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Posts posted by bandit29

  1. Super NES being trounced by the PS2? Blasphemy. Damn kids.

    lol the PS1/PS2 should be seperate. I voted for the PS one and I'm sure I'm older than you. But if I had a choose between the PS2 and SNES, I'd choose the SNES. SNES was fun. So was the PS One. The PS2 overall is annoying. The PS2 has too many garbage games vs good ones.

  2. I hope there is more. This series rules. An OVA or movie I don't care I want more. The manga is going to start in the US in October.

    The PS2 Berserk game was at the Tokyo Game Show this past weekend..

    Most of the pics I found, Guts(Gatsu) is already the Black Swordsman like in the Dreamcast game.


    very bloody is the description. lol I'm sure it will come to the US. At least this time more people outside of Japan will know what Berserk is unlike when the Dreamcast game came out. That's an excellent game btw.

  3. PS One. Some of those games I really like alot. I grew up on Atari, Colecovision, NES, Genesis, SNES but the PS one really pushed gaming into new areas. Not all for the good though....the PS2, so far, really hasn't really delivered. Sure there are some good games but the ratio is like 1 good to 15 bad. Most of the games are terrible.

    I really wish the Sega Dreamcast would have lasted. I've been playing that more than my PS2...

  4. Ya Vagrant Story was cool. I think it did better in the US than in Japan. Too bad there won't be a sequel any time soon.

    Chrono Cross' only saving grace was the music. The rest of the game was awful.

    Square tried their hands with fighting games with mixed results.

    Tobal 1 and 2 were terrible.

    Bushido Blade was cool for its time. The first one seemed so unfinished. You could use a game shark to unlock a few things they were not normally playable. The second was alright except they took away the ability to cripple your opponent.

    Ehrgeiz was ok. I think Namco was involved with this one. The mulit-3D planes made for some cool fights. There were also mini games and a dungeon mode.

    Its obvious Sqaure's best efforts are far behind them. They haven't really tried anything new(outside of RPGs) since the FF movie bombed (rightfully so). They'll play it safe with games that have "FF" in the title because they know Sqaure/FF obsessed fanboys will buy anything with "FF"on it. A Final Fantasy Fishing game with characters from the games would probaly sell well lol.

    btw I wonder why Xenogears never became a greatest hits title after its two printings.

  5. I hope this gets an offical US release some day.

    Be careful what you wish for. Doesn't Mangle have the rights to the original series? I'd hate to see them follw it up by ruining a brand new OVA.

    Mangle has rights to the first 36 episodes of the TV series. As of now they aren't doing anymore. I had heard rumors that Gutsoon Entertainment would do with a US release of the new OVA once Mangles rights are done. They are the parent company of Rajin comics who publish the new FOTNS graphic novels and prequel Fist of the Blue Sky comics.

  6. Against my wishes I bought a Super O. Not bad. Nice sculpt. The paint job on mine was good. No overspray or chipping. The plastic on the arms looks very cheap. Almost like recycled plastic was used.

    The only problem I had was with the new back pack. The very first time I flipped it up it was under so so much pressure it fell off. I had to take apart the the Super O and reattatch it. I wasn't exactly thrilled taking apart a new toy I owned for only 10 minutes. The back pack is fine now. It locks well and doesn't loosen up.

    I'm just leaving this one in fighter mode. Maybe a gerwalk every once in awhile. The Battroid mode is ugly. An afterthought really.

    The Elint I didn't buy. No Valks with dishes on thier head for me lol

  7. Awww, Cloud looks too much like Tidus. :angry:

    Funny I always thought Tidus looked like Cloud and Squall had a kid lol.

    I liked FF7 when it was out. I think its probably the only FF game I like. The NES and SNES games I never liked and the rest of the FF games for the PS1/PS2 suck.

    I used to love Square games but they haven't released anything good since Xenogears or Vagrant Stroy IMO.

  8. While the fast packs are very cool...here it comes...

    Yamato took a solid fighter mode and turned into a somewhat floppy mess. By this I mean the arms don't stay up and the gunpod is very loose when connected to the arm armor. I have four sets of armor and they are all like this when they are on the Hikaru VF-1A and Roy VF-1S.

    Plus the double RMS-1 missiles are always falling off(either off the wing or its own attatchment). Got tired of that and just glued them onto the attatchment.

    Overall I do like the FP armor alot but these two issues kind of bug me.

  9. I own both. The R2 DYRL and the FX bootleg have the same content. Same menu. The movie and a few trailers. The FX version has subs of course. Picture quality is very close. Sound quality about the same. The FX version is pretty much a direct rip of the R2. The only thing missing on the FX disc is the Bandai/Emotion logos at the beginning, the Toho film symbol, and a few seconds of the black screen before Britai and Exedol speak. Not much really.

    The other R2 version of DYRL was released in a laser disc sized box. I think the content was the same. Out of print now.

    small edit. Toho films not Toei

  10. Tech TV has a few good shows. X-play is good. Its better now with Morgan on it. Adam is a dork. I'm surprised Man Faye isn't on that show since Morgan is the anime fan. They have some anime convention coverage on

    X-play. Maybe they don't want to disturb the kids or upset the parents lol

    Anime unleashed is ok. To my knowledge, the anime they show isn't edited.

    Their product review shows are cool.

  11. Despite my Super VF-1J Hikaru breaking its hip joint twice(the original leg and its replacement) I'd say it looks the best and is my favorite.

    The cannon fodders from Yamato are crap. I owned 2 TRU and 2 regulars and they were all garbage. Yamato can't even get the colors right. The TRU was puke green/brown and the regulars were tan.

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