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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Watched a ripped to give it a second opinion... but nope. It remains a super ballistic comedy for 12 year olds high on sugar. And the whole Coulson thing... so Twilight.

    The Rifftrax of this movie will worth it though. :)

    You know felt the same way about the dark knight rises. But I didn't watch it ripped.. and rifftrax is very overrated.

  2. So....

    Apparently Eureka is stuck in time. the quartz can bend time to its liking. The macross cannon is called the quartz gun but i will refer to it as the Macross Cannon. Renton built it. It's incomplete, alive ,seeks out quartz, and consumes it. Truth is apparently from the original timeline or has dreams of it .Naru somehow brought a person back form the dead. And Ao is going to america. So far Ao going to America is probably the most interesting thing to happen. why? maybe a question will get answered.


    what happened to the LFO's that caused Renton to create IFO's?

    Why would someone build a Macross Cannon capable of altering time?

    Whats in Generation Bleu's basement?

    Who is actually the good guy?

    And any other questions that will occur by the end of the series.

  3. That wouldn't really explain why

    The Secret are out to wipe out the scub coral, since LFO's are based on scub coral in the first place, they'd essentially be wiping out their own existence. What home would there be to go back to if they destroy the future they came from?

    I'm still assuming the "light" is a space time thing or some sort of teleportation. besides since when have they answered an actual question in all 16 episdoes?

    how do you know that the secret is telling the truth

  4. Another thing. There isn't any music like get it by your hands, story writer or tiger track.

    Random theory:

    I think that truths ability to change his form is related to the quartz.

    Secrets are actually LFO's that are trying to go home and change their form back.

  5. So, The motherboard on my laptop crapped out on me about a week ago. I went ahead and bought a new laptop but I'm thinking about buying a replacement motherboard and fixing it myself. (the old laptop was less than 2 years old and my mom could use a better computer).

    my point is, when I re-install the CPU/GPU heat sinks, do I need to hunt down and use the thermal pads the repair manual calls for, or would I be fine just using a dab of thermal paste?

    What make?

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