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Posts posted by MastaEgg

  1. Don't get me wrong I enjoy entertaining AND faithful, but when the choice is entertaining OR faithful I choose entertaining especially when I am re-watching an anime. When I have time I will sometimes rewatch a series in its more faithful subbed version to see if its really different and if I missed anything, but if I feel I am not missing anything and the English Dub is entertaining and more or less on par with the quality of the Japanese Dub then I like to enjoy it in my own language. For me every anime release is an individual case though so while I may prefer watching ADV's English Dub of Evangelion I absolutely can't stand their dubbing of classics like Macross or Gatchaman and I will only listen to the Japanese Dub.

    Let me explain. I had seen almost all of Robotech and Macross, before I had even seen SDF Macross. After watching DYRL I was just DYING to see SDF Macross with the original songs, storyline, etc that I had been missing out on. Of course when I finally found and watched SDF Macross I was blown away and enjoyed it more then Robotech: The Macross Saga, but I still enjoy watching the "Bumbling Asteroids" moments of Robotech. Had their been a better, uncut version of RT: The Macross Saga been shown to me that kept Minmay's original songs that were actually in sync, Macross's definition of Protoculture, etc. then I would not have felt like I was missing out on so much and I wouldn't have felt desperate to actually hunt down and watch SDF Macross in its original form. A better version of the Macross Saga wouldn't keep me from actually enjoying the Original Japanese SDF Macross at all once I sat down and watched it eventually though.

    I thought ADV did a pretty good job with the Macross dub, considering the source material HG gave them wasn't that great to begin with (compared with the superior video quality of the Japanese remaster). I remember reading how HG flew out to Japan to find better source masters only to come back empty handed because they thought their footage looked better. They even had the nerve to say the Japanese would now have to come to them to find the good stuff.

  2. That site's really neat if not a bit disorienting :wacko:

    Oh wow... the new character and mecha artwork is so cool! I see that they're actually using the TV designs for them and not DYRL.

  3. I don't think you understand how cartoons are created. Toy companies SPONSOR cartoons. THEY provide money, not the producers of the TV show. When Matchbox pulled out, Robotech II: The Sentinels collapsed because they decided not to help pay for the show.

    Merchandise pays too. Like all those awful dolls posted earlier.

  4. I don't think the Zentraedi have the skills to come up with new designs - it's hinted that they can't even repair them when they're broken. I always had the assumption the protoculture came up with the designs for their ships and mecha and they were simply instructed how to use them.

    Which brings up an interesting point- who keeps the factory satellites running?

  5. Hello, I have a simple question.

    Everywhere online it is mentionned that the MEGAROAD 01 has disappeared around 2016.

    I have just finished to watch the whole series, oav's and movies and it is nowhere mentionned ...

    Where do people know that, what is the source of this information?

    (btw, could be a good start for a new show ... they've been "folded" into the future and reappears sometime after 2060 ...)

    *comes out of the shadows*

    It's feasible, since time does slow down in fold space.

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