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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Thought Shinsen were dead! :p


    apparently they have lost a good portion of their staff. but they're up to ep 22 HD only meaning .mkv format. SD eventually.

    I dont know. Anyone know where i can gett a good dvd blu-ray rip?


    that doesn't have crap all over the screen. Reading about thora subs kinda turns me off.

  2. You bet. Pizza the Hutt's already over there throwing a fuss-fit too.

    I get such a kick out of seeing him call anyone who argues based on the facts a "Seto fanboy".

    I read most of that thread. Memo talks like he's 12 or something and PTH is just locked in his limo little world and can't get out.


    Then why you yelling?

    When you type in all caps it means that you either

    A) are emphasizing a point

    b) YELLING

    C) Left the caps key on.


    D) want your point to be heard and or read and feel you are right no matter what.

    Also please use a spell check program.

  4. Perv. B))

    But watch how far you take those. Rule 2 of the Rules and Regs: #2 No graphic or vulgar descriptions/depictions of sex or sexual content.

    The moment it starts getting "hentai" the thread gets shut down.

    There's sarcastic comment in there but I'm not going to say it.

    Anyway ....

    Someone know of a good camera to use for taking pictures? I don't want to use my cell phone.

    Also B/c someone is going to ask:


  5. Seto really channels everyone Intelligence in here on to the various RT sites. Too bad Maek and yune can't come up witha an idea that can put RT back in the spotlight.

    In other news Pizza the hut ate himself to death after being locked in his limo.

    Just read this:

    when those fighters transform the resemble Gundam with same styles and even the lightsabres.

    Where were there light sabers? :blink:

    How does a Valkyrie resemble a Gundam when it changes modes? :huh:

  6. You guys are making me want to blow some cash on another model.

    Sorry to hear about your mishap with the clear coat. If you had said you were going to use it before I probably could have stopped you.

    Be happy it didn't melt the plastic.

    I think why the finish on your gun is coming out wrinkled is b/c the paint underneath wasn't rough( can't think of a better word), or it wasn't evenly applied.

  7. Well, i watched the first episode of Shikabane-Hime (Corpse Princess) over the weekend, and i didn't find it interesting enough to get to episode 2. found it boring and a bit cliche. does it get better with later episodes?

    it gets better. It is slow, it is cliche at points, but once the story picks up you kinda want to find out what happens next. One thing to note is that there are characters you wish had more screen time.

  8. I think that's also common in Asia as well, particularly with promoting long running series like Naruto and Bleach. But they know how to pimp out franchises better. The difference is those shows are still going in some form, anime and manga at least, while Robotech has been on hiatus for almost three years now without resolving anything. Even the crew doesn't sound motivated to get back to it ever since the LAMR news. In fact, they probably haven't seriously thought about it except for that leaked script that came around.

    The anime industry is going through some problems, but they're clearly still active even through this tough time. HG on the other hand, not so active even though their only responsibility has always been Robotech. By comparison, other anime companies have dozens or so to work with at a time. It's in a league of its own right now.

    A DVD with 3 episodes of filler is tame these days. You should see what happened to Haruhi this season; eight(!) Groundhog's Day-like episodes shown on Japanese TV in a row. Then they have the guts to advertise separate DVD releases for this part spread out 2-3 DVDs.

    I read about the Haruhi stunt. Glad I only watched 1 episode of this season so far.

    I know its common for a series in japan to have dvd with only 3 episodes on them. I also heard that other fans in regions port over R1 box sets b/c its cheaper.

    I dont think HG would be so bad if they had done a reboot (as rt.com fans have suggested) and actually remade the series and made it their own

  9. I can't see any redeeming features to what HG is doing. It's not protecting its' trademark - it's trying to weazle a monopoly on a trademark and exploit the general weakness of the anime market in the USA.

    The sad fact is that it is not in Big West's financial interest to have an all out legal battle with HG over the US market for Macross because the anime market in America is miniscule and because companies like Yamato make their money off of US customers just fine without needing to have the actual US trademark/license - so why would they enter into truly protracted litigation for this?

    Also - it is my personal opinion that the Japanese really don't care enough about the US market or foriegn markets as such to invest big bucks in establishing fir legal footholds therein. After all - the vast majority of anime would have to be radically censored to get on American television (not some cable channel, or sci-fi, or late night or adult swim - but on TV like other "tv-toy promotion" shows") - so why bother? Even if they managed to win with HG - they'd STILL have to censor their stuff and cut it, and change it to fit the regulations of the American market.

    And since 90% of the anime fandom in America wouldn't want that - then they would STILL be downloading the original with subs rather than watching the radically altered and possibly badly dubbed licensed properties that hypothetically would be mass marketed in the USA.

    One of the main reasons for the success of Japanese anime is - IMO - because the companies in Japan have focused on created a truly superior product and not caring about whether or not it can be legally marketed in America or to what extent or whatever.

    And this has paid off because in this day and age it's enough to market it heavily in Japan and people throughout the world will gain knowledge and interest via the internet.

    HG is part of a dyin industry that is trying to sustain itself using laws and regulations instead of the qualityo f a product.

    But the fact that along the way they are bullying retailers and hurting the small anime market in America is of course annoying (and rightly so) to Macross fans in the USA.


    I don't think its that they don't care. Its more so down to companies on this side that don't really care about making a very good quality product ( I'm Looking at you Funimation).

    And yes american television sucks. They censor every little thing that could influence little billy/sally whose parents just sit him in front of the television in stead of spending time with him/her and teaching the difference between fantasy and reality, right and wrong etc. Then when they do something wrong the don't correct them in some form they just say "it his way of expressing himself". Everything in the usa is bass ackwards when compared to other countries.

    Anime industry is dying partially due to companies not wanting to pay for a License , and companies wanting to beat a franchise to death then beat it some more after its dead then when its dead scream to high heavens about how great it is and nothing compares to it. That and fan getting angered about buying a $25 DVD and only 3 episodes are on it one of which is a clip show and the other a filler episode.

  10. Which side would that be? The side where they forcibly try to exploit something that isn't theirs, prevent legitimate licensors from working with, and generally bully around something they'll never "truly" be able to have?

    Or the side where they churn out the same redundant crap because they have no idea how to make a quality product, so they just milk the disdended Macross & Mospeada teet infinitum.

    Perhaps you mean the side where they kick their own fanbase in the nuts for wanting something new that can never truly be provided, and when such things are attempted all they give are "The Sentinels" & Shadow Chronicles."

    Maybe you just mean the side where Tommy Yune churns out the absolutely most masculine looking female fanart possible.

    Please, enlighten me to which "side" you're referring to. While I'm waiting I'll continue to contemplate why there are no Macross Frontier & Zero Blu-rays with english subtitles on the horizon, to go with the Macross 7 & Plus HD remaster box sets with English subs that I'll also apparently never have.

    Wasn't thinking about those items in particular but more so about the stupid things that HG could have and refuses to do. Like releasing Marcoss series and then using the profit made to make their robotech series. The DVDs on the other hand. They could easily make the DVDs region free with english subs then charge what ever expensive amount they wanted for porting to what ever region.

    What Einherjar was saying I'm also talking about. Nostalgia paints things in a pretty rose colored world.Thats the side I am referring to. Its alos the reason when someone is unwilling to accept something is better or even admit it is interesting but not their taste. Meaning they've made up their mind without trying even though its possible they would like it.

    *cough cough Dougbendo cough cough*

  11. They're like mindless sheep I tell you, sheep! ^_^

    It's the disadvantage of offering a website and and a forum while using them to converse with the fans on a regular basis for that close community feel they wanted to create years ago (was the site made during the dot com bubble?). Now they even upped the ante with a twitter page somewhere, so more up to date information on every minute, and I mean minute, Robotech related news they want you to know. You'd think a company that caused a lot of problems and forced other companies to work with them more for their own benefit would have accomplished more with the license this and trademark that madness they like to whip out on occasion. This is mostly IT work. Appealing for public support for this long without any real effort to show for it, for something like this toys do NOT count, in this environment is too much.

    But fans have clearly spent too much money and committed to memory a lot of now useless information, from all the sources of information presented to them through the years, about Robotech to accept the possibility that they've been played hard by people that supposedly care about them. I say let the whole situation build up and implode for another year, see where their dedication takes them.

    I give it less than that. The way that thread sounded chances are someone has already given up and abandoned that site. Just from all the BS answers that were given from PR.

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