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Posts posted by MastaEgg

  1. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously there. The fact is that back when the comic book was done there wasn't really a fine line of what was Robotech and what was Macross. People that were Robotech fans became Macross fans and saw new designs that weren't in the series. The fine line between wasn't drawn until HG started claiming everything that was Macross as their property and that's when the fans started taking sides. I dont believe that HG ever took part on what the artists and comic book companies put in their pages, or were even interested. And as far as look, I prefer the manga look also, but it's just a subjective opinion to say what is right. Because it's standard practice for American comic books to let the artist interpret the story, so what is going on here isn't straight out plagiarism but an adaptation that an artist was paid to do.

    I remember buying the Robotech art books first then getting the Perfect Memory book and then the Gold Book and it took me a long time to care what was Robotech and what was Macross, but as a fan I rabidly bought up what was available to me.

    So there was a time when Macross and Robotech fans held hands in harmonious joy and complemented each other work? That's scary.

  2. FRONTIER 1 right here, but you need a VEOH web player to view it. I onyl got the last 2/3rds on youtube as Bandai bans it due to having their own web channel which streams the series.

    Why are they going after your dub in particular? There's lots of subbed instances of ep 1 on youtube and they've been up for a while.

  3. Well, they both had equal stakes right? I don't think it was like "I'll do these scenes and you do the other ones and then we'll just edit them together!". You'd get a movie that wouldn't have a clear focus. They probably acted as a single body with each checking the other.

  4. I think the benefit of using CG, especially for mechanical objects is that the proportions are always maintained during the animation. It's probably why you don't see arguments like "so how big is the Macross Quarter?". And yeah it does cut costs, especially when your trying to animate huge objects with a lot of detail, but there's still of lot of work in making them blend in with the 2D stuff, otherwise it really sticks out (see Shadow Chronicles).

    As for character design, I guess the reason why Mikimoto wasn't brought on was his characters don't appeal to that Yaoi craze that plagues today's anime.

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