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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Idea:

    Takes place XX years after frontier,the planet has been colonized

    Same faces from frontier

    Luca now head of lai industries married Nanase.

    Ozma & Caty married -Ozma Commander of Battle frontier.

    Alto Head of sms who'd he pick idk and idc


    Ranka- happy

    Klan - happy found love with another and etc.

    But they wouldn't be in it. As main characters at least.

    Since there is peace The main pastime is ValKyrie racing. It'd probably have almost like a IGPX feeling to it.

    You meet the pop idol who is also a valk pilot ( for the basara effect)but no one knows it.Several episodes of this and character development . . The planet is Attacked and..

    A darker Macross that is kinda of like the original SDF meets Freespace. I want to see a Battle Macross with an experimental intergalactic fold drive end up stranded in the middle of another Galaxy against a new powerful alien race that can not be reasoned with or singed to. In order to survive and return home the Macross crew will have to resort to raiding enemy supplies and utilizing space gurellia tactics while hiding in a Space Nebula.

    It wouldn't be Battle frontier but another city. Each city would have its own macross class battleship in order to continue the voyage to through out the galaxy. but this city wasn't ready yet. everything experimental.

    Battlestar Galactica situation results and they try to re join the fleet

    Then its time go down the Appleseed / GITS route... the New UN SPACY has done some very bad things. this comes out and a Coup d'état happens government is over thown.

    Now what would be neat is if used some elements of Alex Ross' Marvels. follow the events of what has/ is unfolding through the eyes of just an average everyday person or a Grunt/ cannon fodder.

    The pop idol would have to decide between singing or fighting. and so on and so forth.

    All or most of the character would be adults. Technology would be along the lines of Macross plus.

    Yes Nudity. Tasteful nudity like silhouettes and shadows in the correct places.

    No Code Geass table-kun situations.

    Solo fight scenes where it's one guy vs. 50 enemy will he come back idk.

    this is all just one big idea that will probably never happen.

  2. ANYTHING Macross is ok as long as there is no more Valks with speaker pods going round yelling BOMBAAAAAAA!!

    I'd be okay with speaker pods if they were used in atmosphere where you can actually hear vs. outer space where there is no atmosphere.

    In short if were they were used logically like in frontier . Then I'm okay with them.

  3. Tournament, Martial arts: Valkyrie competitions alla Macross II or even G-gundam

    Sports: Macross Seven Trash or similar

    These two combined wold be neat. It'd probably have almost like a IGPX feeling to it. But somehow that fate of the galaxy would have to be involved

    Magical girl: Sheryl the Galactic Fairy does have a nice ring to it :p

    It could work but the movie may do some of that

    Horror: Ranka goes yandere?

    Hmmm... she is almost to that point. Macross Days anyone?

    Psychological: hmm, Mamuro Oshii get's to direct a Macross project?

    that could work. but Sky Crawlers wasn't that good.

    Harem: Love Octangle

    That would be confusing.

    Addendum: I never liked Tenchi Muyo

    Eroge: hmm, nope, let's not go there.

    Its Been done already Live-action. :blink:

    He could always throw everything out the window and do time travel.

    Just long as they don't go the route of Gundam. I.E. emo kids find giant overpowered robots and can't decide if they want to fight or remain neutral. :unsure:

    Just a thought

  4. Okay, what's with the Zentradi drummer and not speaking. I've seen a mic in front of her when she is drumming...but she has yet to speak?

    Idk about the mic. that may have been a blunder on the animators part or its for her drums. She says maybe 3 lines in the whole series.

    I was just about to ask if there's some new songs coming...but Mylene just started singing this new one when here and Basara are closed off while at the beach in Episode 7. And Basara's a tool towards Mylene, and then he saves her all lovingly. What a jerk.

    So...are there more songs coming from Fire Bomber??? Please say yes. :unsure:

    Thats kinda why I don't like Basara and M7.

    Yes a few more. But you have to endure Planet dance for a majority of the series.

    And who the hell is this blonde girl that is always just about to approach Basara and then get's cockblocked?

    I still want to know who she is myself. They never answer that question. :angry:

    But on a good note Captain Maximilian Jenius does come out PWN everything at one point in the series using the VF-22.

  5. On another note, not really a complaint,me being new around here, but...

    Why is there not a music section on the forum? Considering the importance music has played in all of Macross .Just curious.

    Not to be a barer of bad news.

    Probably because there are dozens of sites devoted to just the translation of lyrics of songs from japan. Its also why some subber's (hope i spelled that right) don't do the songs in some shows.

  6. WB must've hired Basara as the script writer. His scripts are always Fire Bombers and are just too hot for Hollywood to handle. So they always end up tossing them into the fire and tell him to write again write again.

    For as we all know Briticana's are a superstitious cowardly lot.

    They plan and plot, but they always get caught.

    There evil schemes will come to not.

    that would explain why superman returns and matrix revolutions sucked; and why most all their tv series suck.

  7. What are Tatsunko or something? Who said you could have the interweb distributional rights to what I type? :lol:

    The idea of profiting off a Robotech movie has no doubt been an idea of HG for a long time probably even before they acquired the trademarks. It wasn't until after Transformers was a huge success that HG and WB got together and become serious about the Robotech movie though. If WB and HG really were serious about a Robotech movie back in 1999-2002 like I think your suggesting then they would have at a finalized script to show by now.

    I am suprised that Lelouch would even be portrayed as a happy and preppy teen without a care in the world in the Japanese dub. I always saw him as a cross between Light Yagami from Death Note and Char from Gundam personally.

    well maybe they had a very good script and WB said THIS IS TOO GOOD and threw it in the fire.

    Maybe not a happy care free teen but just a teen with all his attributes. The Japaneses dub was like listening to Kevin Conroy as Batman and Bruce wayne

  8. Nice trailer. More Frontier can only be a good thing, esp since this is probably the last new Macross we're getting for a while.

    Am I the only one who can't get the "Itchy and Scratchy" movie out of their head when seeing this, though? I suppose all that Japanese text is proudly proclaiming "53% New Footage!". :D

    Dang it now I have the theme to Itchy and Scratchy in my head now. :lol:

    Kinda. I'm still Going to "Acquire" it anyway

  9. Victor Records and the music artists have a cut whenever their music is sold. So that is the real situation.

    That's how contracts work. Especially if it was made in the late 90's.

    WB wasn't even in the scene during HG trademarking Macross and the Tokyo court decision granting who has rights to Macross between Tatsunoko, and Big West and Studio Nue.

    Not to make you sound like a total newbie but please read the first page to get a better grasp of the discussion.

    Yeah but the idea of making a live action movie of Robotech or Macross may have been on someone head at WB/ HG for a while.

    They could have been in talks longer than anyone may actually know.

    You Have to remember 1999-2002 was the year American comics started being made into Live action films. so that was probably a large motivator of why they trademarked it. And if they wanted WB to do it at the time they just did the Matrix and were working on the rest. So it'd be a logical to go to WB to get your epic, zany,defy all logic movie made. But in order for Wb to say sure lets go for it. They say want total rights for worldwide distribution .

    Because for some reason WB will not air there properties in multiples. Ex: batman movie no batman cartoon.

    But anyway thats just my conspiracy rant.

    Code Geass Japanese dub. There was A deference when Lelouch was talking and when zero was talking.

    Mainly Lelouch was a very happy and preppy teen without a care in the world while Zero had a more serious tone of if you don't follow me you will die Imo.

  10. Not blasphemy. In Japan his name is Bison.

    Capcom in thier infinite wisdom decided to swap the names of the two characters for the US release of Street Fighter II. The original Japanese naming kinda makes sense since Bison is from Madrid, Spain.

    But this is coming from a man who insists on refering Resident Evil as Biohazard.

    I thought it was Vega was Balrog in japan and three character got there names swapped?

  11. HG is no doubt using those Shadow Chronicles cells again for Shadow Rising. Its not like HG should be in a hurry to tone down RSC's fanservice, the the only real service that HG delivers to their fans anyway.

    I think dubs of MF and Zero could work well if they used the right VA talent. Bandai showed they can deliver a phenomenal job with Gurren Lagan. In my opioun their Gundam dubs have only been been horrible ever since they started the policy of recasting the same cast from Inuyusha's dub for Gundam Seed onwards.

    If Bandai paid big bucks for the trademark rights from HG I would imagine them advertising Macross like crazy to make there money back and then some. Besides Gundam is barely advertised at all these days because of its solid brand recognition, treating Macross exactly like the gundam series that is familiar to virtually every anime fan in the USA would be a huge mistake.

    ok I'm awake now.

    Actually ADV did the casting on Gurren lagann. Bandai took it from ADV right before the DVD release. But Bandai did re-record it.

    A Better example of Bandai's bad choice in casting is Code Geass. Johnny Yong Bosch should not have been Zero/ Leluch.

    What help get Gundam more recognized it the fact that when tthey release Gundam Wing, G Gundam stateside their was an actual Block of programming on cable TV that was dedicated to showing Anime. But now that block of programming is now gone (RIP Toonami) the target audience 13yrs and up can't be reached easily.

    But another thing I think is B.S. is that supposedly the music rights for M7 would cost entirely too much and that it would take the combine efforts of all the American anime companies to bring it over.

    Upon thinking about Macross being copyrighted maybe that was more WB than HG.

  12. I've gotta admit that I'm very much looking forward to the next Star Trek movie. I've been wanting this since before the credits even started to roll my first time through this last one.

    I'm still waiting for them to make that third X-Men movie. You know, the one that picks up where the second one left off, directed by Bryan Singer, and isn't an hour and a half Wolverine fanboy wank with no character or plot consistency.

    Evil Dead 4.

    Yeah a GOOD x-men movie would be nice. One where everyone's powers were correct and night crawler is in it. On a side note i was ok with the Phoenix being a split personality of Jean Grey.

    A good Afro samurai. Resurrection was crappy.

    Another Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex season.

    A true ending to tenjo tenge

  13. If its a coolant leak it'll be in the oil that is water / antifreeze will be.

    Also what color is the exhaust?

    But really make him take it to the dealer tell them everything and have them fix it.

    (I think current hourly rate for repairs is $85 or more and hour)

    Then stick him with the bill since he put diesel in an unleaded car.

  14. man, lots of thoughts and anger here.

    but when i think about it I dont really want a dub of MF, maybe Zero but not MF.

    the way bandai usa dubs stuff is horrible. At least with Gundam it is. Its like the sound is flat.

    and on top of that there's only 3 networks that would show it. It wouldn't get the air time and it'd be censored to meet fcc (idiots) guidelines.

    And if it did get brought over and Bandai bought the rights from HG I dont think they would give it the same treatment a Gundam series gets.

    Idk.... I'll write more later I need sleep.

  15. My problem with Scarlet Johaneson is just the opposite.

    I think she's a fabulous actress. I loved her in Lost in Translation, and I thought she was supreme in Woody Allen's Scoop (great movie, by the way, for anyone who likes her - go check it out!).

    Sadly, I find her completely unattractive.

    Now, Iron Man seems to be a movie that could use some attractive girls whose acting skills are not up to par.

    Que Jennifer Aniston.

    I'd rather watch her.


    Aniston is too old.

    What about Jessica Biel.. her in tight pants woudl look good

    I think she was doing that straight to DVD stripper movie she starred in.

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