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Posts posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Thankfully.

    Yeah there are characters from PW directly referenced so it's cool that the story will be continuing since PW was a darn good little game (and also on the ps3 now for those without PSPs).

    Personally I loved the fact that during the actual gameplay they were reusing some of the lines from Campbell and Snake in MGS 1.

    Either way, at least this is looking and feeling like MGS, unlike Metal Gear Bayonetta...

    Its clear you guys don't like change

  2. Pleasure.

    Well the way I see it is that Begins was to establish the Gotham, and does feel that the city is a living character itself. The Dark Knight was the unbeatable villain, and considering the damange the Joker left behind, the clown did win at the end. And the third was Batman finally realizing his objective from the first film, and becoming that film. So they pretty much had to have a diffirent feel, even in lighting, to make each film appear unique.

    Except he still failed at becoming batman.

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