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Posts posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Sam Raimi Is Using "Earth Defense Force" In An Upcoming Movie

    Also, the comments from users from this page suggest the phrase "Earth Defense Force" seems pretty common in other works to the point of almost being generic.

    Do you know how easy it is to speculate that any movie/game/story/work that has a a small detail that can be related to Robotech really is a Robotech production when it really isn't?

    Since there are no new info on the RTLAM, for RT fans anything that has nothing to do with Robotech can be a source of speculation.

  2. Since this is the official RT and HG debate thread, what do the rest of you think about this EDF movie? Do you think it's the Robotech movie in disguise? Honestly why would it be though? If WB wants to market RT, they're gonna market it by name not disguise it.

    There was that announcement where WB intends to turn the RLAM into a tent pole franchise, so i guess they're gonna market Robotech as is. So this movie is probably not RTLAM in disguise. EDF sounds like another alien invasion sci-fi.

  3. At this point, I'm surprised Tommy hasn't written himself into the story to become the next big hero. Just imagine it:

    As Rick Hunter lay dying on the bridge of the SDF-3, he hands over command to his most trusted ace pilot Tommy Yune. "Tommy ::cough cough:: pl..ease take care of my ship, which I love like a woman, and my wife ::cough cough::: whom I love like a ship. The Protoculture matrix is in your hands now, for only you can be relied upon to save the day. We built the machine for the fighting, the time has come to scramble veritech again"

    Narrator: And with his last breath, Admiral Hunter transfered over command of the Robotech Expeditionary Forces over to his protoge Tom Yune. As the bridge crew launched the body of Admiral Hunter into space, chanting "til all are one," intrepid young Tom held Lisa Hunter in his arms, and watched the stars.

    Oh wait, that would still involve creativity smile.gif

    That reads like a fanfic from fanfiction.net. But who knows, maybe Tommy Yune will put an avatar of himself as a cameo in the upcoming Rt 2011 sidequel. Or as a dedication to the 'creator' of Robotech, a cameo of Carl Macek.

  4. Yeah, it is... but didn't you notice how quickly his tune changed once MEMO started backing him? He went from loudly complaining about how horrible Shadow Chronicles is and how Tommy's ruining Robotech to defending it all and directing his bile at Tommy's enemies critics surprisingly fast.

    So Doug is the new Pizza the Hut?

  5. You should let the leaks occur, let them come from everywhere, :huh: I'm sure no matter where they come from, even if from Memo through Tommy, it'll somehow be Tom Bateman's fault. :wacko:

    Miami does sound like a fun place to have a party though, sun, bikinis, and Valkyries galore. We could have a Valk girl competition.

    Somebody just uploaded the picture of the Hover Cyclones and are making a discussion on it over at the RT/Macross section of Palladiums forum. :o

  6. Looks good but, the concept of the Ark Angel transforming into a robot seems a bit flawed on a practical stand point. For starter, the transformation gives them no advantage. After looking at that picture, it looks like the synchro cannon is fixed on the back and doesn't swivel like the main cannon of the SDF-1, or detach and become a gunship. So it means that the main cannon is only useful in ship mode. In the end, it would only make the Ark Angel as a big target and put the civilians in danger.

  7. The question now is, if Tommy Yune has any plan on using all these designs he made. I mean, why waste time making them if they're not gonna be used at all? They may not be the best looking designs, but at least it's a good start for HG to start making their own designs rather than just relying on Mospeada.

  8. They had designs of the Ark Angel transformed. I have a pic of that too. It was pretty decent. IMO, anything that could've made RTSC more original and different was trashed out for space hookers and someone else's designs as standby. If asked, I'm sure HG has some lousy excuse as to why they didn't use any new fighters and all, but what I posted earlier is Tommy's real reason.

    Wasn't it already specified that all the newer SDF ships no longer had any transformation capability?

  9. They did give credit to...Tatsunoko Productions. The point you're not getting is BW gave up their rights to be credited for anything by selling off the international rights. If they wanted credit and money from RT than they should've kept those rights or negotiated to maintain some creator credit. Maybe they had the foresight not to give up their rights to designs and overall story for Macross.

    Big West did gave Tatsunoko the international rights to SDF Macross, but from my understanding, they didn't waiver their whole rights to the show.

  10. http://www.firstshowing.net/2010/09/29/sam-raimi-and-warner-bros-starting-an-earth-defense-force/

    "In 'EDF,' we open on a U.S. military operation gone awry: Sent to rescue what they believe is a sub that's accidentally bumped into a mine in Chinese waters, U.S. naval aviators quickly wind up engaged in a dogfight with a squadron of Chinese air force pilots. Soon, planes on both sides are being shot out of the sky, but not by the Chinese or US pilots, but by three alien attack fighters, which soon depart and destroy many of the world's landmarks and military installations, then, vanish. It's a test of Earth's defensive capabilities, and we failed. Shortly after, NASA detects a radiation signature in a nearby galaxy, indicating a far more massive attack coming in about ten months, and world leaders set about trying to create super-aircraft and weapons that can fight off the coming invasion."

    Their description of this project is a mixture of Top Gun, Independence Day and The Last Starfighter. From the outline of the plot there makes me think this movie will have a bit of Robotech/Macross influence, though i'm not expecting any planes that transform into robots or singing. If Sam Raimi isn't directing this, who do you think should?

  11. The next Macross series should be the search for Admiral Hikaru Ichijyo and the missing SDF-3 Megaroad-01. ^_^

    Kidding aside, i think there's a lot of good story to tell in the franchise, specially during the gaps between each sequels like between 2012 to 2040 or 2047 to 2058. Maybe have it take place on a colony planet.

  12. Eh... really, that might be overly optimistic.

    Let's be honest here... once you do away with all of their awkward announcements and empty promises about allegedly forthcoming Robotech works, there's not a whole lot of substance in their convention panels each year. If you take away their flimflam and deceptively worded platitudes, they might as well call the whole convention tour off because they won't have anything to talk about. I'm half-inclined to suspect the real reason Tommy up and announced this new "side story" project was so they'd have something new to make empty promises and awkward announcements about since they've long since exhausted any announcement potential in what little progress has been made on the live action movie.

    And then the endless loop continues on. :(

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