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Posts posted by MastaEgg

  1. What makes anime an anime to begin with isn't the way it looks- it way it feels because it was made a a very different culture than our own. The visual style, the way it's told, and all those, as Macek calls them, "cultural gestures", are just reflections of this. Just because you made it "look" like anime (which is a bad generalization, look at shows like Shin-chan) doesn't make it feel like anime.

  2. They might as well lump all the threads under the warzone topic by the look of things there. I swear, the whole fandom is like Robotech itself- it's just one senseless war after another. Now it's Robotech vs Macross. When (if) the LAM comes out, it's going to be WB Robotech vs HG Robotech.

  3. I saw a couple chapters that were posted up on some chinese forum and was very impressed. Mikimoto has also been known as an excellent character designer but he draws mecha just as well here.

    It's great to see some of the old mecha again btw, not only the VF-1's but the old zentraedi stuff too. We only get Queadluun-Reas in the sequels for some reason (they're great and all but you also need Regults mixed in there for cannon fodder ;))

  4. I dunno about that "Death to Macross purists" bit, given that some of the Robotech comics he scripted had plenty of references to "Kai Fun" and "Shao [Pai] Long".

    Perhaps Mr. Yune is a frustrated Macross fan heading the Robotech franchise in order to, in a roundabout way, work on what really interests him.

    All those "stupid things" he does? He's actually on our side trying to bring down the company down from inside out. He just can't break his cover yet...

    Oh and he and Macek go way back. But that just makes it less suspicious.

  5. "Rick Hunter got up from sleeping, then he paused to reflect about the events from the previous day. He was saddened over the loss of more of his beloved comrades, some of which he never got to know. Then he put on his pants. Rick Hunter then felt a rumble in his stomach. He had never gone so long without eating. So then he went into the kitchen. But there was no more toast..."

  6. So in Robotech, everyone and their mother knew each other. That reminds me in the Academy Blues where Lisa, Claudia and the bunnies were in the same academy and knew of each other.

    Which makes you wonder why she didn't shed a tear when they like, all died in the end of Macross Saga. Which didn't make sense anyway because:

    1. We were never shown an escape capsule in the bridge... ever.

    2. Why would there be room for only person? At least you should accommodate everyone except the captain, because the captain ALWAYS goes down with his ship.

    3. Kyron's ship only destroyed the daedalus, it didn't even touch the bridge.

    4. Why kill them off anyway? It's not like you see any macross characters in the show ever again.

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