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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Holy bank capers, Batman!

    George Barris has decided to sell Batmobile #1 from his family's collection: http://money.msn.com...&ocid=ansmony11

    It just hammered at $4.2 Mil. :blink: Somebody really wanted that car...

    I'm sorry, but the new Corvette kinda sucks. It may just be the the red color in most of the press photos, I dunno. But I can't help but wonder: is it more tragic, or pathetic, that this car's overall proportions and silhouette bear an uncanny resemblance to a children's CG movie character? If you squint a little, da*ned thing looks like fuggin' Lightning McQueen... <_<

    looks better in black and grey.

  2. It seems like movies today are despereately marketed towards the entire possible audience, from kids to adults, and for nothing more than higher profits and a few cheap laughs. A perfect example is the Transformers series of films. I had hoped for something much darker to capture the terror and sheer state of panic that would accompany giant alien robots suddenly batteling it out on earth. They nailed it in that first scene with Blackout, but it all went down hill from there.

    But which group has more money. The fans or the general public.

  3. Thanks for the heads up you two.

    allow me to add to the do not watch E7 AO list. action is okay. mecha design is meh. moe, low iq characters. and the main character nevre moves beyond emo and whiny renton of the first series. in short i have no desire currently to finish the series.

    take Martian Successor Nadesico. remove large chunks of story. take away 99.8% of the humor.take all mecha designs and make them all rejected variants of nirvash. add a splash of rtsc and you will have Eureka 7 AO.

  4. Wow, LEDs in the headlights... ACTIVE air vents as opposed to fake. "beefy exhaust system." LOL. You can adjust the loudness! OMG...

    The conversation is hilarious. Amazing how things on this car need cooling, that faster cars don't require.

    So the the Bugatti Veyron's ten radiators are for show and to mark up the price?

  5. Might be a conscious decision in order to give him some range of motion, since they can probably add in the neck piece easily in postproduction

    I just assumed it was retractable.

    I'd LIKE to assume the CGI rig for his suit sequencing has programmed in safe-guards against such an inconsistency. To alert the animators/artists when there are glaring inconsistencies in articulation & coverage flow--rather than just chalk up present day production standards for such a film as purely 'anime-magic'.

    Then, there ARE rushed deadlines...

    Too many die-hard geeks/fanboys involved in these productions nowadays to easily let something like this slide. Anybody got hard IM suit references handy as justification or to debunk my hypothesis?

    they add a lot in.

  6. Anyone know how many Iron Man's out there....that have been released (including War Machine and Iron Monger) For some reason I'm not sure if the Unleashed version are different or the same?

    mk 1-7, war machine, iron monger. remakes of mk.1 and 2. repaint of mk3. special editions of war machine and mk. 6. so at least 12.

    Also how do you guys store your figures when they're not on display?

    Was cinsidering something like this:


  7. Does anyone know the exact words of that chant in the Pit? I'm trying to type it into a translator to see what language it is, but it sounds different every time I hear it. it's basically variations of, "Marsala-marsala, ish-ish!" Or was it, "Bassara, Bassara! Ish Ish!"

    Did this phrase even come from an actual language? Supposedly it means "Rise!" in a foreign language, but that's a real mouthful for such a simple phrase.

    Deshi Basara. its supposedly Morrocan Arabic.


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