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Posts posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Let me get this straight; So Zor (Carl Macek) went to Optera (Japan) and manage to get the Flower of Life (SDF Macross) and gave it to the Robotech Masters (Harmony Gold) who then corrupted it into Protoculture (Robotech). Amazing, it does makes sense Seto. I'm sure we could find some other analogues here.

  2. I have been busy at work for the last three days and i never realized that in those three days a lot of things have happened. I just read the news just today about Carl Macek's passing. Though i admit i hated Carl Macek, but i hope he finds peace in the Protoculture heaven. :(

  3. I recently checked some of Doug's recent podcasts and apparently, to him, the legal disputes is just a big hoax supposedly concocted by Seto and his Macross Groupies. And that Seto falsified the court documents to trick the RT fandom. I guess Doug doesn't even try to do some research because there are an @ssload of sites that reference to the court ruling as to why HG can't use any Macross elements in any animated or live action works.

    And what's up with this BS about HP supposedly hired a hitman to kill him. :o

  4. That's a whole new different level of f@*ked up sh$t right there. HG is basically sending a message to the fandom that they ( the fans) are no longer allowed to support robotech. This is proof people, HG is trying to kill this already in life-support franchise by alienating their fanbase. :angry:

    what happens in the case of a breakup between the two? HG owns the trademarks on Macross but needs the license from Tats to have access to the copyrighted material for the Robotech animation and merchandise. Tats on the other hand can't license it's SDF Macross and DYRL rights effectively to another party as HG sits on the trademarks in every major anime market outside Japan. Mexican stand off? Would anyone be able to shed a light on what would happen?


    From my understanding, HG will quickly lose their trademark once they no longer have the Macross license, since they can no longer do anything with the trademark without Macross merchandises, and the law doesn't allow anyone to illegally squatting on a trademark.

  5. Granted, it's not a direct lift of Macross's Tomahawk destroid design anymore. All the same, the redesigned Warhammer depicted in the game trailer is still a design clearly and recognizably derived from that of Tomahawk destroid. Simply changing a few minor details of someone else's copyrighted design isn't enough to make it an original work. As Harmony Gold has, under license, the exclusive right to produce merchandise based on the original Macross TV series and the Macross: Do You Remember Love? movie outside of Japan, and video games are technically merchandise, Harmony Gold had every right to send cease and desist letters to the publisher and developer demanding the removal of the offending material from the game.

    In this rare instance, Harmony Gold was entirely in the right and was doing what any company in that position should have done. If anyone's at fault, it's the former owners of the BattleTech and MechWarrior franchise, who reportedly failed to inform the company who purchased the franchise (Catalyst Game Labs) of the details of the settlement in Harmony Gold v. FASA and the constraints it imposed.

    Isn't the head of Smith & Tinker a former employee of FASA? He should at least have knowledge of the previous lawsuit which forced FASA to abandon the mecha designs derived from Macross/Robotech. Also he should have realized by now how much of a j@ck@$$ HG is when it comes to 'protecting their property', he really had this coming.

  6. A question, so when did Kawamori started working for Satellite?

    Also, it seems that the whole production of both Shadow Rising and RLAM are stuck in a stable loop. HG can't/won't continue with SR because they're waiting for the RLAM. While the RLAM itself can't move forward because HG frakked themselves for messing up their Macross license. :p

  7. So when will Hatsune Miku start hijacking UAV's and mind-controlling people to do her bidding?

  8. Let's remember that ROBOTECHFANPLUS also admitted that he didn't actually mean any of what he was doing, and that he was just trolling for yuks.

    Obviously, he's not finish on trolling Macross fans, he just made an alternate account, 'ROBOTECHTEHBEST', and continued uploading videos of Macross shows and retitling them as Robotech.

    His video uploads include:

    All That Veritech (All That VF)

    Robotech Zero (Macross Zero)

    Robotech F (Macross Frontier)


    Kidding aside, I ate there just this morning and I didn't see no Robotech/Macross promos... I'll have to check out their more popular branches. Macross toys for the kiddies!!!


    I wholeheartedly agree that Harmony Gold has nothing to gain from the Filipino fanbase. You can get the full series for a few dollars plus Shadow Chronicles at one of our many pirate havens though (often in mainstream malls!). HG can start marketing there...

    Haha, HG will run out of paper if they're going after each and every vendors in Divisoria! :p

  10. AFAIK the Philippines is a Macross country. There are a lot of Macross fans here, and only a few ever remembered Robotech. I guess HG is trying to tap into the Filipino fanbase?

    Moly Sigang

    One more, one more Chicken Joy!

  11. I mentioned that in the anime currently watching thread. When I heard it, I face palmed. Robotech and Itano circus in the same sentence. :mellow: Really?

    Yeah it did. <_< Apperently he did it in a show called "Ro-Bo-Tech" and he became famous because of it. :rolleyes:

    It's annoying how when the personalities who were involved in the OSM's get mentioned, some of these Robotech fans goes: "Holy shoot, they mentioned (insert name here), that must mean Robotech is teh bestest show evar!" :p

  12. Could this be what Kevin McKeever,Memo and MAverickLSC is referring to when they said "things are happening for Robotech"?


    I guess they were right,Robotech's future is secure and well so I guess I can go back to loving all the news of how wonderful Robotech will be.... just kidding.

    So much for the thunderous news of Tobey and Robotech,no doubt Memo and Maverick will use this to their advantages to promote Robotech's 25th anniversary.

    I grow weary,I need my fix of Aliens vs Predator and other games.

    Peace folks,

    If i remember correctly, Shinji Aramaki designed the powersuit that was shown in Halo Legends episode 'Prototype'. And as far as the mentioning of Robotech, it could be more of a passing reference to Aramaki's previous works. Oh and did the special feature really mentions Itano? You know, that guy who made "missile circus"?

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