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Posts posted by bandit29

  1. I'm kinda of surprised that Part 1 hasn't had a second run. It didn't seem like that there were that many to go around. I sold off most of the figures I didn't want.

    Yes Minmay is the only with removable clothes(dress). My wife looked at me like some kinda wierdo when I showed her lol :lol:

    I wonder who will be in Part 2. I hope there are some Macross Plus figures this time around. Hopefully, no Basara. I'd have to burn it.

  2. Is it just me, or did HHH look like he had a bit of a gut?

    lol with a gut and his bad leg he'd kick most of MW's ass lol

    HHH needs to go the way of the Rock....away. But since's he's bangin' and married to the boss's daughter I fear HHH will be involved with the WWE for a long time.

    So do we get new announcers for RAW? Am I the only who isn't convinced that Al Snow is a heel? I met the guy he was super cool. After signing autographs at Wizard World a few years ago, he went into the dealers room and started buying comics, action figures and taking pictures with more fans for free. Something the WWE doesn't like very much btw.

  3. I don't get it... why are you all so dependant on bootleg DVDs?

    Just download the digisubs. They're free, good quality, and the subs (usually) don't suck.

    Most people probably want to watch it on their TV I suppose. I don't mind watching stuff on my computer.

    I'd download but I'm still on crappy dial up. How long would it take to download an episode of Macross Zero on dial up? 24 hours?

    cool pics. Thanks yoshi.

  4. Lack of articulation? These are mini figures, what do you expect? Go buy the bigger action figures than.

    I have a few of the sets. Gandalf vs the Balrock is pretty cool looking.

    Helms Deep set is out but I have no space for that now.

    I saw all of these on display at Wizard World Chicago back in August.

  5. Saw it last night...eh not bad. I liked it, bad acting and all. That Kraven was the worst. Some decent gun battles and fight scenes.

    If they wanted real goth chicks they should have cast the ones who wear all black and are 300 lbs that work at Hot Topic. :lol:

    The problem with this movie is that you'd quickly forget that the characters are supposed to be Vampires and Werewolves.

    The half Vampire/Wolf at the end was lame. Really lame. I thought I'd be seeing some CG creature or something but no it was just a guy with 2000 flushes all over his skin.

    The RE2 teaser trailer was no big deal really. It was the best trailer but when you have to compete with Eddie Murphy in "The Haunted Mansion" or another dumb Meg Ryan movie what can ya do? :lol: "Kill Bill" looks kind of interesting.

  6. Shipping in battroid mode!?! My experience is that fighter mode has always been the most compact. Especially if fold up the backpack and sweept the wings together.

    Ya but that wouldn't look like anything if the box was a window box. Now if it was a closed box with a pic on the front, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

    The fast pack boxes were too big as well.

    Yamato's packaging reminds me of heavy metal guitarists in the 80's when they would play guitar solos. "Hey look at me and all the stuff I can do"

    In other words, extremely excessive with no point lol :lol:

  7. Smaller boxes is must. It probably won't happen this late in the game.

    Shipping the 1/48 in Battroid mode would help as long as the boxes are strong. If not, the box doesn't really need to have all of the accessories shown in the window.

    The Super O and Elint boxes are just ridiculous. They probably didn't want broken back hinges so they packed the boosters seperate. But what they did is just overkill.

    The 1/48 VF-1J with FP box will probably be enormous.

  8. What the heck?!?!?! Did anyone else watch the Ironman Match on tonight's Smackdown? I can't believe they made Kurt Angle lose the Championship Belt on Smackdown. Couldn't they have waited for the PPV Special on Sunday? :angry:

    Didn't see the match but there was an article up on WWE.com the other day about the untimely death of Kurt Angle's sister. Maybe they changed the story lines. Smackdown is taped on Tuesday and the article I think came out Wednesday morning.


    Without the fast packs for now unless it is confirmed that the FP will fully fit a 1/48 VF-1S. Also will the TV FP kits ever be sold by themselves?

    Ugh this is going to be a killer in Valkyrie/have to buy my wife a present ratio... :o

  9. My Hikaru 1/60 VF-1J hip cracked again!! I got a replacment for the first leg that cracked and now the second one cracked in exactly the same spot. On lower round portion of the hip joint.

    The back pack on my new Super O popped out when I tried to fold it up. I had to take the lower portion of Super O apart. Not exactly thrilled that I had to take a part a brand new toy that I owned for less than 10 minutes. Its fine now. Not going to bother transforming it to battroid mode

    The 1/60's are truly crap.

    BTW both of my 1/48 VF-1S Roy had a few scuff and scratch marks.

  10. Besides Macross stuff I collect:

    NASCAR... it will put you deeper in debt faster than Macross will...

    various anime and video game figures(Berserk, Fist of the North Star, Morrigan etc)

    Lord of the Rings figures & merchandise. The new mini playsets are awesome.

    DVD addict....

    As a kid of the 80's I used to collect comics (X-men, Batman, Nexus, Badger for example). I don't collect anymore really. I've bought a few of the new

    Fist of the North Star graphic novels and waiting for the Berserk manga to start in the US. I was looking forward to the New Teen Titans show on cartoon network since the comic was a favorite of mine as a kid...ugh what a horrible cartoon.

    If I'd get my ass out of debt I'd go back to collecting various guitar equipment...which would probably send me straight back into debt lol :lol:

  11. Ya closet space, shelf space etc. Ran out of that awhile ago. Alot of my boxes are stored in the garage. Yamato are truly the kings of wasted, oversized packaging. Especially the Super O and Elint.

  12. One could argue either for the black or red heat shield since the Hikaru

    VF-1S appears with both in DYRL. Even the skulls on the FP boosters change colors.

    IIRC, the VF-1S Max is clearly black in every scene. I don't think an "official" pic of the Max VF-1S with a blue heat shield exists.

  13. Latest in Trigun Toy Tribe series!

    Imported from Japan exclusively to North America via Diamond Comic Distributors, the Gungrave: Beyond the Grave 8-inch action figure is a remarkable representation of the main character from the action packed PS2 video game. This figure includes variant heads, 2 "Cerberos" guns, and a coffin accessory that pops open to store guns, and sports real metal chains.

    Beyond the Grave comes in window box packaging designed by game and Trigun creator Yasuhiro Nightow. Scheduled to ship in December 2003 for $49.99.

    Fans can find these and other great products based on todayfs most popular video games at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online HERE.



  14. How common is it for R2 anime DVDs to have english subtitles? I know Macross Zero doesn't but what about Macross Plus?

    Its not that common.

    The Japanese region 2 version of Macross Plus has the English audio track and Japanese subs. No English subs. Also its one episode per disc.

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