found footage is definitely a plus

  2. Speaking the head, I really love how the visor is now totally recessed in fighter mode. My sample was perfect, no QC problems at all on the valk, the only problem I had was with 2 of the missile pylons, the tip that clips into the wing not the hardpoint on the wing. These seem bent or maybe they're just badly molded so I'll have to straighten them up in order to fit. No big deal though since I'm planning to display the 0S in battroid with the armor on.

    The difference with the original release from Yamato may not be visible to most people outside our hobby but I love all the little added details (holes in the 0S's head lasers) and of course the quality feel of this toy.

  3. What do you consider to be a great movie?

    It's very subjective obviously and does change from one person to another. To me a great movie would be an experience that stays in the back of my mind long after I left the theatre. I keep thinking of a great movie because it's filled with great shots that actually have a meaning, that are moving, thrilling, disturbing, etc.

    I didn't get any of that this year. But all's not lost yet I guess, I'll give Sicario a shot.

  4. I'm either getting too old to remember what I saw this year, or it was just a mediocre year for movies, relative to me. In any case, I agree with you on Mad Max; I just couldn't get behind it...

    I agree with you guys, maybe we're all getting old here because to me 2015 was such a poor year movie-wise, although I haven't seen SW or the hateful 8 yet I doubt it will change my mind that this year's been full of soulless commercial flickers. The Martian and Ex Machina were both ridiculously overblown while Kingman and Mad Max were enjoyable but ultimately very forgettable. I really can't think of a single great movie from this year which is kind of sad

  5. I felt the same way but after a few episodes I kinda got the feeling that this universe might be somewhat dreamlike.

    So for me that kinda explains why the characters act and do unrealistic things.

    I had to forget about "Where did the film's come from?" and "Why and How do the film's exist?"

    If you have ever seen Blade Runner it's kinda similar with the question of "What is Humanity?" or consciousness.

    For me the underlying question in The Man in High Castle is "What is reality?

    That's an interesting way to see it, actually I didn't feel like it was suggested in episode 1 but maybe you get that feeling later on.

    Maybe I should have explained better why I couldn't bother watching past episode 1 :

    At some point the sister of the Juliana character is shot dead before her eyes in a creepy street and all she does afterwards is watch some silly news movies she instantly believes are from an alternate reality. This was the final storytelling trainwreck, there was other moments too but this one was just too much for me

    Also there are too many other excellent shows worth watching right now so I'm too lazy to watch another 3 episodes to get the feeling that it is finally going take off.

  6. I gave it a try and couldn't get past the first episode's character writing nonsense. The production is ace though, the alternate version of the post war era is really interesting and you can definitely see the production's money on the screen which is even more sad to me since the characters were so hollow and poorly played that I couldn't care about what would happen next.

  7. I'm really impressed by how he built the lower legs and feet extending gimmick yet keeping the ankles articulated. I wish I had the skill to achieve something like this for the Gakken rider I've been keeping aside to customize (eventually)

  8. The 3rd episode was so much fun again and still some of the scariest FX I've seen on a TV show to this day, it was very impressive. The story is silly too but everything is so appropriately crafted/written/acted that it only makes it work even better in this context strangely, at least that's how I felt about it.

  9. My 0A was almost perfect, I found a paint smudge on the shoulder which seem to be due to some strong paint solvent since it also left a mark on the plastic when someone at the factory tried to wipe it off. Not too visible since the smudge is close shade of grey anyway. Oh well, battle damage I guess.

    The hips have been holding extensions and extreme posing so far so I'm not too unhappy with it.

    I really hope Mr. K takes the hip failures into account for the 0S though, because it seriously sucks that people are getting broken 0A toys for that price today and it would be a fatal move for Arcadia to ignore a failure as critical as this one for the upcoming zeros.

  10. It's definitely a general problem, the continued failures was why Yamato stopped it. I think it was when the weathering versions were peeling that they said "enough is enough."

    Yes the weathering versions were having it too but I would guess that it was mostly those based on the releases which were already having the issue as non-weathered maybe ?

    I've ever heard of the later DYRL releases Max 1A, 1S or Kaki 1A which also had the fixed shoulder hinges having the peeling syndrom. I wish there had been a poll back then just so we could know how widespread it is.

  11. Luckily I only had one rainbow canopy go wrong on my Yamatos, it was the original issue of Hikaru's VF-1A which also had the initial shoulder issue. Every other sample has held fine so far even Roy's DYRL Super VF-1S release. I'm not sure if it's a general problem or if it's only found on these early releases. For instance I've never heard of the M&M's releases to be prone to the rainbow peeling issue, has anyone had that problem?

  12. 2 episodes in and this is everything I had hoped for, over the top horrific and deliciously silly, also beautifully shot. I don't know if this will get very high ratings but as a fan of the original movies I'm really enjoying it a lot so hopefully they can get a whole 10 episodes season. I can't wait to see Lucy Lawless kicking some deadite ass maybe in the next episode.

  13. I just transformed my 0A to check the legs but no problem to report so far, one is a bit stiffer than the other but both can move properly so far.

    I really love the proportions of the battroid mode, it is definitely an improvement over the previous version, as for the brighter colors I think I also like them better although I've no intention to part from my original Shin copy yet.

  14. For years my holy grail toy was the Gakken Mospeada Ride Armor, despite all its flaws it was just the coolest toy I could remember playing with.

    Then many other modern toys came along, among whic the most notably amazing were the Yamato Ingrams, the updated Beagle Ride Armors, Yamato YF-21, v2 VF-1D, M&Ms, VE-1 and VT-1 Ostrich, and finally SOCs Grendizer, Arcadia and Gunbuster.

    I think the upcoming re-release of the VF-4 G is worthy as well.

    Otherwise I wish Arcadia finished their Patlabor run with a proper 1/24 scale Griffon.

    And of course the holiest grail of all would be if that Beagle Mospeada Houquet proto turned into toy-reality

  15. HMR annoucements have definitely made me so happy it's a Macross fan's dream come true, so many new mechas! They'd better deliver though because I'd be really pissed if these turn into vaporware

  16. Definitely interested in this one. I'm not too crazy about the proportions of this battroid but the size alone sells it. I'm curious to see how fighter mode looks, hopefully Bandai has given it some good looking landing gears too.

    So who else thinks this thing will have a working opening hatch?

  17. Ordered one from NY, not missing out again on this one!

    Can't believe Amiami's price BS though, basically they're asking foreigners to pay an extra VTA too, right? HLJ and HS listed it at 27K with no discount at all and yet Amiami's pricing is a bit above that and they even pretend to be discounting 6% ???

  18. I know it is only one release in but what do you guys use as storage for all the extra accessories?

    I hate looking for parts so I put the cockpit in the giant gap behind the head, it stays there pretty securely and doesn't show too much at all or at least to my liking.

    My armored 1J also has its nosecone stored in that cavity, the space is just enough to allow it to rest with the cockpit part.

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