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Posts posted by Frogze

  1. yeah it fooled me at first, the mat painting ismaking it almost look like a piece of POM or something but the cold feel gave it away later when handling the battroid mode. Speaking of, I managed to dent the plastic on the crotch rotating mid section where the metalic hips connect. I wasn't paying attention enough and because of the stiffness of the hips I used a bit too much force and the rotating waist did the rest... It's not too obvious though so it's OK but it's a point to take notice of when posing battroid especially if yours has incredibly tight hips like mine.

    Transforming it back to fighter was a real ordeal, probably the most frustrating transformation sequence I ever went through. Mine had the stuck wingroot syndrome like the one shown above but ultimately managed to wiggle it in somehow .It's also one of the most rewarding transformations I've done because when all these little bits line-up you're left with a beautiful bird, by far my favorite valk from Bandai to this day

  2. Only diecast I noticed was the little pieces right where the shoulders connect and swing out from the main body (just like the Arcadia) and the feet.

    There's a big chunk of metal on the back of battroid, much like the Arcadia actually, but majority of it is covered by the 2 square back thrusters.

  3. My Arcadia sample was perfect in every way, I hope this Bandai is just as good. However the sideview of fighter mode makes me still point Arcadia as the winner, IMO they pulled off a timeless piece of design whereas Bandai did the cool looking panels and tampo but missed the point on the sculpt.

  4. Got a shipping notice too, upgraded automatically to EMS so hopefully I'll get it somewhere next week.

    I'm curious if the MF boosters can be set in battroid mode with the wings folded in as in the pics of the Arcadia with the T-Rex parts. It would look way less silly to me


  5. They never had any decals afaik, except maybe a few extras like for that green VF-27 maybe (?) and the vb-6.

    Interesting that the front landing gear seems to be hinged, probably because as Chrono noticed the front landing gear doors are very short.

    Also thanks to MW members here I could finally get a PO at HLJ as well :D

  6. A VF-4 reissue with the anime colors would be a safe shot for Arcadia although I'd finally get one even if it's a straight game colors reissue.

    Reactive armor is obviously coming, providing the rest of the zeros sells well enough.

    I want a VF-11MAXL and VF-17T to complete the soundforce squadron

  7. Thank you Micky, likewise, I'm a big fan of your model builds! Mad modeling skills!

    Here's a step by step quick digital VF-0A Shin sketch (please excuse the inaccuracies and simplifications, it's mostly done from memory due to lazyness regarding reference)






  8. VF-11B/C : Like Ignacio said in another thread, this valk needs 2 jointed elbows in battroid, and to make it even better looking in fighter mode when FAST packs are not installed, the vertical stabilizer should be a bit bigger

    VF-22 : the one thing that bothers me with this valk that is OK for the YF-21 is the heat shield. I wish Yamato had implemented something to cover that area when in battroid or at least provided a removable cover. An internal heat shield cover stored in the battroid's hood while in fighter could have been done, but that would probably have been overkill.

    VF-1 : reissues are perfect in every way since they started adding the side covers

    VF-0D : Some tweaks we now see in the future VF-0A could have been done for the 0D too : top chest covers for battroid and knee joint covers when in fighter mode

    SV-51 : updated mold please. But mostly I want a streamlining of the square looking intakes for fighter mode

    VF-19 : perfect

    VF-17 : perfect

  9. I'm a bit bummed that they didn't include these covering pieces on the 0D now, because they would have been more useful than on the 0A since that piece is almost totally covered by the additionnal legs' fuel tanks anyway. It's another bummer for the 0D since the 0A also has that covering hinged piece for the gap on top of the torso too. I've no idea why they couldn't add these two features on the 0D too, maybe they rushed the release and kept adding features to the molds later?

    However the coloring looks good on the new 0A, and Arcadia got the cockpit framing in the right grey color on this one.

  10. Thanks a lot guys! I think I learned a lesson with this one, trying to put more thought on the composition/sketching part before but it was a fun piece nonetheless. I'm going to do another one sometime next week, we'll see how it turns!

  11. It sounds like the tightness isn't the same for all of us. I had no troubles pulling the feet out on my 0D. Definitely the first time I tried to remove the legs from the backpack section going from Fighter to Gerwalk was a harrowing experience but after that I haven't had any tightness issues.

    I still love my 0D and I'm in for the A and S as well.

    Same here, initially I wasn't going to get the 0A but the latests pictures just pushed me into POing it. But the VF-0S/GBP is what I'm really expecting from Arcadia now.

    Also it's cool to see some Kicker display madness again :D

  12. My strategy consisted of clicking like dummy for 30 minutes until Amiami basically reopened the preorders and I could place one in. Still have another one on HLJ though, that I might let go later, not sure yet but I'll you guys know if and when

  13. I can't believe all the BS we still have to go through to even get one. Ordered at Amiami and HLJ but HLJ's order seems to have vanished now. Shouldn't it be appearing in my open orders list?

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