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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. This would be a legitamite critique if not for the fact that Basara's music was the best ever made in the entire universe.

    since his music is the best ever made, he obviously doesn't care if other people agree it's the best or not - they just need to listen to his song.

    but if they think it an annoyance then they wont listen to it. Evidence When Gamlin was strapped into the song force chair thing. And forced to listen to Basara's singing he couldn't stand it. He did he like it by then idk i dont remember. I do remember he like mylene's singing tho.

    That and that whole statement above contradicts its self to me. Not to offend you but your post was a little too long.

    Not so much short attention span just i genuinely dislike Basara's character as a whole and A large portion of M7.

  2. Actually, there's quite a few fans who think that Basara is a deconstruction of the typical heroic, hot blooded mecha pilot protagonist and the typical "positive musical band leader" archetype, turning it on it's head and showing how truly annoying it could be.

    Then what does that make kamina from ttgl?

  3. After reading most of the points I'm sad to say that I HATE Basara!!

    And yes I have watched M7. I haven't watched the main series but not the movies and extra episodes.

    The points that have been brought out about how he cares more about the quality of his music more than how much Money can be made. But he doesn't sing to listeners but sings AT them without care if they like it or not. where as Sheryl would sing and care if you like it and if you didn't she would improve or change the performance so its more likable.

    The whole guitar hero flight control system.... yeah that was stupid; and I feel Basara was a good pilot but not as good as everyone makes him out to be. If your not a high priority target during a battle then the bullets may not be flying at you too much imo. But on another leaf... in GunXSword everyone piloted there mech's using weapons. The one female character had a Bo-staff but she used to be a stripper or promiscuous ..... you know what the just look at the picture.


    My Opinion is that Sheryl wouldn't get with basara. He cares too much about himself. If she was if Fire Bomba she'd leave. His continuous lack of professionalism would be the final nail in the coffin. if it were a duet like Lion by Sheryl Nome feat. Nekki Basara then yeah she'd probably do it. I really don't see him as the type of guy who would be there for her when times are rough or with her through thick and thin.

    But overall M7 made me mad at parts (mainly the continuous playing of planet dance every battle) and it felt like a giant toy commercial.

  4. Makes me glad I went back to the board. I'm having so much fun with this that I forgot why I went back in the first place. :lol:

    That said, we need moar fanarts ASAP! (Preferrable of the Alto x Sheryl x Ranka yuri threeway variety).

    how would that be possible?

    unless he's trying to become woman.

    I smell Sitcom.

    pretty much it'd be the crying game merged with macross frontier.

    that or Bosom Buddies.

  5. Not sure exactly where you can find those posters specifically, but I usually check ebay, and usually google for poster shops. Did you have in particular you were looking for? I was actually hoping to find a poster of Madox-01. Don't know if one exist or not.

    Something like the Cowboy bebop movie poster.

  6. Okay here's my thoughts on the whole sexual/ marriage consent thing.

    If just one of the parties involved is a minor then its up to the parents if they wish to press charges or or allow marriage. it doesn't matter if the legal age is 16 the parents will wine and moan that they're not an adult or some other BS argument. This comes into play when the girl is younger than the guy and the parents don't like the fact that their baby has been de-flowered or which ever term you wish to use.

    It stupid b/c what happens usually is that the guy gets branded as a sex offender for life. All because he got lucky.

    And since everyone wants to be like America (why idk) most countries have started enacting stupid laws. But mainly its greedy politicians who attach a 8 other items to a bill that if everyone rejected it would make them look as if they don't care about the ppl they were elected/ appointed to represent. Ex: All School Buses must stop at Railroad crossings but attached to that is bill for funding project X, bill for the purchase of unnecessary armaments, bill for tax authorization for company who is in the process of sending jobs over seas or outsourcing parts of its customer support, bill for program J that will not work b/c on paper it fails 80 researches say it will fail but three individuals stand to make a large sum of money and list goes on.

    BAck on topic:

    The Sheyrl pic's are awesome. but my question is where is the light coming / emitting from in the toned Sheyrl pic?

    the reason i ask is because the shadows look slightly off to me.

    And um......... stripper Sheyrl= nosebleed.


    what was the word?

  7. So I got this today:

    Thank your for choosing Toywiz.com! This e-mail is regarding order number 983919 from our online store. Unfortunately the item that you ordered, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Revoltech #066 Super Poseable Action Figure Enkidudu (Pre-order ships April), is no longer in stock. You were not charged for this item. We make every effort to prevent this sort of situation and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience to you. If, in the future, we are able to obtain the item, we will contact you at the earliest opportunity. For any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience.

    God this tick me off.

    Anybody got a spare Enkidudu that they want to trade or sell. I'll trade you my spare Enki.

    Sorry to tell you this but Enkidudu was a japan exclusive.

    You can find him on ebay for 200 usd*. But it's not worth it to me. Liked Enkidudu but not that much.

    And yes it is an irritation b/c you collected all the others saw enkidudu online in "leaked" photo's. Found some one who was selling it. Made a pre-order ... then you get the message that you got.

    BUt to be fair I paid 50 usd for Enki alone. Just so i could have the Gurren wing.

    So if your going to blame someone blame Kaiyodo and customs.

    *United States Dollar(s)


    I don't like that guy too much. He does a good Ed Elric, but...


    Everyone knows the best Hikaru is Hikuro.

    I've heard enough of his voice for a long time.

    haven't herd Hikuro's Hikaru.

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