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Posts posted by MastaEgg

  1. I can't say I like the direction Kawamori has taken with the series post 80's era, although I suppose it would of been a hell of alot worse without him at the helm.

    I've been watching some older Gundam stuff lately and I'm impressed with the way Zeta Gundam continues from where original series left off- it's even better than the first show. You got new characters and story, but you've also got the original cast supporting them and they continuing to develop as well. Macross doesn't have sequels like that. The previous cast sent on their way never to be seen again (well except a few chacaters in Mac7) and then the story jumps another 20 or so years on to humanity's next colonization effort in space, following the same fomula.

    I'm not saying Macross should be like Gundam, but I would like to see each series feeling like its a smaller part of a bigger story, rather than a story that repeats itself in the future.

  2. I was implying that you can do whatever you want to DVD subtiles with the right freeware and know-how so their is little need to complain about subtiles on DVDs when one can easily change them to suit their whim, but few people actually do it. Take this one guy I met a few months ago. He was considering buying ADV's SDF Macross set, but he absolutely hated ADV's ugly yellow subs so I spend 5 mins telling this Computer Scieince major step by step how he could buy the set and easily reautherize the DVDs on his new $5000 computer with the subtitle font and color of his choice only to get... "Nah sounds too complicated and time consuming for me. I'll just download some fansubs"

    He can probably do it, it's just Computer Science people are some of the laziest people on the planet.

  3. The Robotech OST wasn't bad, but those Minmei songs... oh..my...god...

    I just purchased the ADV Macross set. And I can tell you I wont be listening to the dub. I can't stand the fact they call the "Macross" the "Muh-cross". So I will only be watching it in original Japanese with subs, to avoid wear and tear on my Animego set.

    "Mac - ross" FAIL!

    "Mah cross" FAIL!

    "Ma - cro - ss" WIN!

  4. I'm sorry to say the Robotech voice acting is vastly superior (in quality not accuracy) to the ADV dub of Macross. If you for example compare the ADV dub versus Gubaba, Boinger and co's The Galaxy Network subbed version the difference is shocking.

    The thing I find most ironic is that they assigned a lot of stereotypical accents for a lot of the characters in Robotech, but Minmey doesn't sound Chinese... despite her ethnicity being the most established of the characters.

    And for the record I like the ADV voices better. I didn't care for them at first, but mostly because they were so different. You should give them a chance. Unless you actually prefer unempathic sounding characters.

  5. Well, one theory could be that the intro takes place after ep 27, but before ep 28. It's possible that they kept the macross in service for a bit before retiring it to the lake.

    The most glaring thing about the intro is that the macross is shown firing it's main gun- in cruiser mode. So they might of repaired it as well.

  6. Apparently not.

    No matter how hard I try, I can't come up with a rational explanation for why Harmony Gold USA puts so much effort into making the Robotech.com forums conform to a level of family-friendliness and political correctness seldom seen outside of reruns of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. It just doesn't make any sense when you stop to consider that the average Robotech fan is more than old enough to buy his/her own guns, porn, and liquor, and has been for the better part of a decade, and their younger fans are almost all old enough to get into R-rated movies on their own. I could maybe see it as justifiable if Robotech were a show that had any kind of teenage fan following, or at least appealed to that age group, but it doesn't, and it probably never will. I mean, sure, there are twenty- and thirty-somethings there who act like they're thirteen (and write like they're seven), but I'm pretty sure it's chronological age that matters for things like that.

    When you act like a 13 year old, it's only fair you get treated like one.

  7. I enjoyed it for the most part-- all though destroying the Macross still bugs the hell out of me. It's a fun little story and the mecha designs were actually pretty good.

    I kinda enjoyed too, but the dub was really awful. There were some nice ideas like the culture park and the use of destroids again. Kinda dissapointed the UN Spacy goes back to their old ways and hides stuff from the public, considering that it led their downfall in the original series.

    Anyone think that Hibiki's rather flamboyant friend may have been the inspiration for Bobby in Frontier? Considering that they're both hairdressers and all...

  8. How in 7 hells does HG stay in business on just Robotech alone? The franchise can't be bringing that much money for them. I would have thought by now that they would have been swallowed up by another or simply folded. In fact till the Robotech DVDs came out, I thought HG was long out of business.

    They also have other bussiness ventures (like real estate) that keep them afloat. If Robotech were the only thing they had, they'd had bitten the dust a long time ago.

  9. From the link above:

    The original Japanese Macross anime? Pretty awesome. Macross Plus? Pretty good. Macross Zero? Good, I'm told. But the rest -- Macross II, Macross 7, and this Macross Frontier nonsense -- are or look like ass. Meanwhile, Robotech's Macross Saga -- and this comes from a dude who was a professional anime nerd for seven years -- is better than any and all of them.


    I think they need to revoke his "professional anime nerd" license for saying that.

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