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Posts posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Well, I didn't want to do this, but here's Dougbendo in the flesh:

    It's amazing how he makes up all this b******t claims like him coming from the future, and being a cyborg. B)) (Note to self: Dougbendo is the TERMINATOR, must warn the US Government) :lol: If he's just trolling us, then good for him; but it looks like he's taking this way too seriously. :p

  2. Can anyone just get a:

    "yeah the LAM, it's proceeding but we know little else at this time"


    "looks like things have stalled on the LAM for now"


    Well according to Mr. Kevin Mckeever everything is proceeding smoothly (despite the fact that there's no new news about the RLAM's current state) :p

  3. As from what i understand from all these is that HG is a sub-licensee of Tatsunoko and that their rights to Macross is limited to what Tatsunoko own in SDF Macross TV series. The court ruling states that Tatsunoko only has the distribution rights and merchandising rights to SDF Macross while Big West/Studio Nue owns the whole Macross franchise. That said, Tatsunoko can't give HG something they don't legally own in the first place. Am i right? :)

  4. It worked well with the Macross Valkyries. Basically they named them after warrior women angels.

    Yeah the Valkyries are damn awesome! But Unicorns can be awesome too, like in the animated movie The Last Unicorn where the titular last unicorn fought that flaming bull. I was around 8yrs. old when i first watched it.

  5. how about we give them Macross II and in exchange they allow Macross frontier in the US?

    okay, if (that's a big IF ) Macross II get shoehorned into the Robotech storyline, how will they explain the Mardook? And where will they put it in the timeline? (I know for certain they can't put this event between Macross saga and Masters saga because it will conflict with the established storyline. And it couldn't take place between Masters saga and Invid saga either since the Invid came several months after the defeat of the Masters). And there's going to be alot of editing just to make it workable. :wacko:

    But in my own humble opinion---- Leave Macross alone! :angry: Those so called 'hardcore Robotech fans' must stop daydreaming and kindly ask Tommy Yune to get his head out of his Alien Star Ship-1

  6. You missed when they explained the 'Bird-Human' as an ancient ancestor to the Invid in the Robotech: ZERO Originality OVAs :lol: .

    Did it also explain that the Vajra's are an offshoot of the Invids? And that the Regent was fooling around with the Vajra queen (along with a harem of lesser Vajra queens)

  7. You missed when they explained the 'Bird-Human' as an ancient ancestor to the Invid in the Robotech: ZERO Originality OVAs :lol: .

    Did it also explain that the Vajra's are an offshoot of the Invids? And that the Regent was fooling around with the Vajra queen (along with a harem of lesser Vajra queens) behind the Regess' back? ^_^

  8. Is there anything from the Southern Cross and Mospeada linear notes, artbooks, etc. that HG hasn't used in Robotech yet? By now I thought they've abused everything that was ever made and planned for in each show.

    It's obvious that HG is creatively bankrupt. If they don't even bother designing new mecha and just simply take unused designs, it only goes to show how much they lack originality.

  9. If the draft leak for the Shadow Rising years ago was real, the plan might have been to copy DYRL?

    http://robotechflash.blog.com/3175335/ (check somewhere in the middle of the page)

    Not only Macross DYRL but also Gundam. The part where Ariel sacrificed herself sounds like they're going for something like in CCA where Amuro pushed the Axis colony and died heroically.

    Edit: Ariel will go Invid phoenix and pushes the asteroid away from Haydon IV and then she'll die.

  10. But currently what do fans want Robotech to be, a Macross clone visually but focusing on some random wars that pop up involving Protoculture (flowers) every few years? ^_^

    They're in dire need of a respectful end to material that's passed its prime in their hands.

    Some Robotech fans want to take it a step further by shoe horning the rest of the macross series (DYRL, 2, 7, plus, zero, frontier) into the Robotech storyline. :angry:

  11. hey guys i'm new here ^_^

    anyway, i find that the usual modus operandi of die-hard robotech fans is to downplay macross and give high praises to robotech. like for example, they say that macross as a stand alone is a so so anime not worth your time but when macek combined it with southern cross and mospeada to become robotech it magically became 100x much better :huh:

    these guys firmly believe that the only way for macross to become infinitely better is to shoehorn them into the robotech storyline. :(

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