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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. ^ Yes. Totally enjoying this series. Latest eps have been pretty good.

    I guess the time line is several 'cycle's before the Legacy Movie, but after the ISO purge but before Tron becomes Rinzler??

    Anyone confirm the timeline or does this series conflict with the movies?

    NO they actually show the scene where tron falls to clu's* forces

    when actually it was dyson who gathered the redshirts.

    And dyson doing the flying guillotine "not sure what to call it" was sweet

  2. Good article as an encouragement for people to see Cloud Atlas, but I gotta wonder: why is this a mystery to anyone? Or have I just been around corporations too long, and most people aren't aware that corporations are entirely risk-averse? I mean, with few exceptions, jumping after the safe money is pretty much what being a corporation is all about. Shareholders don't like risk, they like profit.

    No people don't understand you can't have your cake and eat it too. An example of this would be the xmen films. Most fans want the story to be an exact re-telling of the books. with top tier SFX, Acting &writing. But by getting all three the budget becomes huge and becomes a film that alienates the general audience ( the people have more money the the niche crowd), and can possibly be a failure (see green lantern).

    ...The formula is simple... great stories made by great storytellers make great movies.

    Avatar had a poor story. Made by a good story teller. Which resulted in a mediocre movie. imo


    Also the general audience is stupid.

  3. Man, thanks for the warning, Kicker!

    I'm currently placing the Tumbler on top of my MALM three-drawer chest. Not sure if the surface has a finish on it or not, but it says birch veneer. Is that bad?

    It's still got the plastic wrapping on the wheels, though. I might have to get something to hold up the bottom of the car, just in case. I just hope the bottom plate of the Tumbler is strong enough.

    LOL! It HAS to be read in Bale's patented Bat-growl!

    does it have a chemical finish on it?

  4. Or instead of pure blackest black, why not a navy blue, as is the traditional US police uniform in many(all?) US cities.

    Can find too much on the subject but i did find is that each color is a different class of uniform. Source.

    And having light blue uniforms myself it is a pain to get various stains out.

    also i think everyone gives the original suit too much credit.

  5. Watched and thought it was pretty good. (Mind you I've only seen the first movie and roughnecks)

    After thinking about it the characters were kind of stupid or their procedures are terrible.

    Like: While clearing the ship they found nothing but  corpses and 5 bugs. no one stopped to ask where the rest of the bugs were.

    But all issues aside I'd watch another movie series based off this.


    I agree the shower scene and Ice blonde walking around with a towel draped around her neck wasn't needed.And the whole Trig X Bugspray would have worked better if they actually had more time to develop the relationship.

  6. I'm at the point where I want truth to kill everyone and fix the timeline.

    Elena leaves and joins the allied forces.

    The basement opened up. what looked like type the end turned into something from RTSC. <_<

  7. I'm siding with Anime52k8. The original design looks ok. but dated. Also I can't figure out what the piston on the back of his leg does. Is it a stabilizer a bump stop for his ankle or what. It just looks tacked on.

    If you don't like it then why are you trolling this thread?

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