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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. I wonder how long it will take Harmony Gold to put the kaibash on this one with a cease and desist order.
  2. I'm suprised I haven't seen this one... Loc-Nar from the original Heavy Metal movie. That is one supernatural badass.
  3. ... ... Let me qoute something Wayne Newton said... "If you can't say something nice about someone, make sure they're out of the goddamn room."
  4. Especially if your name's "Jack".
  5. It looks like War for Cybertron is going to nix the whole Orion Pax story.
  6. If you're into Ozzy Osbourne, he hosted Headbanger's Ball this morning at 2:00 C.D.T.. All it was was a bunch of his videos, and he was hawking his new album Scream. I hope Zack Wilde was able to add his licks to the record. He may not be a Randy Rhodes, but he's an excellent guitar player nonetheless.
  7. This is an update, not a double post. Well, it seems that there is a glitch regarding Grunt. I did his loyalty mission and was able to dump points into his special skill afterward.
  8. I blame Tommy Tallarico on that goof up . During their Judgement Day review of Predator Concrete Jungle, Tallarico dropped his name as the Predator.
  9. You've got to be shitting me. No one can hold a candle to Edward Woodward.
  10. Then the dialogue wouln't be campy, man . I think the actor's name you're looking for is Sir Anthony Hopkins.
  11. Jesus, that thing is a big as Starscream from the Transformers Cybertron line.
  12. Did the scout have wings coming out of the sides, like the ones Bumblebee had in the pilot of G1?
  13. Let's not forget that damned particle beam weapon that Van Damme's predator used to blow out Jessie Ventura's chest, empty the bald black guy's brainpan onto the camera, and take off Carl Weathers' arm. That is one nasty piece of armament, especially when it's linked to that freaking triple laser sight.
  14. I'm not mad, just a little annoyed.The phrase "came up with dick" is a semi-vulgar way of saying that I got bubkis, nada, or nothing in my search.
  15. I said the quality went up a notch, not to the point where it blew me away. The artwork really improved when Mike Chen joined the art crew for the Macross Saga comic line. The characters actually started to look like thier animated versions.
  16. I think the name of the Mickey Mouse game is "Epic Mickey".
  17. Yeah, he did phrase it kinda strange.
  18. Agreed. The early comics were terribly illustrated, but once Comico got some decent talent (around Macross issue 15 or so) the quality went up a notch.
  19. Whoever told you that Peter Cullen did not do the intro voiceover for Voltron is pulling your leg. He did that as well as the voice for Optimus Prime in both the G-1 series and the Bayformer movies.
  20. The link to the Amazon.com's Hellcyon's page is here. They only have issue #1, though.
  21. You can try Amazon.com. They might have a few mint copies lying around.
  22. I can't access the link. Could you supply a better one?
  23. You can never go wrong with Monty Python. MegadetH "Symphony of Destruction" "Captive Honor" "A Tout le Monde" "Wake Up Dead" "Blood of Heroes" "Countdown to Extinction" "Ashes in My Mouth" "I'll Be There for You" "The Arena" "Crush 'Em" "Peace Sells" "I Ain't Superstitious" "Anarchy in the U.K." "Train of Consequences" "Bad Omen/Black Friday"
  24. I think the term you're looking for is time dialation differential. One of the Star Trek novels (I think it was The Romulan Way, I'm not sure) describes this phenomenon works in regards to their Warp Drives. Those drives actually tunnel into another universe where the speed of light is actually faster than that in the normal universe and wrap the ship in particles from that universe. Maybe Hyperspace in Robotech works on the same principle, haveing a faster speed of light than that of normal space. It also didn't help matters any when Gloval (Global) ordered a hyperspace fold jump so deep within Earth's gravity well it's unbelieveable, 2,000 feet in Robotech. I don't know what the altitulde was in Macross (most likely 20 klicks; Gubaba might know the actual altitude for sure). The gravity waves must've played holy hell on the fold drive system.
  25. Seeing the sales of the recent off-Broadway production...Pretty damned good.
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